Deficit up 17%

What's funny, is the Anti-Gov't, Anti-Welfare, slash and cut wing (kicked back to 1%), of our Gov't, who now resorts to acting like teenagers needs to have their bank card taken away.

Don't worry guys, the next Dem will come along and fix it, again.

Yep. Gonna get my dna test and use my .09% African American heritage to claim minority status and ride the welfare train.
My point is that you have to have a federal level of oversight and administration as well as a state level of oversight and administration, as well as both a federal and state level of financing. The point of the conversation was government size. Clinton didn't shrink the government by pushing administration of welfare down to the state level.

And the number on assistance didn't shrink due to Clinton's changes. It shrank due to an economic upswing. As usual, when the economy turned down, the number of recipients skyrocketed, as seen by the record numbers left by Obama.

I'm not arguing. I'm trying to make sure we're having the same conversation.
Gotcha. I think we are, just from slightly different angles.
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Remember welfare reform was one of the biggest issues that lead to the shutdown then.
True, but Clinton did run on the platform of welfare reform. The Republican Congress did help shape the reform, though.
True, but Clinton did run on the platform of welfare reform. The Republican Congress did help shape the reform, though.

He campaigned on "ending welfare as we know it" then proceeded to veto 2 welfare reform bills and it took a govt shutdown for him to sign the bill in 1996. So I don't think he was really serious about it.
What has no great nation ever had?
Does your momma still wipe your behind? Do you need someone telling you what to do and what's best for you because you lack the ability to think for yourself?...... nevermind..... you're not the best one to ask such a question
So they're just incompetent? That's your defense of big government?
No more so than saying the religious community and public charity are incompetent. Are you saying that competency would eradicate the problem? Are you that naive?
No more so than saying the religious community and public charity are incompetent. Are you saying that competency would eradicate the problem? Are you that naive?

But churches and charity don’t force me to give them anything and punish someone’s success.
What about “protesters” that have lived in government housing their entire life (generations actually), put no effort into their education, have no aspirations of ever being gainfully employed, and blame everything on someone else? I promise you these are predominately if not exclusively democratic constituents that are propped up by the likes of Waters, Pelosi, Cuomo, Bernie, Obama, etc. Dims think giving them everything will somehow motivate them to get their act together. That is other than the actual politicians promising them everything, they know the results....voter plantations. Repubs think the motivation would come from them knowing their handout has a permanent expiration date.'re talking about less than .0001% of the populace. They're despicable people that should have their assistance cut off immediately. NO ONE advocates for continued support of the type of person you described. Yet still, their numbers are lower than those of the toothless redneck meth heads voting for Trump.'re talking about less than .0001% of the populace. They're despicable people that should have their assistance cut off immediately. NO ONE advocates for continued support of the type of person you described. Yet still, their numbers are lower than those of the toothless redneck meth heads voting for Trump.

But if Obama had a son....
Helping a vet - sure. They earned it.
Not your responsibility to help my uncle out and visa versa. He wouldn't share his windfall on his pecans if the hurricane took out the competition instead of him.
Not your responsibility to help out my grand-kid, if you want to give to a charity that benefits them, great. But it's not the govs job.
I'm fine with helping the kids with my tax $$, not the mother.

In other words take care of your own **** and quit expecting the collective to bail your ass out.
So you support 2 of the four? Not bad. That may be my best ever attempt at getting through to you. The thing is, some people would disagree with the two you support. Others would agree with me on all four. We decide as a society what is important enough to support with our tax dollars.
Does your momma still wipe your behind? Do you need someone telling you what to do and what's best for you because you lack the ability to think for yourself?...... nevermind..... you're not the best one to ask such a question
If I were as petty, cynical, bitter, and insecure as you, I would say let's compare our life's successes; luckily for you, I'm not.

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