Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Whats really upsetting libs here and abroad is that their people are the ones getting sick and kicking the bucket. They desperately hoped for a rural and small town plague, but they got the one that likes packed in morons. And now they are crying that Trump didn't tell them to be careful two months after the world and everyone knew to be careful. There are no city governments, county governments, or state governments that could have helped. It had to be Trump. They desperately wanted Trump. He let them down by allowing their elected officials to choose to do or not do their jobs.
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Reporter calls out Trump for telling governors to be appreciative of his work. LMAO!

Trump goes on a bs filled tirade over it. Lol!
This is their Russian Collusion/Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Swansong. A last ditch desperate gasp before the election in November.
So is Trump too stupid to realize this is an attack on him? I mean he did just extend this until the end of April. Or is he too stupid to realize what he is doing is worse then the cure? Or is he just incompetent in general? Or is he actually listening to the experts?
So is Trump too stupid to realize this is an attack on him? I mean he did just extend this until the end of April. Or is he too stupid to realize what he is doing is worse then the cure? Or is he just incompetent in general? Or is he actually listening to the experts?

You sound a little upset?
So is Trump too stupid to realize this is an attack on him? I mean he did just extend this until the end of April. Or is he too stupid to realize what he is doing is worse then the cure? Or is he just incompetent in general? Or is he actually listening to the experts?
Is there any experts in this?
You sound a little upset?
Not at all. I just find it laughable that people are claiming this is an attempted take down of Trump. Because if it is he is going right along with it. So either he believes this is necessary, which many supporters don’t want to admit, or he has been duped. It’s that simple.
We actually have it real easy here in SW Ohio. We've been quarantined for two weeks and look at where we stand:

In the four counties of SW Ohio, we have only 25 folks hospitalized and no deaths. There are 57 hospitals in those 4 counties, (43 in Hamilton County alone). In comparison, Wayne county in Michigan (Detroit) has more than twice that number in fatalities(56), let alone hospitalizations. Population of Wayne county is very close to that combined of Butler, Warren, Hamilton and Clermont Ohio. We've been largely spared here.

It appears that this is really hitting the densely populated hard.

I do see the possibility of "managing" this situation long before a vaccine comes out. If things (only two) fall right we could get to a point where you call your doctor when you first get symptoms; Your doctor does a 15 test right there to determine if you have it. If you do he prescribes a drug cocktail for 5 days and sends you home. Abbott labs has the 15 min test right now

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The only thing left is that drug cocktail to treat it. This scenario would make this disease very manageable. Possibly more manageable than the flu. For the sake of our nation's health, let's hope they do come up with a drug cocktail that'll treat this disease
No. But many who are more qualified then others.
Maybe but I think they tend to over exaggerate things..... he need to listen the infection control specialist ice and balance that with the economy..... hopefully he makes/ is making the best decision.

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