Culinary, Arts, Thread.

Day 226 on the Carnivore Diet. To whom ever cares...

Current Weight loss is 30.4 lbs Not as good as I would like. I fell of the horse a bit around Christmas for a week, and it took a bit to get back into ketosis. However that number is deceiving because I am absolutely MORE dense, and have rebuilt alot of lost muscle from COVID Hospital stay.....(I was in 2-3 months over all and wasted , and so my legs looked a lil holocausty when I got out. I have always had HUGE Cankles and thighs muscle wise, and I literally had to learn to walk again and had trouble for awhile) Right now I feel more muscle all over then I have in years. Even so I feel like I should be down more then 30.4 lbs. I think where I have made my biggest mistake is artificial sweeteners, diet soda, and drink mixes. I do not really understand the biochemistry of it but there is something about them that messes up the ketosis weight loss. I think while they are not sugar they sort of get treated as such and it mucks up the process.....this is not scientific, but all I know is the people on my same diet strictly drinking water are losing more weight faster. Still I am proud of my loss, and my muscle gain, and have had to make new holes on my belt 6 times now and am at least 3 sizes down on my pants. I also have lost enough so that the extra skin on lower belly is sorta annoying me, but I figure a good problem to have.

The best news is per latest blood work my a1c was 6.6 which means I am almost pre diabetic by that metric. This was my goal more then any weight loss to be honest. Once I go below 6.4 there shall be much celebrating on my part. Not too shabby consider I was over 8.0 at one point and 7.7 even after keto. This diet is absolutely reversing my diabeties at least numbers wise. Also I feel like my Liver and Pancreas both are healing. I haven't had acid indigestion pretty much at all since I started this diet and that was frequent before. I have more energy. My face looks like I have lost more then 30lbs and looks like the guy I used to remember albeit greyer. I sleep better, and wake up maybe once a night for bathroom. I am finally getting feet taken care of a professional. For teh sake of appetites, I will not go into nasty details of my toes but let's just say they were bad at one point and now look human again. (toe fungus) Not sure how but this diet seems to have helped take care of that also....but I still am having to have a DPM work on my nails and feet...

My blood work overall is very very good. My Cholesterol is up of course....(all I eat is steak/eggs/ground beef, bacon, lamb, chicken,rabbit, cheese etc.) Still have a bit of inflamation some of which might be long term covid, but mostly recent cold/allergies) I am not really concerned about the cholesterol. more and more it's turning out that this was bad 80's medicine and Correlation does not mean causation. I have nearly cut out ALL use of seed oils and sources of small particle LDL, instead I cook with butter/ghee/tallow/olive oil, avacado oil, etc. But primarily just butter and steak. The brain fog I have experienced for the last couple years prior is GONE. I now really beleieve that was a result of the statins I had been on, and I stopped them all together, and believe them to be a much greater health risk then cholesterol. Most of my LDL now should be large particle which might actually be benficial for cardiovascular health, certainly my brain seems happier.

In any case I am not ded, and feel better then I have since covid for sure. Also realize I have not excercised hardly at all, (I wasn't able to) and now that my feet are being taken care of plan on adding that in, in a big way, as it no longer hurts just to walk. My lung capapcity seems improved also. This is likely the biggest issue for my slow weight loss (not excercising), but that is about to change. My feet are better, and I just treated myself to some new Kizik walking shoes.

There's lots of stuff I miss..... I haven't had a drink since before last August. Not 1 beer, not 1 whiskey. I might have had some amount in a cough syrup, or a after dinner digestive but that is it. I admit this makes me sad. I miss my peaty scotch especially, I also miss cheesecake, any sort of bread, lots of fruit, and honey, and having actual flour chips for nachos. But I am still all in until I can break below the 300 lb barrier. In any case bacon eggs and steak is a diet I can actually stick to. Everything they taught us in the 80s about cholesterol and heart health seems to be a F%&^*#ing lie. Stay away from seed oils, and do not fear bacon and eggs.

