Hendon Hooker status? ***UPDATE - Torn ACL***

I hate that for him. He really represented the team well and was obviously a key to getting the ship going in the right direction.
Good luck to Hooker on a speedy recovery and thanks for his contributions to the football program for the last two seasons.
He won’t play again for us, that’s a given. And it happened so late in the year he won’t be able to do the NFL combine or anything. This is pretty devastating for him, and one of the good things about NIL. He’s got some money, and a nice policy against injury to draw income from.

Hey Tix, my apologies for my response to your post above that you don't know yet what his injuries are. Unfortunately for Hooker, you were right. I guess I just wasn't ready to accept the he was done at the time.
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For those who have never blown out your ACL here’s a bit of info on this type of injury and the recovery timeline for it.

Hendon has already shown he’s a determined individual who pushes himself to overcome adversity, but this life hurdle is just going to take him some time and patience.


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