February Signing Day

Understood. Was more curious about our rivals.
Did McKinley sign with LSU? ON3 just shows him as committed.
This morning's Baton Rouge paper says, yes, he did sign yesterday, the only one of their recruits that signed then, with the rest having signed early in December.

Though they flipped McK from A&M, they were not able to do that with Terry Bussey who stayed with the Aggies.
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I miss having signing day in February. Just dedicating one entire day to slacking off and refreshing web pages all day long simply hoping Trooper Taylor went to see somebody last minute and hoping an unexpected fax comes in.

I used to take off work for a few hours on signing day morning. Now even on early signing day there really isn't any reason too. Very few commitments occur on signing day anymore.
I miss having signing day in February. Just dedicating one entire day to slacking off and refreshing web pages all day long simply hoping Trooper Taylor went to see somebody last minute and hoping an unexpected fax comes in.

We all did. It's all about change change change. And Traditions gone. People who can't create something themselves always try to "Improve" what the real people did.

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