Damn, Griese just said...

yep, if you don't want brain and neck damage, you are a sissy. Only paraplegics and brain dead vegetables are real men

Omg. You ran so far away with the topic you are in the middle of the desert. So, if I'm to link this to any part of the thread, your saying that for someone to not want a foul to be called on an offensive player to lower his body and run over someone that they are advocating a player becoming a handicapped person. Wow, kinda of a stretch, but your closer to the topic than most have been on this thread.
I wonder if the ones whining the most about "sissifying" the game are the ones that couldn't cut it on a flag football team.

I think that's a reference to my athletic ability but not sure since you're so veiled in your comment. I will say that I won several awards in high school football. I was good enough to play college but chose not to due to the scheme my college of choice was playing at the time. So I dedicated my spare time to working out in the gym. I never lost a fight with anyone, so I'm scared of nothing or no one. Definitely not scared to get into a verbal checkers argument either. I guess you can deduce that from any of my previous posts. I would suggest to stick to the topic.
I think that's a reference to my athletic ability but not sure since you're so veiled in your comment. I will say that I won several awards in high school football. I was good enough to play college but chose not to due to the scheme my college of choice was playing at the time. So I dedicated my spare time to working out in the gym. I never lost a fight with anyone, so I'm scared of nothing or no one. Definitely not scared to get into a verbal checkers argument either. I guess you can deduce that from any of my previous posts. I would suggest to stick to the topic.

Oh yeah, it's obvious you make brain surgeons jealous with your superior intellect.
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So, you have just been typing to be typing on my posts. Accumulate post numbers somewhere else please. I am open to discussion, but most of the time when you bring up something that needs to be discussed in today's society it gets shot down with fluff. I'm surprised that the old race card wasn't thrown. Even though nothing that I have said has anything to do with race. In fact, it is a testament to equality of character. If you want to contribute...please contribute to the discussion. Otherwise, you are just static on a radio.

Accumulate post numbers? Are you that dense?
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I understand you. When you have nothing of substance to add to the conversation, the next step is to ridicule. It's ok. I know your kind.

When you start a conversion that isn't some whinefest rant filled with cliched "arguments", I'll add something of substance.

Translation: everyone is laughing at you.
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When you start a conversion that isn't some whinefest rant filled with cliched "arguments", I'll add something of substance.

Translation: everyone is laughing at you.

How is me quoting what Gary danielson said a whine fest rant filled with cliched arguments? The laughing is not in my direction son.
I think millions of dollars and a college education is worth the risk to the head and neck. I'd do it for those prices.

How long have you been following UT football without knowing the guys who call the SEC game of the week, including the SEC Championship Game?
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How long have you been following UT football without knowing the guys who call the SEC game of the week, including the SEC Championship Game?

I was tad bit intoxicated and was flipping back and forth between games. The voice threw me off, but none of that was the point I was trying to make. I'm talking about how soft the game is and how, with the help of announcers like danielson, it's getting softer. I just watched an NFL game where a guy was penalized for tagging a running qb down by touching his hands on the qbs head. During the same game, another 15 yard penalty was called on a defensive lineman for hands to the face. The call was a phantom call because it could not be found anywhere in the replays. A qb has about a one foot square area that can even be contacted by a potential sacker. I've seen several players ejected from games that the offensive player pretty much lowered himself into the contact. It's becoming a joke. I'm all for concussion protocols, etc. But the game itself is taking hitting out of the game. If you guys don't see it, I can't relate to Ya. This is the last post I'm wasting on this thread. It was blew up from the beginning by someone that knew the correct name I was looking for, but offered no help, and missed the jest of the thread. You know the kind. The kind that argues about a misspelled word, a comma in the wrong place, etc.
I'm going to start making threads about reading subjects that end with "****ing liberals!".

"My cereal is soggy! ****ing liberals!"

"I stepped in gum today! ****ing liberals".

