Just watched UT v UF 6 days late

Milton's interception literally flipped the field on us lost us the game before it really even started. No idea why more people aren't addressing this.

You can't go down two scores in the swamp off a turnover and expect to win. You just can't.

Yep, and "No int's" before that one. Damn damn .
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I attended the game in Gainesville. It was very loud. In my opinion louder than the Tenn/Bama game I attended last year.
No one has been stating this...... but it was really Milton's first road game. The Vandy game was mostly Tennessee fans, so it was like a home game. The Orange Bowl was way more Tennessee fans because of our miraculous season and the fact that Clemson just lost to South Carolina and was having an off season compared to years past.

There is so much to discuss about what went wrong. That environment had much more of a factor than some of these issues being discussed.
Milton had his chance to "take the crowd out" of the game. But he pissed that away on several occasions. I suspect the lights are on with Joe, but nobody's home.
Worst interception I've seen by any Tennessee QB in a very long time and it indicates the level of fear that Milton is playing with. It was a total moment of utter panic from him.

Yeah the oline ain't doing him many favors but my god he holds onto the ball way too long and is timid asf looking out there.
We had 6 to block 4 and they still got to Joe. If you watch that play, Keyton was open on the cross- behind the linebacker with green in front of him.
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The defense getting bodied all first half and Tennessee's inability to sustain any drives killed them. You're right.. They didn't look ready to play that game, mentally or physically.
I think the int and Kamal Hadden’s whiff on that run really hurt. I also think Florida benefitted from playing a tough Utah team vs our first two pretty soft opponents. Playing a pretty tough Pitt team the last two years probably helped the team grow
Haddon makes my heart hurt. I need to see him way less.
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I attended the game in Gainesville. It was very loud. In my opinion louder than the Tenn/Bama game I attended last year.
No one has been stating this...... but it was really Milton's first road game. The Vandy game was mostly Tennessee fans, so it was like a home game. The Orange Bowl was way more Tennessee fans because of our miraculous season and the fact that Clemson just lost to South Carolina and was having an off season compared to years past.

There is so much to discuss about what went wrong. That environment had much more of a factor than some of these issues being discussed.

I know it was not the outcome you wanted but sincerely hope you had a good time at the game and that you were treated well by our fans.
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The Etienne TD run was the first big turning point, imo. After we blocked their first field goal and scored quickly like we did, I imagine a lot of UF fans were thinking “well here we go” and we let them off the hook immediately.
Yep. This was THE pivotal moment. Make that tackle and keep it to a 25 yard gain or so, maybe we stop them. Get the ball back with a chance to go up 14 and Florida is desperate. Momentum is real. That run and whiffed tackle flipped it quick.
Milton's interception literally flipped the field on us lost us the game before it really even started. No idea why more people aren't addressing this.

You can't go down two scores in the swamp off a turnover and expect to win. You just can't.
It was a turning point for sure, but you can't possibly be blaming the interception on Milton. Yes, it was his arm that threw the ball. It is, however, a bit difficult to get a good follow through when the 435 lb nose tackle puts his face in your chest as he is pushing the inept center backwards like crepe paper.
Worst interception I've seen by any Tennessee QB in a very long time and it indicates the level of fear that Milton is playing with. It was a total moment of utter panic from him.

Yeah the oline ain't doing him many favors but my god he holds onto the ball way too long and is timid asf looking out there.

Did you actually watch what was happening down the field or did you only see the ball fluttering into the air?

Receiver was running free down the middle of the field with nobody within ten yards of him. I'm not in Miltons head so I cannot say where he was trying to go with the throw, but at least to me it appeared Joe saw it and was loading up for the bomb we have been waiting for all season. Line held up 1/4 second longer and it's a potential TD.

I agree it looked bad, but Milton got hit in the chest just as he was releasing the ball. The laws of physics apply in Gainesville just as they do in Knoxville.

It is what it is. Guarantee you that even the top of the line NFL guys like Mahomes, Burrow, etc end up with a few wounded ducks each year when they get walloped.

Face it man, up until the SC game last year we caught every lucky break imaginable last season. Fate has a way of keeping things fairly even over the long haul.
mostly agree with your takes, but i do think three other major moments that cant be counted out are the 4th and 1 ball kick by the ref, the no call on pass interference in the endzone on thorton, and the crackblock penalty on castles that shouldnt have been called, beyond this the underlying presnap penalities and in general ollie lane hurt us alot

I've watched this 3 times and the officials did nothing wrong except accidently kick the ball.

First official spots ball and kicks it going back to his position.

second official runs in and re-spots the ball to its original position. The official immediately backs out to his position.

at that point, Florida starting doing substitutions. Completely legal for them to do so.

Tennessee should have snapped the ball as soon as the official moved back to his position and Florida would have been flagged for off sides or too many players on the field resulting in a first down.

Kirk's screaming was wrong. What he was saying was wrong. After they looked at 3-4 times, they finally picked up that the official kicked the ball and Kirk was still saying they should not have "allowed" the substitution. But Kirk is wrong. Bill said that there was nothing done wrong and they continue with play and broadcast without discussing any more and the last discussion was several plays after the incident.

Tennessee sideline screwed up by not yelling out to snap the ball. Even if it landed on the ground and someone fell on for a loss, Florida would have been penalized as I stated above.

It is legal for the defense to substitute at any point in the game. Doesn't have to be only when offense substitutes.
Late observations before getting ready for tomorrow's game. I was at my oldest son's wedding in California and just got a chance to see the game today. I have been reading all the chatter on this board in the meantime.

Watching on YouTube with fast forward so I was able to see the whole game in under two hours.

