Israel vs Palestinians

War crimes?!?!
You better call the war police.
You are the one that mentioned war crimes when you lied about what the article says lol
Look at that.
The AP says most of the stuff the anti-semites claim as war crimes are fake.

Cobbvol approves of this action ...

Of course, YouTube is your source. This is turning into the flat earth thread
Well if you would have watched the video, you would have seen that Israeli media (I believe Haaretz) was the one that originally reported the IDF firing on Israeli civilians and kibbutzes. So you need to take your questions and concerns up with them.
Hamas pushing wheelchairs for the crippled, handing out bottled water and exchanging waves good bye with the hostages... WTF is going on? LOL... I'll give Hamas this, they are like Ukraine in the sense that they may not be winning on the battlefield, but their media/PR game is next level. WOW...

Imagine being dumb enough to believe hostage videos represent people’s genuine love for their captors.
And if it’s real … what. This is war. The USAF attacked Libya in the 80s as an act of war. Bombed the **** out of the French embassy too. That’s where some important people were hiding.

It’s war. You hit them where they are

I remember hearing the newscast that we were bombing Libya, and it came as a big surprise. My reaction was "Well damn, somebody found the balls to do the right thing for a change, and they are doing the job." One of those moments to be proud of.
Well if you would have watched the video, you would have seen that Israeli media (I believe Haaretz) was the one that originally reported the IDF firing on Israeli civilians and kibbutzes. So you need to take your questions and concerns up with them.

So we went from “they intentionally targeted their own citizens hellfire attacks” to “well a news report says they unintentionally may have hit civilians while firing at terrorists”

You realize those two things aren’t the same and that your claim is complete bs. It seems you’re willing to intentionally and knowingly lie and spread misinformation in your effort to smear Israel.

As to your claim about the newspaper, no one reported intentional attacks on civilians.

Because there is evidence of them using hellfire attacks on kibbutzes on October 7th. If they will attack their own citizens (Hannibal Directive), it is obvious they DGAF about those measly Palestinians.
In Ras's defense I think he believes it. The guy and maybe his generation have been radicalized against the US and our friends.
Radicalized? You mean seeing the truth for what it is? Our foreign policy has been a disaster since WWII.

To his kind we and our friends are simply evil and do all the wrong in this world.
We don't have a good track record since WWII. And once the USSR collapsed, we stepped on the gas destabilizing the Middle East.

I don't see how you or anyone else can dispute this.
Imagine being dumb enough to believe hostage videos represent people’s genuine love for their captors.
Did you not see the post where I said Hamas is winning the PR/media war? It doesn't matter if there is any sincerity behind any of it or not when it comes to media optics.
In Ras's defense I think he believes it. The guy and maybe his generation have been radicalized against the US and our friends. To his kind we and our friends are simply evil and do all the wrong in this world.
On the other hand, it's good to think independently and not just repeat the US, or any, party line like a lemming,
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So we went from “they intentionally targeted their own citizens hellfire attacks” to “well a news report says they unintentionally may have hit civilians while firing at terrorists”
Well here again, had you watched the video, you would know that the news story was based on testimony from Apache pilots that they fired on Israeli civilians. Plus, the damage caused by the Apaches matched the damage done by Hellfire missiles and not by the small arms fire that Hamas had.

You realize those two things aren’t the same and that your claim is complete bs. It seems you’re willing to intentionally and knowingly lie and spread misinformation in your effort to smear Israel.
I think Netanyahu and the radical Zionist wing of the Israeli govt are on the same level as Hamas and I have said so on plenty of occasions. I'm being fair an balanced. The issue you all seem to have is that I suppose I should not criticize the Israelis in any way.

As to your claim about the newspaper, no one reported intentional attacks on civilians.
I was working earlier today when I said Haaretz was the media that reported it going off of memory. But Haaretz was criticizing the Grayzone antisemites for their reporting. The Apache pilots told their story to another Israeli newspaper.
Did you not see the post where I said Hamas is winning the PR/media war? It doesn't matter if there is any sincerity behind any of it or not when it comes to media optics.

You literally shared a previous post questioning if the women had been raped because they waved and smiled
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Well here again, had you watched the video, you would know that the news story was based on testimony from Apache pilots that they fired on Israeli civilians. Plus, the damage caused by the Apaches matched the damage done by Hellfire missiles and not by the small arms fire that Hamas had.

I think Netanyahu and the radical Zionist wing of the Israeli govt are on the same level as Hamas and I have said so on plenty of occasions. I'm being fair an balanced. The issue you all seem to have is that I suppose I should not criticize the Israelis in any way.

I was working earlier today when I said Haaretz was the media that reported it going off of memory. But Haaretz was criticizing the Grayzone antisemites for their reporting. The Apache pilots told their story to another Israeli newspaper.

The new story quoted an anonymous member of the police force. Not a helicopter pilot. The police force denies even being in that area. And in no way did the story imply anything intentional as you’re falsely claiming and trying to pretend the news paper supports your claim when it doesn’t.

This is your style. Lie after lie, after lie and using YouTube videos as your definitive sources.

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