"I slept with a fat girl! ****ing liberals".
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I was tad bit intoxicated and was flipping back and forth between games. The voice threw me off, but none of that was the point I was trying to make. I'm talking about how soft the game is and how, with the help of announcers like danielson, it's getting softer. I just watched an NFL game where a guy was penalized for tagging a running qb down by touching his hands on the qbs head. During the same game, another 15 yard penalty was called on a defensive lineman for hands to the face. The call was a phantom call because it could not be found anywhere in the replays. A qb has about a one foot square area that can even be contacted by a potential sacker. I've seen several players ejected from games that the offensive player pretty much lowered himself into the contact. It's becoming a joke. I'm all for concussion protocols, etc. But the game itself is taking hitting out of the game. If you guys don't see it, I can't relate to Ya. This is the last post I'm wasting on this thread. It was blew up from the beginning by someone that knew the correct name I was looking for, but offered no help, and missed the jest of the thread. You know the kind. The kind that argues about a misspelled word, a comma in the wrong place, etc.

As I said, everyone is laughing at you.
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No, but sports were the one venue that I thought that would not be changed by the pussification of our society. I thought there was no chance because race, sexual preference, poverty level,etc, does not matter in sports. It is all about winning and losing. If you can coach, you will get hired. If you can play, you will play. Sports are moving toward quotas. Football is moving toward it being a non violent game. It is not a natural act to hurl your body at someone going top speed. Are we moving to a game where it's low impact? I wonder how many people will turn out to see a flag football game. Lawyers are trying to insert their two cents in the sports world. I think that most don't realize what is taking place. I envision a day where pro sports is just two people playing a video game on TV, and the old guys sitting around saying I remember when we actually had to run the ball and practice for real. Oh well, we will be controlled by China by the time that happens more than likely. At least I will be long gone at that time, but you young people will still be here pining for what use to be.

Nope, you got mostathatwrong.

The danged neocons r gonna melt the pole before china takes over.

Ever man fer imself!
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Btw, what does that have to do with the price of eggs? Wife cheating...reading....blah blah. Are you arguing that football is not being changed? Is it not being changed because the left wants it to be kinder and gentler?

Lawyers, dude. Its not the left, it's the lawyers.
I was tad bit intoxicated and was flipping back and forth between games. The voice threw me off, but none of that was the point I was trying to make. I'm talking about how soft the game is and how, with the help of announcers like danielson, it's getting softer. I just watched an NFL game where a guy was penalized for tagging a running qb down by touching his hands on the qbs head. During the same game, another 15 yard penalty was called on a defensive lineman for hands to the face. The call was a phantom call because it could not be found anywhere in the replays. A qb has about a one foot square area that can even be contacted by a potential sacker. I've seen several players ejected from games that the offensive player pretty much lowered himself into the contact. It's becoming a joke. I'm all for concussion protocols, etc. But the game itself is taking hitting out of the game. If you guys don't see it, I can't relate to Ya. This is the last post I'm wasting on this thread. It was blew up from the beginning by someone that knew the correct name I was looking for, but offered no help, and missed the jest of the thread. You know the kind. The kind that argues about a misspelled word, a comma in the wrong place, etc.

I'm pretty sure they still hit in football. Guys still tackle. Guys still get injured. The new penalties put in place are there to protect the various leagues' and association's
investments. The players. Don't let facts confuse you. There are billions of dollars being made off the health and well being of football players. So these organizations are now realizing that they have to at least put up the facade of caring about the health of the players, when in actuality all they care about is making money.

And I'm a little confused with your stance OP. If these new penalties, and their sinister liberal creators, disturb you so much, then why do you continue to watch? If the game you love so much is being contorted into some liberal/commie/hippie hug-fest that you despise, why continue to support it by consuming it like so many Doritos? You see OP? You're just feeding the liberal scheme to pussify America. Congratulations.
I'm pretty sure they still hit in football. Guys still tackle. Guys still get injured. The new penalties put in place are there to protect the various leagues' and association's
investments. The players. Don't let facts confuse you. There are billions of dollars being made off the health and well being of football players. So these organizations are now realizing that they have to at least put up the facade of caring about the health of the players, when in actuality all they care about is making money.

And I'm a little confused with your stance OP. If these new penalties, and their sinister liberal creators, disturb you so much, then why do you continue to watch? If the game you love so much is being contorted into some liberal/commie/hippie hug-fest that you despise, why continue to support it by consuming it like so many Doritos? You see OP? You're just feeding the liberal scheme to pussify America. Congratulations.

I will stop watching if Gary danielson's comment comes to be realized. The day the ref marks a football back because the runner lowered his body before running over someone, will be the last day a game of football will be watched by me. I am also assuming flag football will be replacing tackle football soon after. I guess I could fill the free time I had if this occurs with possibly checkers. Oh wait, one of the checkers could fly up and put my eye out.

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