Favorite all time UT Vol basketball player Howard Wood

I remember Howard Wood and enjoyed his play at UT. Another old timer I enjoyed was Howard Bayne.
I have to assume you went to watch Dale Ellis, like most others in attendance.
Except for the 78-79 season before the Ellis era. That team was so much fun. Howard Wood, Reggie Johnson, Bert, Steve Ray, Gary Carter, Terry Crosby, etc. Whipped up on Kentucky thrice.
Except for the 78-79 season before the Ellis era. That team was so much fun. Howard Wood, Reggie Johnson, Bert, Steve Ray, Gary Carter, Terry Crosby, etc. Whipped up on Kentucky thrice.

I wanted so badly for those teams to be better than they were. I absolutely loved those squads, especially Ellis.
I wanted so badly for those teams to be better than they were. I absolutely loved those squads, especially Ellis.
I am with you there. I absolutely crumbled when we caved at the end against UVA in '83. Ellis was just incredible shutting down Ralph Sampson to absolutely nothing. But Brooks and Tyrone just clamed up at the free throw line at the end (after the game they said they were nervous wrecks shooting them). Probably the only game in 33 years of UT sports that I still lose sleep over.
I am with you there. I absolutely crumbled when we caved at the end against UVA in '83. Ellis was just incredible shutting down Ralph Sampson to absolutely nothing. But Brooks and Tyrone just clamed up at the free throw line at the end (after the game they said they were nervous wrecks shooting them). Probably the only game in 33 years of UT sports that I still lose sleep over.
The collapse against UNC in the Sweet 16 was only slightly less gutwrenching.
I am with you there. I absolutely crumbled when we caved at the end against UVA in '83. Ellis was just incredible shutting down Ralph Sampson to absolutely nothing. But Brooks and Tyrone just clamed up at the free throw line at the end (after the game they said they were nervous wrecks shooting them). Probably the only game in 33 years of UT sports that I still lose sleep over.
It was actually '82. Louisville knocked UT out of the 'AAs in '83. Fun fact: Had UT beaten Louisville, they would have been in a regional that was played in Stokely Athletic Center.
It was actually '82. Louisville knocked UT out of the 'AAs in '83. Fun fact: Had UT beaten Louisville, they would have been in a regional that was played in Stokely Athletic Center.
Thanks for the correction - memory banks get clogged at my age.

My memory of the Louisville game is we were really never in that one. Lost by double digits I believe. I also remember that team as too Ellis centric. Support cast had thinned just too much.
It was actually '82. Louisville knocked UT out of the 'AAs in '83. Fun fact: Had UT beaten Louisville, they would have been in a regional that was played in Stokely Athletic Center.

My dad has always told me awesome stories about the Stokely Center. Wish I could have experienced some games there. Didnt they have one of the longest home court winning streaks there? (could be wrong)
My dad has always told me awesome stories about the Stokely Center. Wish I could have experienced some games there. Didnt they have one of the longest home court winning streaks there? (could be wrong)
All the games were there during my student years. The rows ramped to the back at a very flat angle. It only held 12,700 but you were a long way back on the last rows. The first 20 or so rows were removable to reveal an indoor track. Many indoor track meets where held there as well.
For that matter, in terms of a more recent example, I'm still not really over the Ohio State Sweet 16 loss 2 years ago.
I couldn't tell you if Ellis was even on the team then. Woods was the star the year or two that I went to his games. Ellis, on the other hand, turned out to be my favorite Vol of yesteryear. I told him so when he was in the pro ranks. Must've been his third or fourth year in the pro's, but he played an exhibition game at TBA against Jordan and the bulls.
I waited on Xavier McDaniel that morning. He ordered steak and eggs and then held his knife up at me and said something like "I don't like my eggs overcooked. I'd hate to have to use this on you." I quickly told him that I'd have the cook deliver his food, personally. Anyway, McDaniel and Jordan were talking smack while he was at the table - Jordan was two floors up talking smack to him down in the atrium floor diner. Probably boring to anyone reading this, but it gets your attention when the X-man holds up a knife towards you, I promise. Not that he'd need it. When he stood up, I noticed his shoulders were approximately the width of your average house.

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