Glory Johnson

I think this is the most lurid thread I've ever read that didn't deal with murder or Penn State.

But?...what if there are ACTUAL LESBIANS?...on the Lady Vols squad? :shhh: And they go unchecked and years after they graduate? They marry another dirty lesbian and get all lesbiany? Will they shut Holly and us down? :scare:
If it was towards my post? Don't do stuff that'll make you sick. :)
It really doesn't matter where one stands politically on the issue. This is not good for the Lady Vol Program in general. That is my concern.

It's not's not's NOTHING to the program. These are personal lives outside of said program...CUT THE CORD. :wink2:
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As a member of the gay community, I can tell you, with no doubt, there are more lesbians in coaching at Tennessee, and have coached at Tennessee, and played at Tennessee, and gay men that have done the same, than your narrow minds can ever handle. I will just say this, if you have a grudge or a hated of lesbians, then you have no reason routing for the Lady Vols, and you would be very disillusioned with your heroes in reality.
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No worries, who even remembers Glory played for TENN? Certainly not the 16 year old recruits. Can't see how she would affect the program.
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I wonder if Geno has had as many homosexuals on his teams as the Lady Vols have?

Who cares? It's 2015. One's sexual orientation is wholly irrelevant, and has absolutely nothing to do with whether one is a good ballplayer, a good coach, or a good person in general. Bigots, on the other hand, may perchance be good ballplayers or good coaches, but they most assuredly are not good people.

That said, I do not in any way think Geno has one iota of a problem with a player's sexual orientation, and I'm sure he has had a fair share of lesbian players. Geno wants fantastic ballplayers; I'm fairly confident their sexual orientation is a non-issue for him. (Now, if he were recruiting an outstanding, elite player whose parents happened to be anti-gay, would he use that information against his competition? I don't know; I'd hope not. But as far as Geno being anti-gay himself or balking at or refusing to sign lesbian players . . . no way in hell do I buy that.) I am just as sure that Holly feels (and Pat before her felt) the same way -- sexual orientation is a non-issue. If a ballplayer is excellent at what she does and has a personality and skill set to fit the coach's system and is cooperative, driven, and teachable, why would any coach turn such a player away simply because that player happens to be gay? Holly wouldn't. Geno wouldn't. The vast majority of decent coaches wouldn't. It appears to be more of an issue for a small segment of irrational and homophobic "fans" than it ever was or would be for 95% of the coaches out there (dumba**es such as Rene Portland aside).
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I wonder how many members of the current Lady Vols basketball roster are homosexual? It might be a good thing to know, because there could be another Griner/Johnson type situation down the road that we can look forward to.

If Pat Summit had conducted one of these proposed witch hunts...Glory Johnson would have escaped "justice". Griner's major beef is that she's not really a lesbian. What list would she have been on? :)
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I wonder how many members of the current Lady Vols basketball roster are homosexual? It might be a good thing to know, because there could be another Griner/Johnson type situation down the road that we can look forward to.

If you are being serious, this is one of the most monumentally ignorant things I have ever read on this board, and I have read plenty of ignorant things on Volnation. If, in fact, you are serious (and even if you are not), you sorely need to choose a different moniker; you are not even moderately as witty or clever as the original "Silence Dogood" (who was, ironically, a man pretending to be a woman).
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I think it is great the Lady Vols don't discriminate. But I have my doubts about UConn. Do they have any alumni who are out? I seem to remember reports of Geno saying some things that he shouldn't have but I don't think those were ever sourced very solidly.
I think it is great the Lady Vols don't discriminate. But I have my doubts about UConn. Do they have any alumni who are out? I seem to remember reports of Geno saying some things that he shouldn't have but I don't think those were ever sourced very solidly.

I think Geno is opportunistic. If he discovered, through whatever means (a comment, a perusal of a Facebook post, whatever) that a prized recruit's parents were homophobic, who's to say that he wouldn't use that to try to sway their opinions against other programs? I would hope he wouldn't do such a thing, but I don't know. I could see any number of coaches, not just Geno, attempting such a thing if they felt it would land a heavily sought-after elite recruit or keep the recruit away from a competitor's program. However, I don't think for a minute that Geno, personally, is anti-gay; in fact, I'm quite sure he has even made comments that it is of no concern to him what goes on in a player's personal life, as long as it doesn't affect their on-court performance. If a top ranked recruit in a given class was openly gay, and if she was someone who would fit UConn's style, I have no doubt whatsoever Geno would be perfectly fine with that and would recruit the hell out of that player, and I believe she would be accepted with open arms if she chose UConn. The fact is, blatantly homophobic programs (or even those suspected of having a homophobic undercurrent) will not be successful programs in today's society, particularly when it comes to women's sports -- and that's a good thing.