I felt there were two key turning points.

First, Joe's INT. If we could have maintained that drive we might have gotten to half leading. The INT and the quick UF score killed us and got the night crowd in the Swamp to a frenzy. We followed with a quick 3-out and another UF score. basically 14 UF points in about 6 minutes. I had flashbacks to the crowd UGA last year. I've been to Swamp 6-7 times and it can be brutal.

Second, the opening drive of the second half. Joe was sleepwalking. First play fumble and recovery. Then later in drive two timeouts with the turbo offence stuck in 1st gear. A couple missed chances to snap the ball early to catch UF with subs on the field. A 5:29 drive for a field goal when trailing by 16, 9 running plays, and a false start.

Depending on how you count we were missing 2 starters on offense and 2 on defence. Playing SEC night road game against a rival.

The team didn't look ready to play. As I said before - flashback to UGA with the crowd. I still think we can have a 10-2, 9-3 season as I think this team will mature and come together as the season progresses.

I was glad I didn't endure it in real time, but still think the season can be salvaged.
Very rational post.

Other than the "mature " team part.

This team is old as hell, and if they haven't matured by now then they won't.

That Florida Gator team will not make a Bowl Game.

Tennessee just straight up decided they were going to lose to them. Because of "reasons".
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Very rational post.

Other than the "mature " team part.

This team is old as hell, and if they haven't matured by now then they won't.

That Florida Gator team will not make a Bowl Game.

Tennessee just straight up decided they were going to lose to them. Because of "reasons".

Hmm... I think that Florida team has a decent shot to be 6-1 when they catch Georgia.. If we are any good at all them beating us, they should be competitive with Charlotte, UK, Vandy and Carolina.
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Late observations before getting ready for tomorrow's game. I was at my oldest son's wedding in California and just got a chance to see the game today. I have been reading all the chatter on this board in the meantime.

Watching on YouTube with fast forward so I was able to see the whole game in under two hours.

I felt there were two key turning points.

First, Joe's INT. If we could have maintained that drive we might have gotten to half leading. The INT and the quick UF score killed us and got the night crowd in the Swamp to a frenzy. We followed with a quick 3-out and another UF score. basically 14 UF points in about 6 minutes. I had flashbacks to the crowd UGA last year. I've been to Swamp 6-7 times and it can be brutal.

Second, the opening drive of the second half. Joe was sleepwalking. First play fumble and recovery. Then later in drive two timeouts with the turbo offence stuck in 1st gear. A couple missed chances to snap the ball early to catch UF with subs on the field. A 5:29 drive for a field goal when trailing by 16, 9 running plays, and a false start.

Depending on how you count we were missing 2 starters on offense and 2 on defence. Playing SEC night road game against a rival.

The team didn't look ready to play. As I said before - flashback to UGA with the crowd. I still think we can have a 10-2, 9-3 season as I think this team will mature and come together as the season progresses.

I was glad I didn't endure it in real time, but still think the season can be salvaged.
You better hope Joey Hazel doesn’t see this post. He did his best butch jones impersonation and lectured the media a couple of days ago. He let everybody know that he’s a coach, so he knows what we all are unable to comprehend. That of course is that Milton is playing the position at an extremely high level. Lol. I don’t know if he’s incredibly talented to have been able to pull off that statement with a straight face or if he is so slow we should all feel sorry for him.
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Yep. This was THE pivotal moment. Make that tackle and keep it to a 25 yard gain or so, maybe we stop them. Get the ball back with a chance to go up 14 and Florida is desperate. Momentum is real. That run and whiffed tackle flipped it quick.

The game was 7-7 tied up after that play. Are you telling me that lost us the game more than Milton's interception which stopped us from tying it back up when down by one score but then ending up almost immediately down by two scores right before the half?

Some of you must have a drug problem or something because i want what you are smoking. It was a terrible effort by Hadden and stopped us from going up big early but being tied 7-7 in the first quarter is by absolutely no means a game is non officially over situation. 7-7 doesn't even require a comeback and is how most football games start out ffs.
The game was 7-7 tied up after that play. Are you telling me that lost us the game more than Milton's interception which stopped us from tying it back up when down by one score but then ending up almost immediately down by two scores right before the half?

Some of you must have a drug problem or something because i want what you are smoking. It was a terrible effort by Hadden and stopped us from going up big early but being tied 7-7 in the first quarter is by absolutely no means a game is non officially over situation. 7-7 doesn't even require a comeback and is how most football games start out ffs.
We get it. You don't like Joe. Doesn't change the fact that the INT only came about because he was hit as he threw it. It's not like when JG was under center and starred down DBs before throwing it right to them.
I know it was not the outcome you wanted but sincerely hope you had a good time at the game and that you were treated well by our fans.
We were treated very well by your fans. I had a fantastic time, and I had my whole family was with me including younger kids. I was surrounded by Gator fans and had no issues. I even had a few Gators fans sincerely comment on the game and our team in the stands as the game was over.

My experience was much different this time than years past. The only negative was the outcome of the game....
Defense didn't show up until the second half. OL, was at best inconsistent and didn't do Joe any favors. Alternatively Joe didn't help himself by growing roots in the pocket, never a threat to roll out or even run. Not sure there's a gulf between last year's team and this one - but the results are.
We were treated very well by your fans. I had a fantastic time, and I had my whole family was with me including younger kids. I was surrounded by Gator fans and had no issues. I even had a few Gators fans sincerely comment on the game and our team in the stands as the game was over.

My experience was much different this time than years past. The only negative was the outcome of the game....

Well, glad this time you were greeted nicely. Sorry for all the others. There's no excuse for misbehavior. It's just a game.
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