How would you feel about Fulmer eventually replacing Hamilton as Athletic Director?

Would you be comfortable with Fulmer becoming the Athletic Director?

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Btw, if you think Dooley will succeed and is a good coach - then why was the search such a disaster?

I never said he was 100% going to succeed here. I honestly can't put my finger on whether he will succeed or not. It's not like Lane Kiffin. With the staff he had brought in, there was no way that he wasn't going to be a success here, had he stayed.

It's a gamble for a hire, and the fact that Dooley wasn't the first, second, or even third option makes this coaching search a failure in my book, and in most people's eyes. I understand the timing was bad and all, but you don't just interview anyone for this job, and make Tennessee look like a damn laughing stock. That's what Hambone did.

Regardless of my personal opinions of Dooley, he is the Vols head coach, and I will support him 100%, until he gives me reason not to.
I would rather remove the position of AD off of the payroll before ever letting Failmer get the position.

I don't think many people realize that the AD has qualifications they have to meet. A washed up good for nothing football ex-coach is not anywhere remotely close to being qualified.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Complete and utter nonsense.
Complete and utter nonsense.

Which part was nonsense? Was he completely wrong in saying that there are specific qualifications necessary to be an AD? If that's wrong, I'll apply for the job as soon as it comes open.
Which is absolutely ignorant.

Joan Cronin making a salary is an atrocity.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

My, my. We sure took a double dose of our "arrogance" medication today, didn't we? What's it like to know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING? That's O.K. I really don't care to know.
What about being a career football coach qualifies someone to handle a $100 million budget? That would be like an airline hiring one of its former pilots as CFO.


Wisconsin has Barry Alvarez as their AD. He's actually pretty good.
I never said he was 100% going to succeed here. I honestly can't put my finger on whether he will succeed or not. It's not like Lane Kiffin. With the staff he had brought in, there was no way that he wasn't going to be a success here, had he stayed.

It's a gamble for a hire, and the fact that Dooley wasn't the first, second, or even third option makes this coaching search a failure in my book, and in most people's eyes. I understand the timing was bad and all, but you don't just interview anyone for this job, and make Tennessee look like a damn laughing stock. That's what Hambone did.

Regardless of my personal opinions of Dooley, he is the Vols head coach, and I will support him 100%, until he gives me reason not to.

Ok, here's all I am saying: How do you know that is a FACT?? You can't take the media coverage of the hire as fact. I think the only fact we know about the search, is that the we don't know the full story. And until someone comes out with it, its just pure opinion and speculation. How do you know that Dooley wasn't Hamilton's 2nd choice? I can't verify the story, but what I heard was that it was very different from espn's or sporting news version. Even Hamilton's radio interview strongly contrasted alot of things that we all thought were "fact".
Ok, here's all I am saying: How do you know that is a FACT?? You can't take the media coverage of the hire as fact. I think the only fact we know about the search, is that the we don't know the full story. And until someone comes out with it, its just pure opinion and speculation. How do you know that Dooley wasn't Hamilton's 2nd choice? I can't verify the story, but what I heard was that it was very different from espn's or sporting news version. Even Hamilton's radio interview strongly contrasted alot of things that we all thought were "fact".

If Dooley was Hamilton's second choice, he needs to be fired anyways.
As far as the original topic is concerned, I'll actually say that Fulmer wouldn't be a terrible AD. Would he be good. Hell no.
No way! Mike Hamilton is doing a great job. Bruce Pearl has revived the basketball program and he did fire Fulmer when it was time! Maybe he should have listened to Al Davis on Kiffen but he deserves a mulligan and has brought in a good Coach in Dooley! Let Phil be a fan like the rest of us!

Totally agree, nkv. Mother of God, who's the lady???
Tennessee has been to the College World Series four times. Rod Delmonico was the coach for three of them; the other one was in 1951.

Our baseball program has gone from occasionally going to the CWS to losing to USC Upstate and ETSU.

Raleigh has done a terrible job and Hamilton made a terrible decision. You do remember what Delmonico did last March?

He gets credit for hiring Pearl (although anyone could have seen that was a good idea at the time, Hamilton did get it done), and I think he may have made a good decision with Dooley (time will tell), but Todd Raleigh was a major failure.

Now, as for Fulmer as AD, if that subject ever came up for consideration, I'd be fine with it. You can't tell me he wouldn't work in the best interests of UT athletics. The only concern I would have would be whether or not he'd be willing to make a hard decision on a coach who wasn't doing well. He was always reluctant to pull the trigger on an underperforming assistant, and his experience of being removed by Hamilton would probably make him even more reluctant to make those decisions.

Very astute post, jsc, particularly the last paragraph.
I think he would work in the best interests of UT's football program. There's a good chance he wouldn't have a damn clue about what was going on in basketball. He'd likely hire Cut and never pull the trigger on him. He hired plenty of bad assistants. I'd rather him not make any bigger decisions.
i see that peppervol is a fulmerite

I, along with many of the VolNation, respect the life-long career of Phil Fulmer and what he did for our beloved university. We first got to know Phil and Vickie when we all lived at the married student's housing Golf Range Apts. out off Sutherland Ave. in west Knoxville. He did some great things for U.T., but, IMHO, got somewhat lazy and predictable the last few years. I am one who thought it was time for a change and let it be known. That said, there are no bigger supporters of the University of Tennessee and has U.T.'s best interest at heart than Phil and Vickie Fulmer. Really good people, but it was time for them to step down. Probably overdue.

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