How Rule changes Will Affect the Game

This a great thing, maybe not for our team, but definitely for the sport. Basketball is not a game where brute strength and force should own the game. It is a game of skill and athleticism. The guys that are in there just because they are big and strong, need to gtfo. If you can't stop someone without being physical with htem a) you aren't a great defender b) they are just a superior talent and their impact on the game deserves to be greater. College basketball has gotten to the point where they don't even call contact on jump shots half the time. Its basically been legal to box out the shooter while he's still in his shooting motion.
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What? College basketball is unique because it allows that physical play, but people want that to change and become more like the NBA with more offense and less defense. It's absurd really. We all know the NBA is boring until the last 5 minutes of the game then everyone starts playing for real.

My favorite part about college basketball is the physicality of it, the hard-nosed defense; it's a great game to watch when an opponent gets shut out by the opposing defense.

I wholeheartedly disagree. Want higher-scoring games? Put in a 24-second shot clock instead of 35. Add minutes to the game. That's why NBA is high scoring. Every great defensive perimeter NBA player would foul out of NBA games frequently if these rules were put in place.
Really like Dortch, wonder if KNS has ever tried to steal him.

Another interesting thought I've seen mentioned is time of games is gonna increase by a lot. A lot of these scrimmages that were supposed to be 20 minutes lasted an hour, so tv slots either need to increase or you're going to miss the start of games more often than last year.

KNS should fire john adams and hire Dortch. :yes:
"If these rules were put in place (in the NBA)"

Their is an easy solution to the new rule. And that is move your feet. IMO thats the reason most holding calls happen. The defender get a little lazy and uses hands instead of feet.

CCM is a defense first coach, so we will be prepared for the change.
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Other things that need to be taken out of the game. "Taking charges" WTF does taking a charge have to do with the game of basketball? Who ever came up with this concept was probably a terrible player. Also the Concept "drawing a foul" the point of game is to put the ball in the basket, not to draw fouls.
Other things that need to be taken out of the game. "Taking charges" WTF does taking a charge have to do with the game of basketball? Who ever came up with this concept was probably a terrible player. Also the Concept "drawing a foul" the point of game is to put the ball in the basket, not to draw fouls.

I don't know man, their are a lot of spazzes out there that will lower their shoulder and plow over anything in his way. I believe in established position.

You would love watching games at the park. I dare somebody to try and call a charge in a pick-up game at the park. :)
I don't know man, their are a lot of spazzes out there that will lower their shoulder and plow over anything in his way. I believe in established position.

You would love watching games at the park. I dare somebody to try and call a charge in a pick-up game at the park. :)

I agree with that. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about making any move whatsoever, offensively or defensively with the would intention of drawing a foul. It amazes me that you can't get a foul called when you are hit on a jump shot but you can jump in front of someone driving to the basket and get a call.
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The change is directed to play outside the paint, they basically want guys to be able to drive without being touched from the 3 point line. Once you're inside the paint there shouldn't be much difference in how it's called.

This was the impression I got too. The NBA eliminated hand checking several years ago.
I wholeheartedly disagree. Want higher-scoring games? Put in a 24-second shot clock instead of 35. Add minutes to the game. That's why NBA is high scoring. Every great defensive perimeter NBA player would foul out of NBA games frequently if these rules were put in place.

I like the no hand check rule. NBA had that rule and teams adjusted and it's a very good balance right now IMO. Good D, but also good offense.

Now, I like your ideas better. 24 second shot clock, 48 minutes. No reason that can't be possible.
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