
Boyd Crowder is quickly becoming one of my favorite TV characters from the last decade.
I generally don't fine 80 lb women hot. Usually means they spend little time in the kitchen.
Boyd's impromptu sermon the last episode was awesome. The character developmewnt the past 3 episodes has been flawless.
Both Winona and Ava are fine but I've gotta go with Winona. As far as Boyd goes gotta agree his character is great on the show!
Boyd's character is becoming my favorite. Wonder who the new villain will be next season? Very interesting!!
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Boyd's character is becoming my favorite. Wonder who the new villain will be next season? Very interesting!!
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I have a feeling the head guy down in Miami isn't going to forget about Raylan.
Just finished catching up after being out of the country for a couple weeks. Holy crap. The season finale was amazing. Boyd Crowder is most definitely one of my favorite characters on TV.
Boyd is great. I work with a girl that went to high school with him in Douglasville GA. She said he was a pretty normal guy in high school.
Already having withdraws....great season finale to keep us hanging on...looks like s%(@ is going to be hitting the fan again in Miami.

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