Email from UT Chancellor Regarding UF game/Student Section

It's gonna keep happening. As a student, I'm sorry to inform Yall, we were pretty damn frustrated (and drunk) at the end of that florida loss. The BAMA game will be the same. Especially with kiffin.

Just don't forget, old timers, you were in college once too. You didn't always make decisions that represented you or your university well, but the worlds still spinning.

Edit: and we all hate cheek, his words are garbage to us.

Told yall they hate Cheek. With Kiffin coming in 2 weeks it will probably be alot worse.Gonna be ugly better leave the women and children at home.Kiffy gonna need 10 state troopers at a minimum.
One point a lot of people were making after getting the emails is that it took several sexual assaults on UT's campus before Cheek emailed the student body, but apparently yelling insults at his old/favorite school is grounds for an immediate reprimand. Priorities.

This is a very important point and one well worth mentioning.
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Yes. Yes we did.

Although I know how dumb that is now.

I've never condoned this kind of behavior even when I was a student. At the time with some of my student peers, I was told to "lighten up". Unfortunately, I have heard this chant at least once a decade if not more in Neyland over the last 40 years, mostly Alabama, Georgia, and Florida since the 1990's. Not with some much tv exposure however. So this is not a new thing.

I will say that I have had by far the worst fan reception at Florida than any other place and I have been in all our SEC opponents stadiums except the two new ones. My two children, both UT alums, also have had very bad experiences there.

As far as the message the Chancellor sent, it was the right thing to do. On the other hand, as an educated man, he has to know that he is not well liked. He also should know that for some, his message could be taken as a lightening rod. Goes with his territory as Chancellor despite his Florida background. Not all students at this point in their lives can have the hindsight of those of us older.
I wonder which would have shocked the gators more: Yelling “FU Gators” which only reminds them that they accomplished what they came here to do, or seeing a fan base support their young team despite a really crappy day on the field?

In the same way, which would make our university look better: yelling at Kiffin and being angry like he's our ex-girlfriend that we are still in love with, or cheering on the guy who is here and wants our program to succeed?

Just my two cents. May not be worth anything and I know it probably won't change anything.
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Chant showed a complete lack of class from a fan base that behaved like the 10-year losers that they are. UT fans should show much more class than that. No excuses.

You can't paint the whole fan base and/or UT fans, as a whole, with such a broad brush. The student section, yes, and some classless fans, but, there were plenty of fans there, myself included, that share your opinion. It was trashy and inexcusable, no doubt.
Sure wished he could of heard the gator fan behind me the entire game singing big ole rotten crotch u'll always be last in the sec...every time rocky top played. or when the attendance was announced wholly Michigan's bigger. That one fan really showed no class at all & complained about everything his own team,coaches,players...dipstick even whinned cause it was so cold...u dress in jorts & short sleeve shirt not looking to see what weathers going to be.
You guys are being idiots. Let's be completely and totally honest. How many of you had class at the age of eighteen?
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What's so funny is that people on VM think we should play more rap music at the game to be cool for the recruits etc.. Do they understand that the f bomb is a key part of 90% of rap songs?? But yet we get mad if the students yell it.. Right...

Can't have it both ways. U invite into your house you have to live with it and adj.

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Ashamed to have my son watch the game and hear that. Complete utter trash! I shouldn't have to explain that to a small child. Glad I wasn't at the game I wish they would have done more than an email.

Why shouldn't you have to explain a curse word to your child? Why is that a difficult thing to do? How is your child actually hurt by hearing a naughty word?

Here's an explanation that takes 5 seconds to think up and sounds reasonable for children ages 4-6: Sometimes when people get angry, they use words that aren't nice. That word is one of those and you shouldn't say it because it might make somebody feel bad. The students are saying because they're very upset and want to make florida feel bad. It's immature and you shouldn't act like them.

It's not like you have to burn his ears off because he heard the f word on tv.
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It's gonna keep happening. As a student, I'm sorry to inform Yall, we were pretty damn frustrated (and drunk) at the end of that florida loss. The BAMA game will be the same. Especially with kiffin.

Just don't forget, old timers, you were in college once too. You didn't always make decisions that represented you or your university well, but the worlds still spinning.

Edit: and we all hate cheek, his words are garbage to us.

party on young man. just don't drive or fight and you be aight.
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You guys are being idiots. Let's be completely and totally honest. How many of you had class at the age of eighteen?

the ones that wasted the time in life to have no class ery once in awhile.
College was truly the time where many of us didn't give a flip. Worked, went to class, but didn't give a flip about anything else but partying and enjoying life in between. No cell phones. No internet. Techmo Bowl and Kegs. And whatever happened when the kegs were dry, happened.
And I wouldn't change a thing. And to add an opinion that isn't aimed at anyone here, I see husbands and wives that have become partiers later in life, and many of them didn't have the college experience others of us had. I did my partying. Don't wonder what it's like to do it, and have no want to search that out as I go into mid 40's.
A chant had nothing on some things I did as a foolish young man. Do I regret it? I want to talk to that young man. And If I was able to talk to that young man, I'd tell him you drove too many times when you shouldn't have and any students reading this need to stop it now, because you have done it as well.

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