Is college athletics headed for The Great Split? 'We need to recreate or relaunch the NCAA'

Whatever takes its place will hopefully at least hire competent and professional officials
This. Please. Yesterday.

It's devolving. Just like everything else.

Best selling and most printed Book in history tells all about it. The decline began in Eden and hasn't slowed down.
Read his post again bud. The " just like everything else" part in particular. Been drinking for the game ?
Huh? He said its devolving, references the bible, and talks of Eden. The post in which he posted is about college football. I think my comparison is accurate. He's comparing the decline of his opinion of college football to the Fall of Man.
I’ll take the unpopular opinion here and say evolving. Players finally get paid money, players allowed more freedoms to move just like their coaching counter parts, and as much as I loved the BCS and bowl system it is time we have a playoff system in place.

There is a reason every other organized sports uses one. More games. More accuracy. And less human opinions causing interference.

Things will really be complete if the NCAA is disbanded and a new organization is put into place.. one can only dream tho right?
Without reading the article, divide FBS into 2 leagues of about 64 each. Then you can have a 64-team playoff with 9 game regular season/32-team playoff with 10 game regular season or 16-team playoff with 11 game regular season for each FBS league.

In the lesser league, you can have teams like Air Force, App State and Coastal Carolina with a chance to get a championship. It is now far out of reach for those smaller schools.
Without reading the article, divide FBS into 2 leagues of about 64 each. Then you can have a 64-team playoff with 9 game regular season/32-team playoff with 10 game regular season or 16-team playoff with 11 game regular season for each FBS league.

In the lesser league, you can have teams like Air Force, App State and Coastal Carolina with a chance to get a championship. It is now far out of reach for those smaller schools.
The biggest issue I don't see anyone talking about is sports other than football. If you are a UCLA baseball player in the Big10, you are going to have to travel half way across the country to play every other weekend, leaving on Thursday to make a Friday game and returning late Sunday. Basketball players are going to have to travel halfway across the country twice some weeks to fill the conference schedule. Those logistics could, and probably should, lead to separate conferences for sports other than football.

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