Get out the beer and popcorn

Mueller keeps pecking away and not making any moves before the midterms while the President is forcing the DOJ and FBI to go against their own guidelines of not commenting on investigations. I could imaging the outrage if Obama would have forced them to come out with select FISA documents and the text messages before the election in 2016. It was cool when Comey did it to hurt Hillary but what if Obama came out and said we have FISA warrants on several of Trump's advisors and released several of those selective texts?

If you are seeing this as a last minute attempt at transparency then you are a right wing loon. If you are seeing this as an attempt at political cover you are smarter than the right wing loons.
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Mueller keeps pecking away and not making any moves before the midterms while the President is forcing the DOJ and FBI to go against their own guidelines of not commenting on investigations. I could imaging the outrage if Obama would have forced them to come out with select FISA documents and the text messages before the election in 2016. It was cool when Comey did it to hurt Hillary but what if Obama came out and said we have FISA warrants on several of Trump's advisors and released several of those selective texts?

If you are seeing this as a last minute attempt at transparency then you are a right wing loon. If you are seeing this as an attempt at political cover you are smarter than the right wing loons.

This is zepp level dumb. Are you guys having meetings to discuss ways to make yourselves look even more childish and stupid?
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Mueller keeps pecking away and not making any moves before the midterms while the President is forcing the DOJ and FBI to go against their own guidelines of not commenting on investigations. I could imaging the outrage if Obama would have forced them to come out with select FISA documents and the text messages before the election in 2016. It was cool when Comey did it to hurt Hillary but what if Obama came out and said we have FISA warrants on several of Trump's advisors and released several of those selective texts?

If you are seeing this as a last minute attempt at transparency then you are a right wing loon. If you are seeing this as an attempt at political cover you are smarter than the right wing loons.

Can’t bring out the sainted one this time , Barry has broken the ex president protocol by coming out against a sitting president ( Right before mid terms no less ) . You can throw all that past practice stuff in the trash because nobody is following it anymore .
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Can’t bring out the sainted one this time , Barry has broken the ex president protocol by coming out against a sitting president ( Right before mid terms no less ) . You can throw all that past practice stuff in the trash because nobody is following it anymore .
He had a rally with 750 people in Cali. Why Cali? Dims control Cali.
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Can’t bring out the sainted one this time , Barry has broken the ex president protocol by coming out against a sitting president ( Right before mid terms no less ) . You can throw all that past practice stuff in the trash because nobody is following it anymore .
Obama didn't break any protocols, Trump shattered them. Obama remained quiet longer than he should have.
Obama didn't break any protocols, Trump shattered them. Obama remained quiet longer than he should have.

Wait what ? So Barry coming out while no other president has before is now Trumps fault ? Lmao. You guys never fail to give us a laugh. See this is what I mean , Barry can NEVER do no wrong .
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Wait what ? So Barry coming out while no other president has before is now Trumps fault ? Lmao. You guys never fail to give us a laugh. See this is what I mean , Barry can NEVER do no wrong .
You are the Fox generation. Clinton didn't stump for people because he had too much baggage and the same goes for Bush. The only baggage Obama has is trying to reduce health care cost without the help of the GOP states. You all figured out how to reduce those costs yet?

Airvol couldn't keep his doctor so scrap the whole thing.
I am so glad that not everyone wallows around in saint Barry’s angle dust , waiting for him to come back and save us from that evil Tyrant Trump . Hey Luther .. Thank god for term limits and the Electorial College , #Amirite? Lol
Wait what ? So Barry coming out while no other president has before is now Trumps fault ? Lmao. You guys never fail to give us a laugh. See this is what I mean , Barry can NEVER do no wrong .
You're delusional. No sitting president has ever come close to Trump in their negative comments about former administrations. Of course it's Trump's fault.
You are the Fox generation. Clinton didn't stump for people because he had too much baggage and the same goes for Bush. The only baggage Obama has is trying to reduce health care cost without the help of the GOP states. You all figured out how to reduce those costs yet?

Airvol couldn't keep his doctor so scrap the whole thing.

If you wanna talk about me, type @AirVol and I’ll get a notification. Thanks!
You are the Fox generation. Clinton didn't stump for people because he had too much baggage and the same goes for Bush. The only baggage Obama has is trying to reduce health care cost without the help of the GOP states. You all figured out how to reduce those costs yet?

Airvol couldn't keep his doctor so scrap the whole thing.

Did you just say the ONLY baggage Barry has ? Wow star gaze much do you ?
Did you just say the ONLY baggage Barry has ? Wow star gaze much do you ?
It will be one of the great litmus tests of the future:
Were you an Obama man or a Trump man?
Is there any doubt on how history will view this test?
You keep predicting the future and failing at it . I keep seeing the term red hats for trump supporters what shall we call the just you wait and see crowd ? #TheGullibles
He already knows what they know so far as what he's releasing. I'm not disagreeing he's doing this for his advantage but just as I didn't condone Snowden's actions I'm appreciative that we as citizens got insight into what our government was doing.

In particular, the FISA situation is most critical. There's enough smoke to suggest the FISA application over-relied on unverified information, used "news source" information that was merely the same unverified information peddled by Steele to the media AND excluded exculpatory information about Page. We should all know the justification used by the government to spy on a citizen.

I used to have as a signature a quote by Ron Wyden (D). It was a reference to the Obama administration refusal to state the legal authority they deemed they had to kill US citizens overseas. It is an exceedingly high bar for our government to turn on it's citizens and everyone should be skeptical at the justifications used. At a minimum we should be privy to them.

You are falling hook, line, and sinker for his ploy in releasing SELECTED parts -- to 1) perpetuate the false narrative that the main source of info was the dossier, and 2) that the conclusion of any investigation is tainted by the fact that he was disliked personally by investigators.

Point 1 is not true. Point 2 is irrelevant.

But this is all to precondition his supporters to stick with him when the reports are released.
The panic by the left wing loons in this thread tells me even though they won't admit it, the fear that this is just a hoax and this President won't be impeached is starting to set in. They have been had
You are falling hook, line, and sinker for his ploy in releasing SELECTED parts -- to 1) perpetuate the false narrative that the main source of info was the dossier, and 2) that the conclusion of any investigation is tainted by the fact that he was disliked personally by investigators.

Point 1 is not true. Point 2 is irrelevant.

But this is all to precondition his supporters to stick with him when the reports are released.

CNN release their talking points early this time?
The panic by the left wing loons in this thread tells me even though they won't admit it, the fear that this is just a hoax and this President won't be impeached is starting to set in. They have been had
So the Russians weren't trying to influence the election and cozy up to people in Trump's orbit? That has already been determined. Even using the word "hoax" is a testament to your loyalty over truth.
So the Russians weren't trying to influence the election and cozy up to people in Trump's orbit? That has already been determined. Even using the word "hoax" is a testament to your loyalty over truth.
The Russians wanted chaos, you all have given them that. You all are the ones helping the Russians. They are winning because you all are sore losers and are reaching for anything anti-Trump and by your riots and protests. It's a lie and a hoax. Let it go, it's over. If you all on the far left would put this much energy into finding electable candidates you would be much better off.
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The Russians wanted chaos, you all have given them that. You all are the ones helping the Russians. They are winning because you all are sore losers and are reaching for anything anti-Trump and by your riots and protests. It's a lie and a hoax. Let it go, it's over. If you all on the far left would put this much energy into finding electable candidates you would be much better off.
It has nothing to do with being a sore loser.
It has everything to do with trump being unfit for the job.
A fit President wouldn't be trying to undermine the Russian investigation, DOJ, and FBI.

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