Gun control debate (merged)

He’s a Prime example of … Tell me you love fear porn , buzz words, and propaganda from MSM without telling me you do . Lol

What saddens me with any of it is, people will jump at the chance to remove something they know nothing about. You see gun control people all the time running around yelling stuff without learning the basic concept of any of it. I taught my wife’s cousin to handle a .22 when she was 10. I have always told her to stand for what she thinks is right, but remember that you can vote yourself into socialism but you have to shoot your way out of it. If you believe in a cause learn about it. If you are going to stand for something don't be super uneducated while doing it.
I carry an AR every time I hunt. It goes back to an incident from my childhood when my cousin and I were attacked by a pack of wild dogs while hunting. If my cousin didn’t have his Mini 14 with us we likely wouldn’t have survived.
I don’t give a **** if you think I don’t need an AR. I’m not going out there without one.
I was going to say someone has never dealt with a pack of vicious animals before out in the woods. Better hope you got slugs loaded in that double barrel and hope there is only two of them.
I didn’t say that. Some folks will certainly politicize it. I don’t care about politics. I go on what I see. Thirteen innocent people in my town got shot today by a clown with an automatic weapon who had no business owning one. I don’t know but I’m pretty sure when the 2nd amendment was written, they didn’t envision people being able to own an automatic weapon with a 30 round clip. Back then they had muskets and single shot pistols. A far cry from the weapons available today. Again I own guns. I just don’t believe assault rifles should be available to the general public. And I don’t think that’s unreasonable.

It never ceases to amaze me what limits people can put on what people could "envision".

Do you know of the Puckle gun? This was a repeating weapon with a separate reloadable revolving cylinder. It was large and crew served but patented in 1718.

The idea of a personal repeating firearm had not merely been envisioned but was a working concept submitted to congress by gunsmith Joseph Belton in 1777.

Even beyond the above is the staggering absurdity that any thoughtful and intelligent people, which the founders surely were, would consider their contemporary weapons to be remotely the final say in technological advancement. There is literally zero chance of that being the case.
I give up. We’ll just have to agree to disagree cause you’ll never convince me anybody should own an assault rifle. Period. Own all the hunting rifles, shotguns and pistols you want. I have a few of those myself and can defend my home with those if that’s what you are afraid of. So far I’ve yet to hear a valid reason to own an automatic or semi-automatic rifle with a large clip. But I’m wasting my breath and so are you. And I’m not wasting any more time debating it. Too many politicians with the NRA in their pockets anyway so nothing is going to happen. Carry on.
I own a slew of “assault rifles” to protect myself and my girlfriend from kooks like you who have no clue what they’re talking about trying to come take them away from me. Ie: the government.
It never ceases to amaze me what limits people can put on what people could "envision".

Do you know of the Puckle gun? This was a repeating weapon with a separate reloadable revolving cylinder. It was large and crew served but patented in 1718.

The idea of a personal repeating firearm had not merely been envisioned but was a working concept submitted to congress by gunsmith Joseph Belton in 1777.

Even beyond the above is the staggering absurdity that any thoughtful and intelligent people, which the founders surely were, would consider their contemporary weapons to be remotely the final say in technological advancement. There is literally zero chance of that being the case.
Everyone ignores the fact that there are letters between the founding fathers that address this. They discussed cannons and military weapons. They generally agreed that if the government had it the people should have it too. It’s their actual intent
Everyone ignores the fact that there are letters between the founding fathers that address this. They discussed cannons and military weapons. They generally agreed that if the government had it the people should have it too. It’s their actual intent

They want to pretend the FF never added context to what they wrote.
Man, I hope I never get killed by somebody with a name as ridiculous as UK Thang.

What's worse? Killed by someone with a name like that or by a overweight ATF [AFT* for any Biden fans] agent that the best picture he is known for is posing on your dead corpse.

I can almost guarantee this man has never satisfied a woman sexually, financially, emotionally, spiritually, and probably never will.

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