Divorce attorney



Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
Not my choice, but it appears that I may be going through a divorce. We are going to try counseling. That being said, I do not want to be caught off guard again. Can anybody recommend an experienced attorney in the Knoxville area that has a good track record with divorce cases?
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I went through this last year so I empathize with you. Odds are stacked against you even going through counseling so I think you are doing the right thing by having a plan with getting an attorney.
I would recommend the attorney I used but he doesn't do divorce normally and won't do it if there are kids and if finances aren't already agreed upon.
David Boyd is the only name you need to know.

Marine Corp War Vet? Check.
Has the Horsepower? Check.
Will Intimidate Your Opponent? You better believe it.
Is a lawyer? Damn straight.
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I went through this last year so I empathize with you. Odds are stacked against you even going through counseling so I think you are doing the right thing by having a plan with getting an attorney.
I would recommend the attorney I used but he doesn't do divorce normally and won't do it if there are kids and if finances aren't already agreed upon.

I hope it works but I have my doubts because of things that have been said so far. But at the end of the day I don't want to have doubts of did I just quit as well so I trying my best to keep an open mind. I am just preparing so I am not caught again completely off guard. Zero communication of unhappiness to major blow up. At this point, I am not reaching out to anyone, just trying to have a few sources should the need arise.
Good luck! You're going to need it!

If you are asked to provide financial data it is so the attorneys know how much there is to go after...for themselves. If you work for minimum wage it will be wrapped up immediately. If there is something to fight over, you're screwed.
Not my choice, but it appears that I may be going through a divorce. We are going to try counseling. That being said, I do not want to be caught off guard again. Can anybody recommend an experienced attorney in the Knoxville area that has a good track record with divorce cases?
I dunno, but if you need two-for-you. Fox and Farmer.
Praying for you wisdom, understanding and patience for both of you.
No one wins in a divorce but the lawyers. Both suffer financially, and emotionally. Unfortunately in today’s America two people choose to get married but it only takes one to decide they don’t want to be.
Had a nice clean and fairly inexpensive divorce last year but it hurt like hell and still does. I still love her and always will. Only got myself to blame for it too. Divorce sucks

Concur. I initiated my divorce this past summer. A significant part of me still loves her and respects the heck out of her but things had gotten to a point where, had I stayed in the marriage, there wouldn't be anything left of me eventually. Among other things, we had very different ways of processing and working through any issues (large or small) that life threw at us. Being shouted over and threatened with divorce damn near every time I calmly expressed a contrary opinion (even on little stuff) got really old after 3+ years. That said, it still hurts.

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