Currie is out!!!

Just heard Hyams on the way home say Haslam and Manning hired Currie and you would have to go through Haslam and Manning to fire him.

It's a complete 💩 show over there.

If Manning was associated to the hire, he should stand behind his actions and vouch for Schiano. Maybe if Currie, Haslam, and Manning felt Schiano was the best choice, they should have come out in support of him and postponed the announcement for a day or so until everyone calmed down. Currie caved immediately and called off the deal. If he thought Schiano was a coach with integrity or morales, he should have stuck to his guns and hired the man.
If Manning was associated to the hire, he should stand behind his actions and vouch for Schiano. Maybe if Currie, Haslam, and Manning felt Schiano was the best choice, they should have come out in support of him and postponed the announcement for a day or so until everyone calmed down. Currie caved immediately and called off the deal. If he thought Schiano was a coach with integrity or morales, he should have stuck to his guns and hired the man.

Don't know how true it is but Ainge said this morning on the radio that he has spoken with Fulmer and yes, Manning and Fulmer were CONSULTED but not about Schiano. They were asked about what they would look for in a coach but never about a specific coach. It's real easy for Currie or anyone else involved to spin words and make it look like Manning was consulted and they wouldn't technically be lying. They just aren't giving the whole truth.

In my opinion, I don't think anyone but Currie and the Haslams knew until after paperwork was signed. The deal was done dirty.
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If Manning was associated to the hire, he should stand behind his actions and vouch for Schiano. Maybe if Currie, Haslam, and Manning felt Schiano was the best choice, they should have come out in support of him and postponed the announcement for a day or so until everyone calmed down. Currie caved immediately and called off the deal. If he thought Schiano was a coach with integrity or morales, he should have stuck to his guns and hired the man.

Probably why he's still got a job...
They won’t fire him either

Of course not. Davenport is incompetent and the Currie is the lap dog of the elite amongst the boosters and administration who wanted Schiano. Only question is, did anybody learn from yesterday’s embsrsssment up there or are they gonna continue to defy the fanbase and do something similar with the second hire?
Currie isn't off the hook by any means...

"In the wake of the uproar resulting from Tennessee’s pursuit of Greg Schiano, SI has learned there is increasing pressure from among the program’s big-money boosters to force out athletic director John Currie."
-Bruce Fledman

"I basically think that John Currie is done at Tennessee as Athletic Director. I don't see how he can bounce back from this"
-John Adams

"Currie’s calculation on this matter was alarming, and I don’t pretend to know what will happen as a result of that. I just know it was alarming. Many current and former employees in Currie’s own athletic department were stunned and outraged at the thought of Schiano coaching the Tennessee football team, and I know that because I heard it directly from them."
-Wes Rucker
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havent we learned our lesson on "good source"?

Sure. And I get why all of the naysayers were as such. I will continue getting information from my “people close to the situation”, but it will not be shared here, nor will any other posts from this account. If/when I create a new account it will include “hasnosources” in the name.

The info I have gotten over the past few years has almost always been spot on. Sometimes weeks in advance of stuff making it out. And I fully believe that what was shared with me was exactly what was going on at the highest levels yesterday evening. I spoke to someone who was in the room/conversation today. Lots of people are dejected. People here saying I was wrong win, but we all lose. We all get the same regime. Nothing changes after this debacle. It’s just unbelievable. Best case scenario is we get lucky on the next hire and it works out and Haslam stays out of it. Given our history I’m not optimistic.

Peyton and Fulmer will be leading phone interviews with Tee and Brohm this evening or now. It wasn’t clear if Currie would be on those calls, but all indications now are that he will be.

I’ll let Atlanta Vol confirm all of this or deny it through his account of the afternoon/evening. This my even make it out from media with check marks. But I will stick to my word and delete my account or give my password to freak if I can’t delete it. Not really happy to be a vol right now anyway.
I do believe that posters should be held accountable for their “sources reports” and if you guys could find a way to score that or keep track I think it would really help the forum.
Thanks GT for providing the information that you have based on the info you’ve been given. Even if it all hasn’t played out yet. I enjoy it for entertainment purposes.

I’ve lurked here and TOS for far too long before creating an account. I don’t have any inside sources, am not annual donor, nor am I alum (out of state tuition was too expensive and the Georgia HOPE scholarship paid my education) but my brothers are alumni and annual donors and I’ve been a Vol fan my entire life. It’s posters like you, Atl Vol and the late Roy Adams that gave the average fan like myself a glimpse of being in the “know” and I appreciate it.
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Sure. And I get why all of the naysayers were as such. I will continue getting information from my “people close to the situation”, but it will not be shared here, nor will any other posts from this account. If/when I create a new account it will include “hasnosources” in the name.

The info I have gotten over the past few years has almost always been spot on. Sometimes weeks in advance of stuff making it out. And I fully believe that what was shared with me was exactly what was going on at the highest levels yesterday evening. I spoke to someone who was in the room/conversation today. Lots of people are dejected. People here saying I was wrong win, but we all lose. We all get the same regime. Nothing changes after this debacle. It’s just unbelievable. Best case scenario is we get lucky on the next hire and it works out and Haslam stays out of it. Given our history I’m not optimistic.

Peyton and Fulmer will be leading phone interviews with Tee and Brohm this evening or now. It wasn’t clear if Currie would be on those calls, but all indications now are that he will be.

I’ll let Atlanta Vol confirm all of this or deny it through his account of the afternoon/evening. This my even make it out from media with check marks. But I will stick to my word and delete my account or give my password to freak if I can’t delete it. Not really happy to be a vol right now anyway.

Bye troll.....:clapping::good!::thud:
I feel like there is a “that escalated quickly” gif that would work well here.
Sure. And I get why all of the naysayers were as such. I will continue getting information from my “people close to the situation”, but it will not be shared here, nor will any other posts from this account. If/when I create a new account it will include “hasnosources” in the name.

The info I have gotten over the past few years has almost always been spot on. Sometimes weeks in advance of stuff making it out. And I fully believe that what was shared with me was exactly what was going on at the highest levels yesterday evening. I spoke to someone who was in the room/conversation today. Lots of people are dejected. People here saying I was wrong win, but we all lose. We all get the same regime. Nothing changes after this debacle. It’s just unbelievable. Best case scenario is we get lucky on the next hire and it works out and Haslam stays out of it. Given our history I’m not optimistic.

Peyton and Fulmer will be leading phone interviews with Tee and Brohm this evening or now. It wasn’t clear if Currie would be on those calls, but all indications now are that he will be.

I’ll let Atlanta Vol confirm all of this or deny it through his account of the afternoon/evening. This my even make it out from media with check marks. But I will stick to my word and delete my account or give my password to freak if I can’t delete it. Not really happy to be a vol right now anyway.

Honestly I have reason to believe you. Football scoop is reporting that there are boosters pushing for it
.....................and still waiting...........................................................................................................................
I do believe that posters should be held accountable for their “sources reports” and if you guys could find a way to score that or keep track I think it would really help the forum.

Currie still out there interviewing coaches. This is me keeping track of your "source report".
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