First real test for Butch Jones

he's no where near the hot seat.

Wrong. He will be on no hot seat. He will be here several more years.

I did not say he was on the hot seat NOW. And I'm certainly not suggesting he will be fired at the end of the season. But as great and as awesome as the Florida win was, it means very little in the whole scheme of things should we go out and lose to Georgia and not make it to Atlanta. ESPECIALLY after beating Florida...should we not win the East, this season goes down as a disappointment. And if you don't think the naysayers won't be out in full effect should that happen, well then you obviously slept through the first 3 weeks of this season.
All of that said I'd pretty much bet the farm that none of that happens, but playing devil's advocate is one of my hobbies. :hi:
Ehhh... went from his GED to a Bachelor's with 2 good quarters against Florida? Was a very good win, but if they go out and lay an egg in Athens on Saturday then Butch is right back on the hot seat in my opinion. I'd say getting over the Florida hump grants him his Associates. Nothing more. Make it to Atlanta and then we can talk about Bachelors. :good!:

Found the idiot...
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So you think the only way to state it is that this is the only test eh? I know you don't think Butch and his staff hasn't faced and adversity, and that we haven't seen what Butch can do when facing adversity, but every REAL FAN knows we have. And I know you keep saying this team doesn't have higher aspirations than the TaxSlayer Bowl but we do, so stop saying it.
Can't believe you and your ilk don't believe we can handle any success. Even though you say this is the first test, it's not, we've already passed other're just a big fat liar. Gtfo you negavol!


You're the man KB. Thank you for posting this.
Unfortunately I fully expect Butch to lay a big ole, half wet turd in Athens come Saturday. The good thing is he can do that though, and we can still manage to win. UGA is turrrible and even if we come out flat and uninspired, we can still undoubtedly leave with an ugly, tight win.
So you think the only way to state it is that this is the only test eh? I know you don't think Butch and his staff hasn't faced and adversity, and that we haven't seen what Butch can do when facing adversity, but every REAL FAN knows we have. And I know you keep saying this team doesn't have higher aspirations than the TaxSlayer Bowl but we do, so stop saying it.
Can't believe you and your ilk don't believe we can handle any success. Even though you say this is the first test, it's not, we've already passed other're just a big fat liar. Gtfo you negavol!


LOL bravo
So you think the only way to state it is that this is the only test eh? I know you don't think Butch and his staff hasn't faced and adversity, and that we haven't seen what Butch can do when facing adversity, but every REAL FAN knows we have. And I know you keep saying this team doesn't have higher aspirations than the TaxSlayer Bowl but we do, so stop saying it.
Can't believe you and your ilk don't believe we can handle any success. Even though you say this is the first test, it's not, we've already passed other're just a big fat liar. Gtfo you negavol!


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Well he has won his last 10 "real" tests so I'd say he's doing just fine. No reason to be worried about Georgia. A&M and BAMA are the games that will define our season.
I think everyone is overlooking Mizzou. Their offense has exploded and we all know their D is solid. Mizzou may even be a tough game for us.

I think people need to slow down on Missouri. They exploded....against Delaware St.... How soon people forget they lost to a bad Georgia team with a True Freshman QB at home.
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I know. Im saying there is about no chance we win Bama and Tamu, so we have to beat UGA

That's not true either. UT is now on a level that they can compete talent wise with the top of the SEC. UF has some issues but their D talent is on par with TAM and neither trails Bama by a ton.
I think everyone is overlooking Mizzou. Their offense has exploded and we all know their D is solid. Mizzou may even be a tough game for us.

ONLY if it is a let down game. MU doesn't have a run game to speak of and that "explosion" was against a couple of teams that any SEC team should "explode" on.

Delaware scored 56 against Delaware St. They're an FCS team.... and not a good one.
This is the first real test for Butch Jones. We are now a championship caliber team favored on the road one week after the biggest win of his career thus far. To me this determines if He can truly take us to the promise land. Will he pull a richt and the team come out flat after a huge win or Wil he pull a Saban or Meyer and make this a statement game.

This game is the most critical game left. I understand we have A&M and Bama on the schedule but to lock up the east this game is the most critical.

With a win over Georgia that will give them 2 conference losses if we lose to A&M and Bama we have the tie breaker over Florida and Georgia. So essentially we can wrap up the east this week.

Drama queen much?
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Ponder this....we beat Ga AND the Aggs....could you imagine the atmosphere around the Bammer game?
How big would that game be on a national level? Playing at home, undefeated, & favored. Fun to think about for sure.

That would be amazing!
Vols will have a leg up on the East but nothing more. aTm, bama and Mizzou (yes, Mizzou) will be tough games. I wouldn't sleep on Sc at their place either.

Until the offense consistently performs like they are capable of, you cant count many games a "sure win".
Good GRIEF!! How many 'first real tests' does CBJ have to endure???


It's a way for people to devalue his success. This past weekend was probably the only true referendum on Butches career at UT (so far). But I don't buy that any individual game can define a coach or a team (outside of this years Florida game). Each year we have seen significant improvement not only record wise but in terms of talent and culture - sure there have been some miscues but also major victories and success. But the point is, it is a collection of the whole:

This season expectations and goals:
Beat Florida ✔️
Win the East
Play in a New Year six bowl

Anything beyond these things (in my opinion) is icing on an already "successful" year. These are the things that "have" to happen to fulfill fan expectations of this team. Anything less will feel like a disappointment. Because this is year 4. His guys, his's as close to a make or break year as you can get.
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So you think the only way to state it is that this is the only test eh? I know you don't think Butch and his staff hasn't faced and adversity, and that we haven't seen what Butch can do when facing adversity, but every REAL FAN knows we have. And I know you keep saying this team doesn't have higher aspirations than the TaxSlayer Bowl but we do, so stop saying it.
Can't believe you and your ilk don't believe we can handle any success. Even though you say this is the first test, it's not, we've already passed other're just a big fat liar. Gtfo you negavol!


This is a masterpiece
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