KD's Injury Over the Summer...



Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
Which ever one of you guys said that the wrist injury that KD suffered over the summer on Team USA would still linger is right. He hasn't looked like the same player he was last year. I really think the wrist injury has hurt him this year...he doesn't seem to hit the ball as hard as he did last year. Hopefully it goes away but it appears that as the games go by, the lingery injury only worsens. I really hope he gets back to form because he's a HUGE part of this team.
KD went 1 for 13 on the weekend/.....Oh well I dont know how man other players would be left in if they did that.
Its hard to see them go down like that ..... KD needs to stop trying to go yard everytime...it will come back he just needs to try and get on base..not worry about smacking the crap out of the ball

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