I am so frustrated, LET TY LOOSE!

I wish Saban would hire OP for an off-field analyst. We could really use his skills down there.
You are such a nice person and you are spot on. Ever since I left the univeristy with my degree in 1989, my blood has run nothing but orange and I yearn for our glory days. Thanks for letting me have one person at least who doesnt pile on me, you are awesome!
I am tired of our fans just accepting these losses. Tired beyond belief of it!

What are we supposed to do other than accept them? We can’t make Warrior hold onto that int in the end zone. We can’t make JG throw to his hot read when he knows a guy is blitzing unblocked. We can’t make our corners faster or our WR faster. We can’t make our lines stronger or smarter.
I just think they look good because their schedule is really a joke. Its ridiculous in my opinion.

If their schedule is a joke then we are the punchline. They just set a record for the most points an opponent has scored in Neyland, after pulling their starting QB in the 3rd quarter and doing nothing but run the ball the entire 4th quarter.
I can see that my optimism is a problem for many of you so I will make a prediction that I want each of you who has bashed me to step up and eat crow once I prove to be correct. We will win out, win a bowl game against Michigan and start 2019 ranked #9 in the country with 2 Heisman candidates, Ty and Guarantano

Ok. And will you do the same if we don't achieve that? Again, its not your optimism. Its your beyond ridiculous assumptions.
Funny cause what I saw was besides a few plays here and there was Ty, and every other RB we have, barely making it back to the los or worse losing yards.
So you are saying because he made a handful of plays, we should ignore most of the plays and let Bama roll us even worse just so we can try and showcase a single player. Yeah let’s see how much worse it could’ve gotten by making it easier on Bama and letting them go after a single player 75% of the plays and letting them ignore the other 10 players on the field.
I can see that my optimism is a problem for many of you so I will make a prediction that I want each of you who has bashed me to step up and eat crow once I prove to be correct. We will win out, win a bowl game against Michigan and start 2019 ranked #9 in the country with 2 Heisman candidates, Ty and Guarantano

Yep. This screams of D4H. It has to be an alternate account. There just can’t be a second person with such big orange colored glasses.
I was surprised he didn’t get called on an earlier return where he caught the fair catch and advanced it down field.

He was all in his own head this game.

I noticed that too. I was worried they were gonna down him. He just needs more awareness of where he is.
Left the game as irritated as I have ever been. We could have won that game had our game plan revolved around Ty. He needed four times more touches than he got. So frustrating and the bammer offense is not that great, sorry folks!

Rookie is as rookie does
Posting should be given some thought, Rookie, please remember that Rookie!
What are you talking about, I'm 53 years old, I am not a "rookie"

Your post reads, “we could have won that game” it sure sounds like a rookie, regardless of you physical age, if you truly believe your words, then rookie would seem like a complement to your silly post

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