As far as having publicly out alumni -- Tennessee may have more in that category than UConn, but it also depends on what you mean by "out." Some people who are (or who have been) in the public eye are openly gay, and everyone who knows them personally knows, but they don't broadcast the fact via the media. They just live their lives. I'm sure there many former Lady Vols who fall into that category, and I'm fairly sure the same can be said about UConn.
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Who cares? It's 2015. One's sexual orientation is wholly irrelevant, and has absolutely nothing to do with whether one is a good ballplayer, a good coach, or a good person in general. Bigots, on the other hand, may perchance be good ballplayers or good coaches, but they most assuredly are not good people.

That said, I do not in any way think Geno has one iota of a problem with a player's sexual orientation, and I'm sure he has had a fair share of lesbian players. Geno wants fantastic ballplayers; I'm fairly confident their sexual orientation is a non-issue for him. (Now, if he were recruiting an outstanding, elite player whose parents happened to be anti-gay, would he use that information against his competition? I don't know; I'd hope not. But as far as Geno being anti-gay himself or ibalking at or refusing to sign lesbian players . . . no way in hell do I buy that.) I am just as sure that Holly feels (and Pat before her felt) the same way -- sexual orientation is a non-issue. If a ballplayer is excellent at what she does and has a personality and skill set to fit the coach's system and is cooperative, driven, and teachable, why would any coach turn such a player away simply because that player happens to be gay? Holly wouldn't. Geno wouldn't. The vast majority of decent coaches wouldn't. It appears to be more of an issue for a small segment of irrational and homophobic "fans" than it ever was or would be for 95% of the coaches out there (dumba**es such as Rene Portland aside).

I don't know how many remember but a few years back (I think Dolson was a soph.) they had a campaign about being accepting of lesbians. I responded on the thread about how interesting it was that they came out in support of it when it was rumored that Geno used it against Pat(that she was gay) in recruiting. I was promptly taken to task saying that it was Pat that didn't want her players to reveal their orientation. Also remember Griner saying that KM didn't want her to divulge her orientation. (I think it was against some school code why she wanted her to lie) So as you said any coach, if they're worth their salt would be plain stupid to turn down a ball player just because she's gay.
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I don't know how many remember but a few years back (I think Dolson was a soph.) they had a campaign about being accepting of lesbians. I responded on the thread about how interesting it was that they came out in support of it when it was rumored that Geno used it against Pat(that she was gay) in recruiting. I was promptly taken to task saying that it was Pat that didn't want her players to reveal their orientation. Also remember Griner saying that KM didn't want her to divulge her orientation. (I think it was against some school code why she wanted her to lie) So as you said any coach, if they're worth their salt would be plain stupid to turn down a ball player just because she's gay.

To be perfectly frank, given the number of lesbians who have played for the Lady Vols throughout history, I doubt seriously if Pat had an issue with her players' sexual orientation. In the early days of the program, lesbian players (and I am only speculating here) may have been encouraged to keep it under the radar simply due to the fact that UT is in East Tennessee, and public sentiment toward and fan support for the program (and it's eventual growth) may have been hindered had the general public been aware that the program was open to lesbian players (which I fully believe it was and continues to be). I don't doubt that the same could be said about the majority of women's programs thirty years ago. I am fully convinced that Geno has no problem whatsoever with it, either, though I would not put it past him (or any number of other coaches) to employ questionable tactics (not necessarily reflective of their personal beliefs) in an attempt to sway elite recruits to their program and away from others. But to be personally anti-gay or refuse to sign lesbian players to their own programs -- no way do I believe that about Geno any more than I believe that about Holly. Which is to say, I would bet five years' worth of my fairly generous salary that it is a total non-issue for Geno, for Holly, and for the vast majority of women's coaches out there.

Kim Mulkey is in a different situation, in that the university for which she works is affiliated with a religious organization that is fundamentally opposed to homosexuality. Is Kim Mulkey anti-gay? I seriously doubt it; however, it is by virtue of the fact that she is employed by Baylor that she likely must encourage lesbian players to keep their orientation under wraps. Is that fair or ethically correct? In my opinion, absolutely not, but it is what it is. Student-athletes (and students in general) know (or should know) what they are getting into when they go to an institution such as Baylor.
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