Disgusting scenes from the student section

Well I'm not going to apologize since I didn't do it and I'm not responsible for the actions of 18-22 year old drunktards. Hopefully they can catch anyone that does it in the future.

Well did you make excuses for them? Since you want to answer half my statement, might as well finish it?
On one of my first trips to Neyland we played Army and there were fans (not students, just regular adult fans) throwing junk at the cadets...I would have to say the behavior of our crowd is better than it used to be from what I've witnessed.

Then don't ***** when fla students pour piss on everyone from Tennessee. Our fan base *****es about how they are treated on the road then does this crap.

I actually witnessed this exact thing at a game in Gainesville in '99. Was walking in the game and the vol fan in front of me had a cup of piss dumped on him from the upper deck section. Gator fans are the worst! I would prefer not be mentioned in the same sentence by other opposing teams and their fans.
This is nothing new. And I'm not saying that is an excuse, but it is the norm.

Well, shame on anyone that accepts that chicken...., cowardly, thug behavior as the "norm". Nobody acts that way except friggin punks that feel secure in their sheer numbers by hiding within the mob. There was a day when that kind of behavior would get you yanked out of the crowd by the scruff of your neck by one (more, if needed) of Knoxville's finest and taken, rightfully so, to jail.
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I'm throwing the BS flag. Take a partially filled bottle of water and throw it at a distance of 10 to 30 yards at any object of your choice and see if it "explodes". As far as drunk college kids, you may not like it but it has been happening since the University received its land grant. Sit on the West sidelines with the blue hairs.

Your post is, totally, incorrect and false.
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I came extremely close to throwing a fellow "fan" down the stairs at the 2010 music city bowl. Guy was absolutely smashed and pestering everyone in his presence; once he started making sexual remarks to the ladies in front of him and cussing at me for telling him to stop, I'd had enough. Won't go into detail but he shut up the rest of the game. I hate when fans get out of hand and ruin the experience for those around them.

Amen. Woodrow Call said it best: "I hate rude behavior in a man. There's no excuse for it."
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its share of scummy brats.
Time for security or police presence in the student section.
It is embarrassing enough losing all the time without this kind of hoodlum behavior.
Tennessee is at an all time low in more ways than one.

Sad, but, true, ice.
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That's because it didn't happen, my friend. I was not a student then, but, never missed a home game. It did not happen.

Well, I was there sitting next to student sectio for 1994 Bama vs Tennessee and not only were whiskey bottles thrown at Bama but also at the Tennessee band. After, groups of drunken students were rocking Bama fans cars attempting to overturn them.

In 1992 everyone threw everything. In that game, even if you were blind, you still couldn't have missed it bc you would have been hit by a white plastic cup. I would venture to say there were 15,000 cups thrown. There were so many the drains got clogged and the sidelines flooded.
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Anyone dismissing the physical assault on another be it a player from another school, or maybe their own mother, is an idiot of the lowest class. A couple of the idiots posting on this thread believe it is okay because something happened to them at another school at another time! I don't know where these ideas come from, but the are not American in nature. Hell yes we need to have police in the stands if this is "normal", arrests should be made, along with the courts punishment, UT should expel anyone committing a felony on school property.
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I've had a beer poured on me(LSU SEC Champ game in 2001 from the club level seating as I was in the Mezzanine section),a full bag of peanuts hurled at me from the booster boxes(Auburn 2008 Foster Fumble game), And I was punched in the back in 2005 one play prior to the roman harper hit on Anderson that cost us the game against bama.... and I didn't complain..
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The 92 game was bad. Iirc, they decided to move the student section after that game.

It was, however, revenge for the 1991 Florida game in Gainesville. Their student section was so bad in that game it made national headlines.

And the 1991 game was revenge for the 1990 "our students don't die" game in Knoxville.

The bad blood between the fans has cooled down considerably. That happens when the stakes aren't as high.
I've had a beer poured on me(LSU SEC Champ game in 2001 from the club level seating as I was in the Mezzanine section),a full bag of peanuts hurled at me from the booster boxes(Auburn 2008 Foster Fumble game), And I was punched in the back in 2005 one play prior to the roman harper hit on Anderson that cost us the game against bama.... and I didn't complain..
OK, so you are not a very likeable person.
You have the option of leaving, the players, coaches and staff on the sideline cannot leave.
I don't understand how most people can say not to whine about coaching and the staff. At least that's something that has changed over the years. The student section is, and always will be a drunk mob throwing bottles and chanting curse words. It's football not soccer, get over it or don't come to the games.
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Yeah, that courtesy and class thing should only be practiced by stuck up mediocre fans.

People complaining about cussing at games is ridiculous. Throwing things is one thing and its uncalled for but most of the other crap people complain about is everywhere, sports behavior.
maybe he looked thirsty

he was thirsty, upping the missouri sack record is thirsty work, that was shane ray by the way...and that same kid who threw the bottle would beg for his life if ray even glimpsed who he was.... i can not stand student fans, mizzou has some of the worst as well, they are spoon fed white boys who wanted to be male cheerleaders in high school but were to feminine....no mizzou fan would judge real vols fans by their student sections. everyone i talked to had a great time with real vols fans. :rtfm:
If it's an assault why are the kids removed from the game not charged?

Let me see if I'm understanding your post. Are you saying because there wasn't an arrest, no crime took place? Wow! What part of the old Soviet Union did you study law?:crazy::whistling:

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