KISS finally in the R&R Hall of Fame

My first live concert was Kiss in 76' at Kemper Arena in KC. Front row in front of Gene Simmons. My favorite concert till Floyd blew me away in 80' with The Wall in LA. Hard to top that one. Kid Rock tried a couple of times.
I may get slammed for this but I don't think Nirvana should be in especially over Deep Purple the others that are on the list are a joke

Nirvana was simply in the right place at the right time. IMO there were other bands from that era that were way better. I also think David Grohl and The Foo Fighters are way better than Nirvana was. Alice In Chains is my personal favorite Seattle grunge era band. I also dig The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Pearl Jam more than I like Nirvana.
My first live concert was Kiss in 76' at Kemper Arena in KC. Front row in front of Gene Simmons. My favorite concert till Floyd blew me away in 80' with The Wall in LA. Hard to top that one. Kid Rock tried a couple of times.

I've seem them twice first in 1990 on the Hot in the Shade tour and again on the reunion tour. Would like to see them one more time before they call it quits.
I've seem them twice first in 1990 on the Hot in the Shade tour and again on the reunion tour. Would like to see them one more time before they call it quits.

First time I saw KISS was in 1978 on the Love Gun/Alive 2 tour. I was 7 years old! As you can imagine, it left an indelible impression on me!
First time I saw KISS was in 1978 on the Love Gun/Alive 2 tour. I was 7 years old! As you can imagine, it left an indelible impression on me!

I first seen them in Kiss meets the Phantom of the Park,I was like 5 and remember having my mom hurry home from church on a sunday night so I could watch:) I was hooked from then on out
I first seen them in Kiss meets the Phantom of the Park,I was like 5 and remember having my mom hurry home from church on a sunday night so I could watch:) I was hooked from then on out

Ha! That movie is so corny. I worked in a comic shop in the late 90's during a KISS merch boom. We bootlegged the heck out that movie on VHS. I had to watch it 40 or times.
Ha! That movie is so corny. I worked in a comic shop in the late 90's during a KISS merch boom. We bootlegged the heck out that movie on VHS. I had to watch it 40 or times.

Corny doesn't even begin to cover it. Both my sons watched it over and over when they were little. Went through about 10 vhs tapes lol
Just found out that there will not be a KISS reunion performance at the RARHOF of the original 4 members! Paul and Gene refuse to do it! Jesus what dickheads!

"We very much wanted a performance by KISS and are sorry to learn they have declined to play," said Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation CEO Joel Peresman in response to a (Cleveland) Plain Dealer inquiry. "We look forward to honoring them at the 2014 Induction Ceremony along with Peter Gabriel, Daryl Hall and John Oates, Nirvana, Linda Ronstadt, Cat Stevens, Brian Epstein, Andrew Loog Oldham and The E Street Band." - - RARHOF CEO

And from Peter Criss...

To KISS fans,

It's disappointing to have to say to you, the fans, that as of today, Ace and I have been denied a performance with Gene and Paul for our Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction. Tickets go on sale on Monday, Feb. 24th, and I wanted to make sure that fans understood that no original performance, in or out of makeup, has been offered to us before they purchased their tickets. This is disgraceful and I feel bad for the fans who were looking forward to the four of us being inducted together.

God Bless,

Peter Criss - The Catman

AND from Paul and Gene...


To All Our Fans In Regards To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame:

Out of respect, Ace and Peter's recent statements demand a quick response to you, our fans.

Our intention was to celebrate the entire history of KISS and give credit to all members including present long time present members Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer, and additionally Bruce Kulick and Eric Carr all who have made this band what it is, regardless of the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame's point of view.

Although KISS has moved forward far longer without them, Ace and Peter are at the very foundation of what we have built and this would all be impossible had they not been a part of it in the beginning.

It is over 13 years since the original lineup has played together in make-up and we believe the memory of those times would not be enhanced.

We have spent 40 years dedicated to building KISS without quitting or wavering as the band has moved forward with huge tours and platinum albums through different important lineups for forty years, to this day.
KISS has always been a band unlike any other. That is why we started KISS. That is why we continue KISS. Being unlike other bands also means making choices and decisions unlike other bands.

This is understandably an emotional situation where there is no way to please everyone.

To bring this to a quick end, we have decided not to play in any line-up and we will focus our attention on celebrating our induction into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.

We are excited and are looking forward to seeing you all on the KISS 40th Anniversary worldwide tour.
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Gene and Paul have completely screwed this up..I hope those two are happy.. I'm done with them, and the tribute band they have become. .
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Aerosmith comes to mind here. Did you know they never got their first number one hit til 1998 (I Dont Wanna Miss A Thing) and they formed in 1969.

