Jacquez Bruce Huge tackle

Well, he sure loves himself. I hope he can tackle as well as he celebrates himself for a vicious hit.

Wow really? He got a great hit and he is a high-school kid celebrating a good play. "He sure loves himself?" Glad you know him so well based off of a 6 second clip. Everyone is so judgmental these days.

As a South-Doyle alum, it is awesome to see this program have some swagger. My freshman year in 2003 we went 0-10 so I am very happy to see a real football team.
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Wow really? He got a great hit and he is a high-school kid celebrating a good play. "He sure loves himself?" Glad you know him so well based off of a 6 second clip. Everyone is so judgmental these days.

As a South-Doyle alum, it is awesome to see this program have some swagger. My freshman year in 2003 we went 0-10 so I am very happy to see a real football team.
I'm guessing that a lot of the people being hard on him about the hit are the same ones who were so sure he A) would be recruited over or B) would definitely have to grey shirt.
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We'll I hate to be a NEGAVOL but throwing your weight at someone violently isn't good tackling form. I'd be impressed if he did that AND wrapped the guy up.
In high school that's a good hit in SEC Gurley just bounces off and takes that all the way.

It may not have been good form. But it seem to work pretty good. Just ask #2 laying on the field without his helmet.
Wow really? He got a great hit and he is a high-school kid celebrating a good play. "He sure loves himself?" Glad you know him so well based off of a 6 second clip. Everyone is so judgmental these days.

As a South-Doyle alum, it is awesome to see this program have some swagger. My freshman year in 2003 we went 0-10 so I am very happy to see a real football team.

Wow, why are you judging me?
Great legal hit! Cant wait to see him in Orange. I just wish he acted like he had done it before and not stand over the kid. Oh well, hes still in high school

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