I was the BIGGEST Fulmer supporter....

Winning 150 games, 1 NC, 2 SEC's, not to mention the SEC east 5 times since 97', doesn't justify being treated like a dog. His success at this university took a major turn in the last 4 years (mostly). He was maybe not a great coach, but what he gets on here sometimes is ridiculous. He made a bad choice in giving Sanders the OC job, and Clawson as well. It should not count against him however that he had Cut and Chavis, that's all Im saying.
And at this point, the SEC east is better than the SEC as a whole when Majors was here.

A Good coach would have went out and hired a qualified OC, Phil went after fall guys which shows me his integrity. He knew if his offense struggled the OC would take the heat and not him and he would be given another year to "fix" it. It backfired on him this year!

I disagree with the East being better then the whole SEC when Majors was here. Bear Bryant and Vince Dooley was contending for NC all the time. We played UGA and Bama every year back then same as we do now. We also played KY and Vandy every year and rotated out with LSU, Ole Miss, Miss St and Florida. The only difference between then and now is the SEC has gotten better and Fulmer had us slipping into darkness.

I will be the first one to say Fulmer is a good ambassador for the program but I be da**ed to say he was a great coach or even a good coach because of his record because if it had not been for Cutcliffe he would have been gone years ago and for that reason I cannot say anything positive about his coaching record. If it had not been for Cutcliffe last year we would have not made it to the SECCG you can mark that down. I would also go on record saying I would not want Cutty as our HC, we need new blood period.
A Good coach would have went out and hired a qualified OC, Phil went after fall guys which shows me his integrity. He knew if his offense struggled the OC would take the heat and not him and he would be given another year to "fix" it. It backfired on him this year!

I disagree with the East being better then the whole SEC when Majors was here. Bear Bryant and Vince Dooley was contending for NC all the time. We played UGA and Bama every year back then same as we do now. We also played KY and Vandy every year and rotated out with LSU, Ole Miss, Miss St and Florida. The only difference between then and now is the SEC has gotten better and Fulmer had us slipping into darkness.

I will be the first one to say Fulmer is a good ambassador for the program but I be da**ed to say he was a great coach or even a good coach because of his record because if it had not been for Cutcliffe he would have been gone years ago and for that reason I cannot say anything positive about his coaching record. If it had not been for Cutcliffe last year we would have not made it to the SECCG you can mark that down. I would also go on record saying I would not want Cutty as our HC, we need new blood period.

Ok hold on, You blast Phil for Sanders, and Clawson. I agree bad hires. Who hired Phil to Ut as an assistant?
Did you think Majors had done enough to keep his job?
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Ok hold on, You blast Phil for Sanders, and Clawson. I agree bad hires. Who hired Phil to Ut as an assistant?
Did you think Majors had done enough to keep his job?

No I did not, he deserved to be relieved of his duties but what happened to Majors is the same thing that happened to Fulmer except Fulmer got the chance to coach his last 4 games. The 1 thing most Fulmerites fail to acknowledge is the SEC was going thru a change which enabled Fulmer to reap the benefits: Bama started going thru coaches like water which helped Fulmer recruit there, GA did the same when Dooley retired and Spurrier had not yet sealed the borders of Florida. Since these schools have hired better coaches it is harder to get the better players out of state and Fulmer failed to coach the ones he got out.
No I did not, he deserved to be relieved of his duties but what happened to Majors is the same thing that happened to Fulmer except Fulmer got the chance to coach his last 4 games. The 1 thing most Fulmerites fail to acknowledge is the SEC was going thru a change which enabled Fulmer to reap the benefits: Bama started going thru coaches like water which helped Fulmer recruit there, GA did the same when Dooley retired and Spurrier had not yet sealed the borders of Florida. Since these schools have hired better coaches it is harder to get the better players out of state and Fulmer failed to coach the ones he got out.

Well I guess it is safe to say we disagree on some of the issues, but the end result of Fulmer and Majors dismissals we agree on.
I guess that is all that matters.
Go Vols!
What does liking Fulmer have to with liking Kiffin or not? Call me pathetic if you wish...I liked Fulmer, I also knew something needed to change.

Does liking the man make me pathetic? I have met the man before...does that make me pathetic? If so, I guess I am.

I have supported Kiffin from day one....I would have supported ANY coach hired...I am a TENNESSEE FAN! I want to see the program win...REGARDLESS OF COACH!

This has nothing to with what I think of CPF.


