Just watched CBJ after game press conf.

Butch needs to have a long talk with Coach Majors about handling adversity at the a University of Tennessee. It might take about as long to get us competitive with the top of the league. But in the mean time, Coach Majors would always say, "they remember November", and Butch needs to steal it for his play book. A lot of people don't remember, but Kentucky was very,very good, but on probation in the late 70's under Coach Fran Curci. We were a middling .500, lower tier SEC team in the late 70's and early 80's. It usually came down to winning two of three against Ole Miss,Kentucky, and Vandy to become bowl eligible in the month of November. We played Ga tech and memphis ever year and usually beat them as Tech was horrible back then.
After this Saturday, we will play four very flawed teams whose weaknesses we can exploit. We can win three of those four. Let's face it, it will take something really strange to happen gore us to beat Bama.
Lastly, I recall friends complaining in 2003 and 2004 about the state of the program. I remember telling them that one of these days, you will look back on those years very fondly as we had gotten to the point of taking 10 win seasons for granted. It will happen to Uga,lsu,Bama, and auburn at some point, just like it's happening at Florida. It might not last as long as it has for us, but they will go thru the lean times again as well.
Great post.
We'll find out what kind of coach he is during this off-season. He is going to have to fire people. We'll see if he can do it. And then we'll see what he brings in. He needs to drop his read option, period. He needs to comb the country for an offensive genius. And then hire him. I would love to see Chaney back here but that's just me. I dont know what it would take to get Mike Mularkey up in here but I'd attempt it.
Look at CBJ's two previous coaching stints....followed Brian Kelly....who recruited for a spread offense. As Jones was moving up in his career he was known as an offensive geek, but he's always been able to move into the Kelly scheme and use those same offensive plays because they fit the players he inherited. now he has stepped into some "missing pieces" and we will have to see how he recruits to fit his scheme. He is not an "adaptor"; he is a spread offense guy who can get game attendance to enjoy that atmosphere. His coaches who moved right along with him do not have the pedigree to coach what "is"; only hope "what is to come".
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And yet he lost to the worst Florida team any of us will probably ever see.

Your points make sense, but that should give us all pause. Mizzou just beat them by 30 in the swamp. Explain that.

Uh.....Matty Mauck threw for twenty yards. They scored two special teams tds and two defensive tds.....freaky occurrences. I like our chances against Bama if we're that lucky.
Well, he's the coach that continues to punt on 4th & short in the opps side / a lead only to watch Darr miff the punt & the wheels come off his team. He's done it at UGA, UF, & UM. He's not willing to take the chances early to steal possessions or pts. Not saying it changes the outcomes, but the conservative play calling when we have the momentum certainly hasn't worked either.

Love Jones, but you are right this is becoming a bad habit! We are not going to win conservatively, so show your team you believe in them, just might make a difference
I just watched it and I think everyone here should. Couple of things I took away from it are that he knows we have serious problems on the Oline and he really does understand what he is in for. I can tell from how he is speaking that its hurting him. One of the better lines I heard him say was "I'm not used to this". At the same time I think the realization of what it takes to be successful in the SEC is setting in. A whole different animal.

I will admit that I am not the most patient person and I probably expect more than is reasonable. The thing I respect most about CBJ is that he expects us as fans to hold him accountable. I really like the guy, I think he really does get it. It needs to start translating to the field pretty soon though.

If you didn't see the link in the other thread here its is:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEzlcZrUSRM&feature=youtu.be

all I hear is blah, blah, blah, excuse, blah, excuse
Do you seriously believe that Butch Jones was not aware that he had stepped up a few levels when he took this job? He has known all along what was needed to field a program that we, as fans, would be proud of.

If there is one thing that he may have under-estimated is the level of impatience of the fan base. Those expecting a big year this year, have not been listening to Butch Jones and all of the Knowledgeable people within the program and around the program that have been telling us since before the season started. They all said, we would be better this year, but it may not translate into wins just yet. Most have predicted 2015 maybe 2016.

Look at where Hugh Freeze has Ole Miss. He is in his 3rd year and with 2 full great classes under his belt, and a much better situation in house at Ole Miss. He has hit his stride. Dan Mullen is another great example. He is in his 6th season at Miss. State. It has taken him longer, but here is Miss. State occupying #1 in the nation.
I love it! Next year could very well be worse than this. I'm not sure either Peterman or Dobbs will ever pan out. I can promise you that if we have to start a freshman its gonna be another "wait till next year" year. Hell, I'm not convinced that this particular oline has the ability to get better. I guess we could start a couple freshman again. But, that just puts us in a perpetual two year cycle. He has to get what we have now better.

By the way, Dan Mullen only had one losing season and that was his first.
You can have a top 10 recruiting class every year, but if don't excel in coaching, you won't succeed in the SEC. Muschamp is good example.
He will live to regret not taking the Colorado job. The SEC is just too much for him to handle.

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... didn't read to see that some others posted this first.

I'm kinda thankful for this thread ... allowed me to add several negavols to the Block list.
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