Longevity is a requirement. Number 1's is not.


To be eligible for induction as an artist (as a performer, composer, or musician) into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the artist must have released a record, in the generally accepted sense of that phrase, at least 25 years prior to the year of induction; and have demonstrated unquestionable musical excellence.

We shall consider factors such as an artist's musical influence on other artists, length and depth of career and the body of work, innovation and superiority in style and technique, but musical excellence shall be the essential qualification of induction.
The RnR HOF is not legit. It is a group of people with no ties to the business who took it upon themselves to create a RmR HOF with no credentials.

Just look at the bands that have been ignored and then look at many of the bands that are in.

It is a BS outfit.
This is solely on the ROhof they are the ones who said only the four original would be inducted Gene and Paul have stated many times that they wanted to perform with all members that are still here and also have a tribute to Eric Carr
The R&RHOF has always been so freaking weird when it comes to which members of which bands get inducted. A few examples:

-When Elvis Costello was inducted, they left it up to him whether or not to include his long time backing band, The Attractions. Costello insisted they be included.

-Metallica was given the choice as to who would be inducted. The band chose to include every member who played on a studio record, leaving out founding guitarist Dave Mustaine.

-The Hall of Fame did not give the Velvet Underground the choice to include instrumentalist Doug Yule, even though he played on as many albums as the man he replaced, John Cale.

-Even though Debbie Harry requested that they not be included in Blondie's induction, the HOF nonetheless inducted Nigel Harrison and Frank Infante. This led to a very awkward moment onstage moment when Infante asked to be allowed to play, which Harry quite curtly refused.

-Dave Navarro was not inducted alongside the Red Hot Chili Peppers in spite of the fact that he played on as many records as Josh Klinghoffer had at the time they were inducted.

-Patti Smith asked that her backing band, The Patti Smith Group, be inducted along with her. The HOF declined. Four years later, Alice Cooper asked that the entire Alice Cooper Band be included in his induction, and the HOF agreed.

There are several more examples. It's something I have never understood.
KISS is a joke

Being popular doesn't make something good. The backstreet boys sold a lot of albums too. Kiss was pop rock garbage.

They changed the game as far as performance goes. They took what Alice Cooper and Arthur Brown had created and turned it to 11.

There is no artist that is more influential in the realm of rock music as a spectacle.
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They changed the game as far as performance goes. They took what Alice Cooper and Arthur Brown had created and turned it to 11.

There is no artist that is more influential in the realm of rock music as a spectacle.

Exactly. Not to mention the New York Dolls. Ace Frehley alone influenced Mike McCready and Dimebag to name a couple of guitarists. There are many others. Is their music on the level of Rush? No, but not many bands are. Their live shows in the 70's were some of the best I ever attended. Shows in the 70's where every seat was gen adm was something else. Their success in the late 70's is when Ace and Peter's addictions started to take away from the band and they deviated from their harder 70's sound. Then they got back to it more after The Elder turd.

As someone else said though, the RnR HOF is a joke. Some of the bands they've allowed in and haven't inducted others yet is a joke. For Kiss, Rush and Heart to just now make it is a joke. For bands like Yes and Deep Purple still not to get in is a joke. When you allow bands like Public Enemy into the RnR HOF it's a joke to me. That's not even rock.
Aerosmith comes to mind here. Did you know they never got their first number one hit til 1998 (I Dont Wanna Miss A Thing) and they formed in 1969.

Did you know CCR has never had a #1 song? We gonna say they aren't one of the best rock bands of all time? Just hard to put a criteria on music when it's so objective.
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Being popular doesn't make something good. The backstreet boys sold a lot of albums too. Kiss was pop rock garbage.

"sigh" (gets on soap box)

KISS music is simple sex-driven"meat and potatoes" power chords and A minor pentatonic scale rock and roll. You know what? So were the Ramones! So is AC/DC. So is Cheap Trick. That doesn't mean they suck. If you don't like their brand of rock and roll that's fine. Opinions vary and I respect yours. However don't ever try and downplay KISS' importance and influence in rock history! They absolutely deserve to be in the Hall and it's ridiculous that it has taken this long for them to get there!

I understand that being popular doesn't = being good. However 40 years and 100 million albums sold has to account for SOMETHING! They've obviously struck a chord with a lot people over a very long established career. If The Backstreet Boys are still around in 40 years selling out concerts, inspiring and influencing younger generations of musicians you might have a case. Until then, that's a joke of a comparison!
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