Highlights from Coach Mathews’ last “Big Orange Sunday” program


Volosaurus rex

Doctorate in Volology
Dec 2, 2009
I haven’t seen anyone comment on Coach Doug Mathews’ remarks from the post-South Carolina game version of “Big Orange Sunday,” so I have taken the liberty of encapsulating his main points. If you would like to listen to the broadcast in its entirety, click on the appropriate link from the podcast menu at 104-5 The Zone: THE Sports Station - Podcasts.

(1) He will provide an indepth position-by-position critique of where the program currently is and recruitment needs, as he sees them, on the bye week broadcast (11/9/14).

(2) He gives offensive line coach Don Mahoney a lot of credit; this “is a poor offensive line talent-wise for Southeastern Conference play. . . he has this offensive line playing about as well as they can play right now.”

(3) He emphasized the fact that Tennessee recorded five sacks and all five of them were by defensive ends.

(4) “There can’t be a better freshman player in the Southeastern Conference than Derek Barnett

(5) "There wasn’t a lot of [defensive pressure from South Carolina’s front four.] I attribute a lot of that to the fact that we are running the football well now, we are coming off the ball, we’re being aggressive . . .”

(6) “The biggest thing that Josh Dobbs brings now is this: No. 1. He brings hope. You see a guy out there that can lead a football team. . . . It doesn’t make any difference why he hasn’t been playing [earlier] . . . This football team is going to go into next season in a really good position because of the talent we have built up. We aren’t seeing some of it because we are so young. . . . What Josh Dobbs allows us to do next year is he allows us to go into next season without having to count on a freshman quarterback. I’ve never seen a true freshman quarterback come in and lead a team to a really good season. . . . Peyton Manning probably would be the closest.”

(7) “The conditioning of this Vol football team was very apparent late in the fourth quarter and overtime. I think that we wore South Carolina out, particularly on the defensive side of the ball. . . . The conditioning was excellent in this ball game and I believe that it was a big reason that we won.”

(8) “This [win] was a big boost for recruiting. Make no doubt about that. . . . The first thing Tennessee needs to get as a football program from a competitive standpoint is where they are competitive in the Eastern Division. . . . [Those are the teams you are going to play every year.] . . . You can make a very strong argument that we are [as good as or better than South Carolina and Florida even though we lost to Florida.] . . . Georgia, for two years in a row, we’ve been right there with an opportunity to where we could beat Georgia. . . . We are very close to being competitive with another good recruiting year, another good spring practice, with a good weight program, with a little bit of luck, I think that we will be up there playing for the championship of the Eastern Division next year

(9) “[With respect to why Josh Dobbs hasn’t played earlier,] I was up there four or five days during spring practice, I was up there in preseason probably three or four times watching practice and I will say this: Dobbs did not look particularly good. . . . All I know is that from this point going forward, we are in pretty good shape at the quarterback position.”

(10) “We are having a really good recruiting year. I honestly believe we will have a better recruiting class (2015 signees) [than last year's]. . . . Two of the reasons are because we have two big-time defensive tackles and we’ve got two quarterbacks. . . . Those are two key positions. We are also doing better in the secondary.”

(11) “Our [kick] coverage [against South Carolina] was excellent. We are getting better and better on that. That’s some of those younger guys I was talking about.”

(12) “We are becoming a nastier football team [i.e. physically dominating and aggressive]. . . . When you see the opposing quarterback complaining to the referee about getting hit too late, you know that you’ve got that guy about where you want him. . . . Our offensive line is coming off the ball and hitting some folks now. While we aren’t the biggest or most talented up there, we are becoming a more nasty football team and I believe that we are going to continue doing that
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Spot on, IMO. Should be required reading for all Vol fans, even the ones that are not that lurk in the dark corners of Volnation.
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good to hear i like people around the program to give their perspective..

next 3 games huge for dobbs
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Do they pod cast the coach to coach show? I heard a little of it tonight but I'm rarely near a radio on Fri nights.
I know that 104.5-FM broadcasts "Coach to Coach," but, for some reason, they don't have it listed on their podcast menu. I have no idea why that is the case. If you wanted to invest the time to research the matter, I suppose you could check out the websites of all participating radio stations in their network (see http://www.coachtocoachradio.com/find-your-station/) and perhaps you will find someone who regularly makes it available through podcast.
Coach Matthews is one of my favorites. He was always approachable and willing to spend time with us at UT's coaching clinics. His chalk talk articles on his web sight are a very good read. His common sense and knowledgeable insight concerning the development of the football team is usually spot on.

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