Im glad you like Phil, he is a good man, and congrats on meeting him. My main peeve was with the Fulmerites who are not wanting to support Kiffin, I like you would have supported whoever was hired. I am loving the fact that we got Kiffin, he is young, energetic and I think is gonna change the face of UT football. It just amazes me that some people are unwilling to give Kiffin a chance. I am not saying that is you, but there are some so called UT fans that are more of a Fulmer fan than a UT fan lurking this board.
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Im glad you like Phil, he is a good man, and congrats on meeting him. My main peeve was with the Fulmerites who are not wanting to support Kiffin, I like you would have supported whoever was hired. I am loving the fact that we got Kiffin, he is young, energetic and I think is gonna change the face of UT football. It just amazes me that some people are unwilling to give Kiffin a chance. I am not saying that is you, but there are some so called UT fans that are more of a Fulmer fan that a UT fan lurking this board.

I totally Agree with that.:good!:
There is no reason why you could not appreciate Phil on his way out and support Lane on his way in.
In this case you can have it both ways.
This might sound rude and/or pathetic to you....but the same could have been said by those who did support Coach Phillip Fulmer(who supported UT in everthing he ever did). Ever take that into consideration?

I was talking strickly wins and losses. No one should blindly support every decision someone makes, but its pitful that someone has to come to terms with wanting the head coach to succeed.
just sounds to me we are wanting him to fail rather than succeed...if so, why did we get rid of CPF....lets support what we have and hope for the best!!

Funny thing is, some were hoping for Fulmer to fail so he would be replaced. I guess they didn't realize, if he doesn't fail WE WIN. Same with Kiffin, I too liked Phil, but I'm a UT fan so I want Kiffin to be successful. After all, that means WE WIN. That's good GO VOLS!
Those on here that think Kiffin will NEVER do anything wrong, is the best hire we could have made and think we will will at the very least 11 games are the ones who hated Fulmer (esp.for the last 4 or 5 yrs.). And those are the same people that put others on ignore list today, because they don't want to hear all the short comings of the Lane-hire.

Before the Fulmer-fire the Laniacs of today were the voice of outrage. Now that Lane is hired the Fulmerites aren't calling for a return of Phil, just pointing out that this solution isn't AWESOME. But the poor Laniacs are still SO PISSED about the last yrs. of the Fulmer Admin. that they feel they must stomp out any other voices of rational football observations. They have ranted for soo long, that is the only thing they recognize, if you raise eyebrows you MUST be a HATER, a FULMERITE and you MUST SUBMIT to the rants of the Laniacs or face a public firing squad of verbal barbs. I guess the positons have changed, but we all want UT to win, but there really should be a honest examination down the road of the program. A normal operation to see if the decisions of today are producing positive results. The Forde grade is the first negative account of our hire, he is a bomb thrower and is trying to get a rise out of college football here at the end of the season. Lane has a blank check for the next four years to prove Forde, and any others wrong. He has a good chance to do just that.

But why hear others points of view? Hell, ya could just get a piece of paper and write down a thought, then write underneath it a response and then so on and so on,...just keep going until you wanted to tear it up and ban yourself? Ha! Isn't that why we are here, to read the Vol-thoughts of others?
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Those on here that think Kiffin will NEVER do anything wrong, is the best hire we could have made and think we will will at the very least 11 games are the ones who hated Fulmer (esp.for the last 4 or 5 yrs.). And those are the same people that put others on ignore list today, because they don't want to hear all the short comings of the Lane-hire.

Before the Fulmer-fire the Laniacs of today were the voice of outrage. Now that Lane is hired the Fulmerites aren't calling for a return of Phil, just pointing out that this solution isn't AWESOME. But the poor Laniacs are still SO PISSED about the last yrs. of the Fulmer Admin. that they feel they must stomp out any other voices of rational football observations. They have ranted for soo long, that is the only thing they recognize, if you raise eyebrows you MUST be a HATER, a FULMERITE and you MUST SUBMIT to the rants of the Laniacs or face a public firing squad of verbal barbs. I guess the positons have changed, but we all want UT to win, but there really should be a honest examination down the road of the program. A normal operation to see if the decisions of today are producing positive results. The Forde grade is the first negative account of our hire, he is a bomb thrower and is trying to get a rise out of college football here at the end of the season. Lane has a blank check for the next four years to prove Forde, and any others wrong. He has a good chance to do just that.

But why hear others points of view? Hell, ya could just get a piece of paper and write down a thought, then write underneath it a response and then so on and so on,...just keep going until you wanted to tear it up and ban yourself? Ha! Isn't that why we are here, to read the Vol-thoughts of others?

Again, no one has discredited anyone's rational observatoins about Kiffin. The only "rational observations" I've seen against Kiffin are demented ones, like "its two weeks in and we've not locked up the top recruiting class yet" or "he looks like a deer in the headlights at the presser" or "he's telling the truth to HS recruits that Rivals says are bad azz." If you were a Fulmer mega-supporter and you bring these tard ideas to the table, you deserve to have that thrown in your face.

If the point of your rant was to announce your hatred of the ignore list, I think you may have done more harm to yourself, considering you obviously want people to read what you post. It may be better for you to just PM Freak and ask if he will do away with the it.

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