Let's talk Yemen


Relevant and good article. We were gonna be spread thin there already with 12 total ships there counting the 3 from the EU allies.

Apparently Biden is so damn inept that the European leaders (all except the UK) just pulled out of this defense group for commercial ships trying to transit the ME....they are apparently so put off by Joe and his ridiculous administration that it was apparent right away this operation was gonna be a clown show due to Joes "leadership" and got out before it even started. Wow. Theres always a new low....always more embarrassment to be had on the world stage. Good grief man.

We are at LEAST 2 years past anyone I ever cross paths with admitting that they voted for this imbecile....think about how many times he has failed and embarrassed this country in the last 2 years since then alone. Its amazing that this guy that nobody voted for somehow beat the most votes ever received by a Republican especially among black folks. All between 2AM and 6AM while everyone in small-town USA was asleep. Yeah. Right.
How is that Operation Prosperity Guardian going??? Red Sea shut down again...

Maersk Halts Red Sea Transit After Container Ship Hit By Missile

US Central Command wrote in a post on X that the Maersk Hangzhou container ship was struck by a missile while transiting the Southern Red Sea. The vessel requested assistance from the US military, to which two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, USS Gravely (DDG 107) and USS Laboon (DDG 58), responded.

"While responding, the USS GRAVELY shot down two anti-ship ballistic missiles fired from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen toward the ships," CENTCOM said, adding this is the 23rd "illegal attack" by Houthi rebels on commercial vessels on the critical waterway since Nov. 19.
One boat got away. Did the US allow that to happen on purpose so the survivors will report what happened and make these terrorists understand they are vastly out powered?
Do you really think they are unaware of this alleged US military might? Are you not aware that these guys have been fighting against US weapons with the Saudis for 7-8 years? Do you think they are unaware of our 20+ year War on Terror in other parts of the ME?
Iran Dispatches Warship To Red Sea, Houthis Warn Of "Repercussions" After US Forces Kill Rebels During Maersk Ship Attack

Perhaps even more problematically from a global escalation perspective, Iran dispatched a warship to the Red Sea.

The Alborz destroyer traversed the Bab El-Mandeb strait, a narrow choke point between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, on Monday, Iranian state media said, adding that Iran’s naval fleet has been operating in the area “to secure shipping lanes, repel pirates, among other purposes since 2009.”
Well, this increases the danger. Just now read it from yesterday.

So? These are low tech/$40,000 drones vs the mighty $900 billion budget of the US MIC.

Here is what you need to be thinking about... what if Algieria and/or Morocco or regional militants in those countries start firing on ships entering Gibraltar...
What happened to "we don't negotiate with terrorists"?

Iran: We aren't in charge of, or have anything to do with the Houthis
also Iran: we called them in to talk about attacking Iran's enemies and then sent our military ships to go help them do what we told them in, and have filed multiple complaints on their behalf.
Iran: We aren't in charge of, or have anything to do with the Houthis
also Iran: we called them in to talk about attacking Iran's enemies and then sent our military ships to go help them do what we told them in, and have filed multiple complaints on their behalf.


Yet Democrats fully helped them in their quest to secure nuclear weapons by undoing any progress Repubs ever make when in office by squeezing the sheit out of them financially and making it as difficult as possible to procure equipment, uranium etc. Biden and his ilk think they can be feckless and weak towards them and be their "friends".

We need to let em check out a couple dozen Tomahawks real quick....up close and personal. I dont want boots on the ground over there or anywhere else in harms way....but fortunately we dont need to put boots on the ground to bloody the nose of Iran. We can knock out as few or as many weapon installations as we want to without losing American lives due to our guided missile technology being as good or better than any on Earth. Tired of their BS. Apparently so is India.
We need to let em check out a couple dozen Tomahawks real quick....up close and personal. I dont want boots on the ground over there or anywhere else in harms way....
The definition of insanity is to do the samething over and over again and expect a different result. What good do you think lobbing bombs is going to do?

but fortunately we dont need to put boots on the ground to bloody the nose of Iran.
Bloody their nose? What is the end game of this? You don't want boots on the ground, you just want to have a hissy-fit and be a mean-girl?

We can knock out as few or as many weapon installations as we want to without losing American lives due to our guided missile technology being as good or better than any on Earth. Tired of their BS. Apparently so is India.
You don't think Iran has air defense systems?
Countries like Iran (and every other) should be afraid to send drones, missiles, or boats toward US Navy ships out of fear that we will unleash Hell on them. Zero tolerance. If history has taught us ANYTHING at all about the ME and those who hate the US....it is that DEATH is the only language they understand. There has never been peace in that part of the world for long, ever in recorded history. The strong always seek to abuse the weak. We must remind them apparently that despite the clown in the WhiteHouse, we are not among the weak. Nor will we be. I prefer peace myself...but letting another country attack your ships and merchants isnt peace. Its weakness. To Hell with that.
Countries like Iran (and every other) should be afraid to send drones, missiles, or boats toward US Navy ships out of fear that we will unleash Hell on them. Zero tolerance.
North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen (via Saud Arabia)... do you not get it yet? Bombing countries to oblivion hasn't shown to be a recipe for success.

If history has taught us ANYTHING at all about the ME and those who hate the US....it is that DEATH is the only language they understand.
Why in the hell are we over there? If we are not over there, then our military wouldn't engae them.

There has never been peace in that part of the world for long, ever in recorded history.
So again, then why are we over there if the area is not going to live in peace (according to you)? What good will it do for us to waste blood and treasure in a place that you openly allege is hopeless?

The strong always seek to abuse the weak.
So the US with a $900 billion Pentagon budget vs the Taliban, Houthis and Shia militias? Which one is the strong and which one is the weak?

Or Israelis vs the rock throwing Palestinians... which one is the strong and which one is the weak?

We must remind them apparently that despite the clown in the WhiteHouse, we are not among the weak. Nor will we be.
Outside of Grenada and Panama, we haven't won jack since WWII. We ARE weak.

I prefer peace myself...
But let's lob some Tomahawks that we have seen over the last 30+ years have done nothing but destabilize the region even more, created a European refugee crisis and fails to win hearts and minds in the region.

but letting another country attack your ships and merchants isnt peace. Its weakness. To Hell with that.
If our war ships are not over there meddling in matters that are of no concern to them, this wouldn't be an issue.

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