Faking injuries have literally added 10-minutes to each game!!!



“Slop anyone”
Jan 19, 2021
I never want to see an injured player move or be injured. However, the fake injuries and minimal injuries where players stay on the field is almost unwatchable. I’m older and we were always taught to crawl off the field if we could, don’t show weakness. With the new offenses, fake injuries (including Tennessee) is just part of the defensive game plan. Players with hand injuries will take a knee on the field, just to be seen or told to by coaches. I HATE IT!!! I understand it is legal, but I still personally detest it.
Certainly this is a lot of faking of injuries to give the defense rest when facing a fast paced offense but there also is a lot of people who could likely walk off the field with their injury who now are forced to go down due to the same face paced offenses. Using us last year as an example, if a defender were to say get a shoulder stinger against us, it would be very unwise for them to get up and try and make it to the sideline because we would snap the ball while they are down a player or during the sub with 12 men on the field. The first example, faking an injury is basically cheating in my book. The second, taking a knee to have time to sub is the correct move by a defense when playing a fast paced offense.
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It's just taking advantage of the rules. Go back and look at our extra points. I think CJH has them do that just to spite.
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I was watching a game last year where the QB hit his hand on a def lineman’s helmet. He was obviously in pain but started walking to the sideline. His coaches started screaming for him to go down so he does, They stop the game for several minutes when he could easily walked off.

Coaches are using injuries for unlimited timeouts.
It's just taking advantage of the rules. Go back and look at our extra points. I think CJH has them do that just to spite.
It became quite comical to watch us kick extra points and try to guess which of our linemen would fall down
”injured”. I wish Heupel would be asked about it after the season is over.
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Do I agree with it no but it’s within the rules so exploit it for the free timeout and breather. I hope they do change the rule to where “injured” player has to sit out two full series to get fully evaluated or if cramping get rehydrated before they can go back in.
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Well, if part of the opposing O's strategy is to go fast and not allow Ds to substitute, crawling off the field is no longer an option. So, any kid that takes a hard hit and doesn't feel right needs to go down rather than risk being caught on the field in a compromised condition.

Now, the kids walking back to the huddle that suddenly drop like they've been shot with an elephant gun should be addressed. A kid that gets dinged and needs a few seconds to recover or needs off the field should be instructed to go down in the name of safety if the opponent won't allow them to get off the field.
I never want to see an injured player move or be injured. However, the fake injuries and minimal injuries where players stay on the field is almost unwatchable. I’m older and we were always taught to crawl off the field if we could, don’t show weakness. With the new offenses, fake injuries (including Tennessee) is just part of the defensive game plan. Players with hand injuries will take a knee on the field, just to be seen or told to by coaches. I HATE IT!!! I understand it is legal, but I still personally detest it.
Just part of it. The new clock, the way holding is called, the way pass interference is called....it all works against Heupel's style of play. It's a conspiracy!!
It became quite comical to watch us kick extra points and try to guess which of our linemen would fall down
”injured”. I wish Heupel would be asked about it after the season is over.
not sure if that's designed , or the way our lineman interwrap their legs by design for blocking scheme.
not sure if that's designed , or the way our lineman interwrap their legs by design for blocking scheme.
Totally designed! It happens each time our offense scores quickly and our defense needs more rest. It has happened for 2 years. Player stays down, medical team comes out, then Hype walks out, and then the player gets up and walks off. Dust off and repeat after next quick TD, lol.

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