Jon Gruden thread (merged)

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Any coach that's ever coaches at the college and some at the high school level could do that from high up in the pressbox.

Look Grudenites...You Nega-people are determined to go in all threads just to post your negative ignorance and annoy real Tennessee fans so I'll just come here to annoy you and give a little back to you sad Grudenite people.

If you dish it out then you should be able to take it.

NOTE...If any of you idiots don't think a Head Coach in the NFL has any say in what players are recruited or signed as a free agent then you're really clueless about NFL football just like you're clueless on what it takes and how long it takes to build a really good college team especially in the tough SEC.

I love you people because at least you're good for some humor, LOL.

Gruden will NEVER coach at Tennessee.


Real fan above. A real fan would never want the best coach possible for their team.
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Now there's a mature, intelligent reply, LOL.

About the maturity and intelligence level I'd expect from a Grudenite.

I really pity you Nega-People since you're mostly negative in life about most things and are miserable.

I honestly hope you'll seek the professional help you Nega-People really need so you can live more successful and happy lives.

Gruden will NEVER coach at Tennessee.


The "Grudenites" are not negative about life. They seek positive change for the program, be it Gruden or someone else, should Gruden ultimately not be interested. In the alternative, all true Vol fans will gladly stop pushing for change if the current staff starts winning big games.

I don't think you're even a fan of Tennessee.
It sounds more like you are a loser who gets his kicks out of annoying the masses on a message board.

There are true Vol fans on VN who question whether or not Gruden has any interest in coaching here, and if he'd even be the best option for UT. Some true Vol fans on VN think Gruden would be a bad hire. But, those people do not regularly show up in this thread to ridicule and name-call everyone else.

Your presence here is useless to the Grudenites, Doo-Rights, and all other true Vol fans.
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Answer me this then antigrudenite. Which other superbowl winner might want to coach us. The glazers are exactly like al Davis.
Don't know if its true, but I heard that the team Gruden beat in the Super Bowl was the team he had assembled and coached in Oakland. TIFWIW.

**end sarcasm.
Sources with the Anderson County Press report John Gruden has been seen this morning shopping with Inky Johnson at Mr. K's Used Books and CD's. Reportedly he purchased a copy of College Recruiting for Dummies, and CD's by Kenny Chesney and the Osborne Brothers.

The needle looks to be pointed our direction.
Now there's a mature, intelligent reply, LOL.

About the maturity and intelligence level I'd expect from a Grudenite.

I really pity you Nega-People since you're mostly negative in life about most things and are miserable.

I honestly hope you'll seek the professional help you Nega-People really need so you can live more successful and happy lives.

Gruden will NEVER coach at Tennessee.



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This program has stagnated. Arguing anything else borders on the absurd. We're on track to finish at least as poorly as last year. Our chronic kicking problems, lack of a power running game, defensive woes, and habit of getting rolled by overrated conference opponents is frustrating to the extreme, and just symptoms of poor coaching.

Thank God the curtain is coming down. We have the opportunity to right it all with a homerun hire....someone that can actually coach and motivate, and isn't infected with the stench of losing.
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TVF4L sounds more like a troll than anything else. In this thread, he's either a troll or simply knows very little about the subject matter, because he keeps repeating the same annoying points that have already been shot down.

So, the Bucs traded multiple early-round draft picks to get Gruden, which means they traded multiple pieces of the franchise's future to win a Super Bowl in the present. Gruden delivered that Super Bowl, and then the franchise declined. Also, Gruden came over from the Raiders, who made the same Super Bowl, a point that has been made in this thread several times.

Yet, the same poster will keep showing up with the close-minded view that Gruden destroyed the Bucs.

And, as has been pointed out over and over, Gruden would have had another Super Bowl appearance if not for the tuck rule.

Just keeping the march onward to 5,000 alive.........

Raider fans know that the "Tuck" in Tuck Rule was a misspelling, but they only got the first letter wrong.

Answer me this then antigrudenite. Which other superbowl winner might want to coach us. The glazers are exactly like al Davis.

Al Davis was one of a kind. He always wanted to win, and he did win 3 SBs. How many other NFL owners have done that? Too bad for him he got old and lost his touch this past decade before he died.

I don't think the Glazers care that much about winning.
Al Davis was one of a kind. He always wanted to win, and he did win 3 SBs. How many other NFL owners have done that? Too bad for him he got old and lost his touch this past decade before he died.

I don't think the Glazers care that much about winning.



edit: oops wrong pic
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