heard the students were planning a walk out

Wearing black with an almost 100 heat index. Sounds about right for some students who are idiots.

Dark colors work better in high heat areas. Dark, lose fitting. Now if they are wearing atifa masks and carrying batts, we may have some other issue.
The older members of the board just got riled up over a unsubstantiated rumor that 18-22 year olds may or may not be "walking out" of a game, and they call the younger generation immature.
From what I understand the ones that want Jones gone are planning on doing it. It would be a shame. It's one think for ppl to talk but to embarrass the School on National TV and the Players is not good. I am sure the players would be pissed off if it happened,

One could counter this would be a normal reaction of a fan/student base that is tired of their University & Football program being embarrassed, repeatedly on national TV against ranked opponents & SEC competition!
Guys. Most of the students don't care.

You wouldn't notice one way or another because it's a noon game in September against a should-be cupcake. Even during 2015-2016 the students were coming 30 min to 1 hr late, snapping pics for social media, and leaving at halftime.

If this were even HALF true, the sensationalist regulars on "Vol Twitter" would be blowing this up. It's nothing.
This is the result of all those up in arms about firing Jones that the media picks up on it and now its spilled over to the students. See, this type of behavior isn't ok. It's toxic and an embarrassment to all fans and the school.

Regardless of what side you're on, this makes us all the laughing stock and butt of all jokes in college football. If anyone loses bad, all they gotta say is at least we're not Tennessee.
The younger generation is immature.

You are correct, but the adults on this message board hopping on anything that looks like a soap box to talk about how the students of 20 years ago (or even 40 years ago) were any better are way off. Additionally, falling for silly rumors that have no steam and getting upset about it is no better than the "snowflakes" they're yapping about.
This isn't remotely true. We don't have a dedicated student fan base. It'd be 5-10 students at most who would participate and the others aren't sure who starts at any position on OL for us.

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