DEI = Racism

Diversity of thought is great to make companies and organization better. What do you think the issue/opportunity that diversity is solving for today?
You said that the guy's plagiarism makes you think that diversity may be a weakness. I'm curious how you got from one person cheating to diversity being bad.
You said that the guy's plagiarism makes you think that diversity may be a weakness. I'm curious how you got from one person cheating to diversity being bad.
Been more than one. I was referring to the trend of about one a week where this is being alleged in the Ivy League alone. What do you think the issue/opportunity that DEI is trying to solve for?
Been more than one. I was referring to the trend of about one a week where this is being alleged in the Ivy League alone. What do you think the issue/opportunity that DEI is trying to solve for?
I guess there's no link. If you mean 'what issue is DEI trying to solve' I suppose it's a perceived underrepresentation of certain demographics in target jobs and schools.
I guess there's no link. If you mean 'what issue is DEI trying to solve' I suppose it's a perceived underrepresentation of certain demographics in target jobs and schools.
Don't know what you are trying to link. I said diversity of thought is a wonderful thing, however there is a trend of positions at schools where no research seemed to be made on the individual and their qualifications other than looking at a photo. If that is the tool that DEI uses in trying to solve issues, then that is not a good strategy to be embraced.
My point may be they might be using liberal DEI buzzwords to justify lowering the standards more than actually doing anything re: equity

The I5 Corridor in Oregon is just CA North politically

2.3% AA btw


Thats hilarious. All that bluster about DEI, racism etc and its 2% black.

I have lived in Charlotte for 36 years. Google says Charlotte is 35% black and 41% white. But these folks that live in a city thats 2% black gonna tell the world all about diversity and inclusion lmao. Thats exactly as full of crap as i expect liberal hypocrites to be. Spot on libs.

Thats hilarious. All that bluster about DEI, racism etc and its 2% black.

I have lived in Charlotte for 36 years. Google says Charlotte is 35% black and 41% white. But these folks that live in a city thats 2% black gonna tell the world all about diversity and inclusion lmao. Thats exactly as full of crap as i expect liberal hypocrites to be. Spot on libs.

I mean, the purpose of lowering the standards wasn't DEI. It was because 2.5 years of virtual "learning" screwed kids up...

Throwing out a bunch of DEI buzzwords was just the justification given to cover up the impacts from a 2.5 year lockdown...
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I mean, the purpose of lowering the standards wasn't DEI. It was because 2.5 years of virtual "learning" screwed kids up...

Throwing out a bunch of DEI buzzwords was just the justification given to cover up the impacts from a 2.5 year lockdown...
Could be some of it. But the graduation rates under the new paradigm are record breaking - they didn’t simply return to pre-Covid levels.
Go figure…

You telling me it’s legally fraught to bonus folks based on how many black people they hire? Nah…

Today’s corporate attorneys are increasingly involved in the creation and implementation of DEI initiatives, and they’re dissuading diversity practitioners from what they consider to be thornier and more legally fraught programs, such as diversity-based incentives like bonuses based on representation targets, fellowships for specific demographics, or performance reviews that include criteria related to DEI performance and results.
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Go figure…

You telling me it’s legally fraught to bonus folks based on how many black people they hire? Nah…

You might not be able to bonus people for hiring minorities but many companies damn sure punish for firing them. My brother who works for a soft drink company and had what they call a campus hire (straight out of college on a management training track) minority female. He said she was so bad he wanted to fire her in the first week but couldn’t. His boss told him to hang on for 90 days then look for a higher position in another DC and offer her a promotion. Long story short she ended up coming back to his plant and being his boss for awhile, she’d been promoted by everyone she worked for so they could get rid of her.
Somehow, I have managed to live nearly 70 years and only now learned that "bonus" can be used as a verb.

Good thing, otherwise my dating pitches would have have become even more embarrassing.
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Lmao. Thankful none of my wordsalad soapbox rants have reached the infamy of the " I got off the plane" story. I think its a little easier though once you accept the fact that you're a racist, sexist, bigot like me...that is hopefully an "equal opportunity " type of hater. Self awareness and whatnot.
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Lmao. Thankful none of my wordsalad soapbox rants have reached the infamy of the " I got off the plane" story. I think its a little easier though once you accept the fact that you're a racist, sexist, bigot like me...that is hopefully an "equal opportunity " type of hater. Self awareness and whatnot.

Good point.

"Burn it down" is a VN classic. Your magnum opus.
Good point.

"Burn it down" is a VN classic. Your magnum opus.

I dont remember any posts honestly, they are kinda "fire and forget" haha. I trust your judgment though...sure I was fussing about something.

My favorite all time thread may be the "Toshiba laptop" thread. That was funny stuff. The Gruden thread was noteworthy as well. Good times. Gotta tip the hat to Grizz though for impact on VN....its gotta be close to a decade since he last posted here and "Grizz would hit it." Is definitely still a thing. Thats a legacy bro. I didnt realize til i checked the other day that i have been on VN pretty much daily for way over a decade. Time flies man.
I dont remember any posts honestly, they are kinda "fire and forget" haha. I trust your judgment though...sure I was fussing about something.

My favorite all time thread may be the "Toshiba laptop" thread. That was funny stuff. The Gruden thread was noteworthy as well. Good times. Gotta tip the hat to Grizz though for impact on VN....its gotta be close to a decade since he last posted here and "Grizz would hit it." Is definitely still a thing. Thats a legacy bro. I didnt realize til i checked the other day that i have been on VN pretty much daily for way over a decade. Time flies man.

Lol, bro.

Search "Burn it down" with the thread title box checked.
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Oh no!! Pilots who are minorities!!!

After almost 40 years in cockpits, I can say unequivocally I do not GAS about the other pilot's sex, race or whether or not they are gay. I do care however that they be competent. As an instructor I have sent trainees back for more training and the spectrum crosses all of those buckets everyone wants to put us in. You are competent or you are not. It really is that simple in my world.

If two muslim women happen to be able to bid together and fly a trip, good for them. I don't care. I do wonder however how that is possible given the institutional racism that this country is so rife with.

The other thing I just noticed about that picture is that one is wearing a Qatar lanyard. They have overcome institutional sexism to be where they are, but it ain't in THIS country.
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