Marvel's The Avengers 2 (May 1, 2015)

On a related note, if one was so inclined to read the back stories on the characters where would you begin. I have 0 experience with comics, but it seems like according to the wiki this stuff isn't linear? Starts on series "a" but only issues 80-130 but not issue 100 or 120, but then jumps to series "b" and a whole nother random set of issues. I'd love to be able to read this stuff, but have no clue where to start, short of reading the "cliffs notes" version on Wikipedia. I assume there is a better option than having to track down individual magazines from the 60's and 70's.

Note that comics have roots back to the 40s...if these studios started at the beginning and followed all the developments and personal storylines, our kids or grandkids might not live to see the completion. I started reading comics in the early 70s (helped me learn to read earlier than normal) and stopped (mostly) in the mid 80s...I perused the racks from time to time and managed to stay current...a lot of the storylines are recycled. I'd utilize Wikipedia for individual characters...will help when watching the movies.
On a related note, if one was so inclined to read the back stories on the characters where would you begin. I have 0 experience with comics, but it seems like according to the wiki this stuff isn't linear? Starts on series "a" but only issues 80-130 but not issue 100 or 120, but then jumps to series "b" and a whole nother random set of issues. I'd love to be able to read this stuff, but have no clue where to start, short of reading the "cliffs notes" version on Wikipedia. I assume there is a better option than having to track down individual magazines from the 60's and 70's.

Somre titles in the 50's used to be Monster stories then when Marvel started bringing superheroes back in the 60's they just co-opted those books and in many cases the book would be split between 2 characters. Eventually one would get to keep that books numbering with a title change while the other character would get a shiny new #1.

For instance Thor first appeared in Journey Into Mystery #83, then the title changed to The Mighty Thor with #126 and remained as such until the late 90s when Marvel hit relaunch happy and Thor has had 3 or 4 new #1s since then.

On the other hand Capt America had his own series in the 40s then vanished in the 50s until his reappearance in Avengers #4. He then stared in solo adventures in Tales if Suspense, a title already featuring Iron man solo stories and which he first appeared in. Eventually Cap got to keep the title numbering with the solo title change while Iron Man got a new #1.

In a similar situation Hulk had a solo book for six issues before getting cancelled. He then appeared in Tales to Astonish sharing the title first with Giant Man, then the Sub Mariner. In the end Hulk kept the numbering and Sub Mariner got a new #1.

Again, Marvel started relaunching and renumbering on a marketing whim in the late 90's and that continues today. Amazing Spider-Man just got its third #1 a few months ago.

Long story short, if you don't mind black and white I would just get the Marvel Essential trade paper backs. They collect the stories in chronological order.
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Ultron himself is made of adamantium...wonder if that Iron Man armor is also? And that head he throws down might be Vision.

The first Ultron was not made of adamantium. Ultron, as a sentient intelligence kept upgrading himself, and an adamantium body was eventually one of his upgrades, but he did not start off made of adamantium.

Also, I'm not sure if adamantium is part of the Fox X-Men deal or not, so Marvel may be unable to use it. I'm trying to remember, but didn't they say Cap's shield was made of vibranium? In the comics, his shield is a unique fusion of adamantium and vibranium. If they didn't mention adamantium then, there's a good chance they can't use the term and that it's part of the X-Men deal.

Some day it would be nice if they could get all their properties under one umbrella, but that day is probably a long way off.
Doubt it. Others have lifted the hammer and Thor has always welcomed them . if he was jealous of others taking his power than he himself would not be worthy.

I'm pretty sure Cap has actually lifted Mjolnir in the comics before. With the success of GotG, it would be interesting if they introduced Beta Ray Bill.
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I'm pretty sure Cap has actually lifted Mjolnir in the comics before. With the success of GotG, it would be interesting if they introduced Beta Ray Bill.

So it really isn't based on strength alone, like the Hulk couldn't lift it?

Cap made it twitch a bit.

I wish they would go back to ScarJo/Black Widow's long curley hair like in Iron Man 2. She looked the best in that one by a mile.
I wish they would go back to ScarJo/Black Widow's long curley hair like in Iron Man 2. She looked the best in that one by a mile.

She was undercover...going against human threats...not practical against galactic threats.
You have to be worthy. That's the basis of the first Thor movie.

Exactly as for what worthy qualifies I wouldn't doubt selflessness and valiant could be criteria of worthy.

I'm rather shocked captain America couldn't lift it as he's pure of heart which is as close to perfect as a hero can be.

Ultron I think is going to be joining Thanos as one of the greatest villains to be portrayed on marvel big screen movies.
Doctor doom would be in there if it wasn't for the first two crappy movies doesn't he can't redeem himself in the fantastic four reboot.
Exactly as for what worthy qualifies I wouldn't doubt selflessness and valiant could be criteria of worthy.

I'm rather shocked captain America couldn't lift it as he's pure of heart which is as close to perfect as a hero can be.

Ultron I think is going to be joining Thanos as one of the greatest villains to be portrayed on marvel big screen movies.
Doctor doom would be in there if it wasn't for the first two crappy movies doesn't he can't redeem himself in the fantastic four reboot.

I was thinking something similar since he made it twitch. I bet Superman could lift it no problem, but he's also DC.
I should get a peen tat that says, "Whosoever holds this hammer, if she be worthy, shall possess the power to leave me sore."
Not exactly the right thread but leaked emails showed we were so close to having Spider-Man in the next Captain America movie. Unfortunately the talks fell through and for now the "Spidey back to Marvel" saga is on hold.
Who else besides Spidey and other Spidey characters does Sony have control over? Just Spidey? Fox has the X-Men and Fantastic 4, right? Sucks that they can't work this out, could be some great team ups/crossovers if **** wasn't so divided. Especially given what Caps next movie is called, Spidey plays a huge role if its what I'm assuming is coming after.
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Who else besides Spidey and other Spidey characters does Sony have control over? Just Spidey? Fox has the X-Men and Fantastic 4, right? Sucks that they can't work this out, could be some great team ups/crossovers if **** wasn't so divided. Especially given what Caps next movie is called, Spidey plays a huge role if its what I'm assuming is coming after.

An Avengers vs X-Men movie would be awesome. Although that is a ton of characters to squeeze into a movie. That would have to go Lord of the Rings route and do 3 movies a year apart.

I'm OK with the current movie version of Spider-Man not being incorporated into the Marvel Cin U.
Who else besides Spidey and other Spidey characters does Sony have control over? Just Spidey? Fox has the X-Men and Fantastic 4, right? Sucks that they can't work this out, could be some great team ups/crossovers if **** wasn't so divided. Especially given what Caps next movie is called, Spidey plays a huge role if its what I'm assuming is coming after.

Speaking of FF, the new one sounds like absolute hot garbage.
So apparently the talks are back on. Sony pulled out because they would lose creative control of Spider-man, but now Sony of Japan ordered them to enter back into talks. The word is Sony's financial problems are making them open to selling the rights back to Marvel, plus they have lost some bargaining power due to ASM 2 performing poorly at the box office.

Marvel already has plans in place and Garfield would be out as Spider-man and they would ignore the last 2 movies. Marvel wouldn't do any origin story and pick up Peter Parker already established as SM. He would appear in Captain America 3 and after that a SM trilogy is planned.

There is still time for it to happen but it needs to happen soon.

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