Fulmer #ComeTogether

Regarding Kirby Smart, UGA rolled the dice and has come up extremely lucky. Kirby is the best Saban's coaching tree has produced. I thought he would be pretty good, but didn't think he would be this good. Going with a really good coordinator, i.e. Brent Venables, would be a crap shoot for us, but I'd rather do that any day than going with a washed up retread fossil like Les Miles.

I never considered smart a home run hire. I'd say the same for Dan Mullen. What makes you think Miles couldn't recruit with these two guys? I think a lot of VolNation suffers from battered vol syndrome and the grass always looks greener on the other side.

Gruden is only 10 years younger than Miles, so he's quickly approaching your fossil status.

BTW, I'd have chosen both Smart and Mullen over Gruden the unicorn.
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My thoughts...
1) Bring back large shoulder pads... they seem to work better.
2) Bring back John Ward.... that will fire this fan base up.

John was at the last game and recognized at halftime. Apparently he has had some serious health problems lately.
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Video is Great...Just go get a coach that can get it done
Spend the money and get a good one.....PLEASE..GBO
Ok. Let's get at least this much straight Fulmer and Haslam are on different sides here. Haslam basically had Fulmer fired and Fulmer has said as much as his job could've been saved by him. Haslam said he let Hamilton make the decision but didn't interfere. You can probably find that on the record if you want. Lane Kiffin was interviewed by Haslam about a month and a half before he took the job as well; I believe there was a report of Kiffin playing golf with Haslam at about that time. That's why Gary Patterson told Tennessee to piss off with their "interview" BC he already had word that Kiffin had been hired.

When Currie got the AD job there was a lot of skepticism on the part of most big donors not named Haslam. Basically it was promised before this search began that a consensus would be reached on this hire instead of one booster controlling who got hired. You know the big ass renovation coming to Neyland, how do you think they got everyone to get on board with that and play nice with each other? Currie then went out at Haslam's order and tried to sign Schiano which blew everything to total hell. Currie thought he was safe BC Haslam would protect him. I want you to also note the fact that Davenport never signed the MOU. Why do you think that is? BC she had no earthly clue that Currie had went off on his own and offered Schiano.

So did Phil stab Currie in the back? Nope Currie knew he was gone. He had pretty much been relieved of his duties when he offered Leach. He used the media to exert pressure on Tennessee to keep him. Also Davenport has been put on the proper path now regarding athletics getting a bigger piece of the financial pie.

Also add that the consensus voted Fulmer as AD. Haslam then went out in the middle of the night and hired Currie before they could announce Fulmer.
Miles has absolutely NO SHOT to recruit well enough at Tennessee to compete with UGA or FLA. First of all he is a retread that is 64 years old, who lost his ability to get it done when he was at a freakin' dream program like LSU, amidst some of the most fertile recruiting ground there is. We can't, but IF we could get Gruden, he would absolutely KILL IT in recruiting. He is sports TV superstar with a national name that all the kids know and would want to play for. It would give us instant credibility with the cream of the crop recruits. Getting the very best players, equal to what UGA and FLA will be getting, is 75% of the battle. On top of that, Gruden would absolutely be able to coach up players with far better schemes, than Les Miles has ever dreamed of. You lose all credibility, if you think Les Miles would be a better hire than a Gruden.

Didn't we have better recruiting classes than both FLA and UGA the last 3 or 4 yrs???
just watched fulmers 2001 Florida game victory speech..h##l with Lee corso..cant get much better than that
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Didn't we have better recruiting classes than both FLA and UGA the last 3 or 4 yrs???

Sports247 Composite Recruiting Rankings:

2014 UT #7 UGA #8 UF #9
2015 UT #4 UGA #6 UF #21
2016 UT #14 UGA #6 UF #12
2017 UT #17 UGA #3 UF #11
2018 UT #21 UGA #4 UF #14 (so far)

We won’t beat Georgia in recruiting as long as Smart is there (IMO.) We need a coach that can come close, and not make bonehead decisions on Saturday.

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