how funny

you'd prefer he include the crusades in the discussion?

If his claim is that a certain religion promotes or tolerates violence, then how do you not?

If his argument is that certain regimes or groups currently do that, then no.

But that has always been the difference between level-headed thinkers like myself and people willing to paint with the broadest brush and, either because they are lazy or because they are ignorant, have decided that it is the Muslim religion ITSELF causing people to blow stuff up, versus charismatic leaders who abuse it for political purposes.

My point is that Christians have had leaders that talked followers into committing terrible crimes in the name of the religion. It wasn't the religion at fault. Its the leaders.
"like myself" converted that silliness to one of the most unexpected, yet howlingly funny things I've ever read on here.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
With Judaism being what it is (lets face it, there aren't many orthodox Jews around) I often wonder why we don't offer to give Israel the Mojave dessert and just make it a 51st state. It would solve a lot of problems....and they would all be closer to Hollywood.
With Judaism being what it is (lets face it, there aren't many orthodox Jews around) I often wonder why we don't offer to give Israel the Mojave dessert and just make it a 51st state. It would solve a lot of problems....and they would all be closer to Hollywood.

With Judaism being what it is (lets face it, there aren't many orthodox Jews around) I often wonder why we don't offer to give Israel the Mojave dessert and just make it a 51st state. It would solve a lot of problems....and they would all be closer to Hollywood.

there are already 57 states, aren't there?
If his claim is that a certain religion promotes or tolerates violence, then how do you not?

If his argument is that certain regimes or groups currently do that, then no.

But that has always been the difference between level-headed thinkers like myself and people willing to paint with the broadest brush and, either because they are lazy or because they are ignorant, have decided that it is the Muslim religion ITSELF causing people to blow stuff up, versus charismatic leaders who abuse it for political purposes.

My point is that Christians have had leaders that talked followers into committing terrible crimes in the name of the religion. It wasn't the religion at fault. Its the leaders.

last time i checked christian leaders in this century weren't preaching violence as a way to heaven.
I caught the intentional outlandishness, and I did laugh. It served a purpose. It was humorous, like myself.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

You are funny .... Funny looking!

I should clarify that the Hollywood comment was a tongue and cheek reference to my redneck brethren who still insist that the Jews own Hollywood. We all know the Scientologists run the town now.

Well okay then.

As to the substance of it, my guess is that you could offer Israel prime California coastline and they'd keep their current desert.
last time i checked christian leaders in this century weren't preaching violence as a way to heaven.

Not currently. But that's just proof that its not Christianity that is (or ever was) the problem. Just as its not Islam itself that is the problem. Its the ones warping it that are the problem.
Not currently. But that's just proof that its not Christianity that is (or ever was) the problem. Just as its not Islam itself that is the problem. Its the ones warping it that are the problem.

but islam has been preaching that for it's entire existance. mohammad was a military leader after all. last time i checked jesus wasn't slaying infidels in the new testament.
but islam has been preaching that for it's entire existance. mohammad was a military leader after all. last time i checked jesus wasn't slaying infidels in the new testament.

No, but the Bible is chock full of some fairly harsh leaders of various tribes, kingdoms, etc., laying waste to this group or that, and it all being part of The Grand Plan.
but islam has been preaching that for it's entire existance. mohammad was a military leader after all. last time i checked jesus wasn't slaying infidels in the new testament.

Well now you're getting into one of the big arguments between Muslim scholars.
No, but the Bible is chock full of some fairly harsh leaders of various tribes, kingdoms, etc., laying waste to this group or that, and it all being part of The Grand Plan.

What you're describing is primarily Judaism. Remember, it's called Christianity for a reason. Up to the birth of Jesus Christianity and Judaism are the same story. Once you get to the Jesus part the "violence inherent in the system" (the Monty Python guys will get that) is pretty much left to historical reference.

Islam, well, not so much.
Convenient time frame you got there.

That's the point. Christians and Jews, along with most other major religions in the world, gave up on waging "holy wars" long ago, whereas Muslims have refused to give up such policies.

I agree with you that Islam is not inherently militaristic, but, as you point out, it has been hijacked by extremists and used to advance indiscriminate killing around the world.

With that said, I still hold firm to my belief that comparing fundamentalist Christians to fundamentalist Muslims is pure BS.
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That's the point. Christians and Jews, along with most other major religions in the world, gave up on waging "holy wars" long ago, whereas Muslims have refused to give up such policies.

I agree with you that Islam is not an inherently militaristic, but, as you point out, it has been hijacked by extremists and used to advance indiscriminate killing around the world.

With that said, I still hold firm to my belief that comparing fundamentalist Christians to fundamentalist Muslims is pure BS.
I disagree. It's inherently militaristic with anyone who openly opposes Islam.
What you're describing is primarily Judaism. Remember, it's called Christianity for a reason. Up to the birth of Jesus Christianity and Judaism are the same story. Once you get to the Jesus part the "violence inherent in the system" (the Monty Python guys will get that) is pretty much left to historical reference.

Islam, well, not so much.

Big fan here.

We should just be thankful that the Muslims don't have the Holy Hand Grenade.

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