I could do much better. I have to learn to get away from the articial sweeteners I know. But I kinda have lived for them. I am also not PURE carnivore more like carnivore going on Keto. I still eat some veggies but not many. I like Asparagus, cabbage sometimes (in soup), I will occaisonally eat a berry or 3, nuts, onions, peppers etc. But it's pretty minimal. I have learned to make all sorts of things I didn't think possible on Carnivore, usally based on eggs, egg tortilla, egg&Cheese waffles (my hamburger bun substitute also), cloud bread (whipped up egg basically to be airy). I also now have a freezer full of it's much cheaper to just buy a cow from a farmer, then teh rediculous grocery meat prices. Trying to find a farmer source for Goat/lamb now as well. This diet may not be for everyone but so far it's working for me.

Day 226 on the Carnivore Diet. To whom ever cares...

Current Weight loss is 30.4 lbs Not as good as I would like. I fell of the horse a bit around Christmas for a week, and it took a bit to get back into ketosis. However that number is deceiving because I am absolutely MORE dense, and have rebuilt alot of lost muscle from COVID Hospital stay.....(I was in 2-3 months over all and wasted , and so my legs looked a lil holocausty when I got out. I have always had HUGE Cankles and thighs muscle wise, and I literally had to learn to walk again and had trouble for awhile) Right now I feel more muscle all over then I have in years. Even so I feel like I should be down more then 30.4 lbs. I think where I have made my biggest mistake is artificial sweeteners, diet soda, and drink mixes. I do not really understand the biochemistry of it but there is something about them that messes up the ketosis weight loss. I think while they are not sugar they sort of get treated as such and it mucks up the process.....this is not scientific, but all I know is the people on my same diet strictly drinking water are losing more weight faster. Still I am proud of my loss, and my muscle gain, and have had to make new holes on my belt 6 times now and am at least 3 sizes down on my pants. I also have lost enough so that the extra skin on lower belly is sorta annoying me, but I figure a good problem to have.

The best news is per latest blood work my a1c was 6.6 which means I am almost pre diabetic by that metric. This was my goal more then any weight loss to be honest. Once I go below 6.4 there shall be much celebrating on my part. Not too shabby consider I was over 8.0 at one point and 7.7 even after keto. This diet is absolutely reversing my diabeties at least numbers wise. Also I feel like my Liver and Pancreas both are healing. I haven't had acid indigestion pretty much at all since I started this diet and that was frequent before. I have more energy. My face looks like I have lost more then 30lbs and looks like the guy I used to remember albeit greyer. I sleep better, and wake up maybe once a night for bathroom. I am finally getting feet taken care of a professional. For teh sake of appetites, I will not go into nasty details of my toes but let's just say they were bad at one point and now look human again. (toe fungus) Not sure how but this diet seems to have helped take care of that also....but I still am having to have a DPM work on my nails and feet...

My blood work overall is very very good. My Cholesterol is up of course....(all I eat is steak/eggs/ground beef, bacon, lamb, chicken,rabbit, cheese etc.) Still have a bit of inflamation some of which might be long term covid, but mostly recent cold/allergies) I am not really concerned about the cholesterol. more and more it's turning out that this was bad 80's medicine and Correlation does not mean causation. I have nearly cut out ALL use of seed oils and sources of small particle LDL, instead I cook with butter/ghee/tallow/olive oil, avacado oil, etc. But primarily just butter and steak. The brain fog I have experienced for the last couple years prior is GONE. I now really beleieve that was a result of the statins I had been on, and I stopped them all together, and believe them to be a much greater health risk then cholesterol. Most of my LDL now should be large particle which might actually be benficial for cardiovascular health, certainly my brain seems happier.

In any case I am not ded, and feel better then I have since covid for sure. Also realize I have not excercised hardly at all, (I wasn't able to) and now that my feet are being taken care of plan on adding that in, in a big way, as it no longer hurts just to walk. My lung capapcity seems improved also. This is likely the biggest issue for my slow weight loss (not excercising), but that is about to change. My feet are better, and I just treated myself to some new Kizik walking shoes.

There's lots of stuff I miss..... I haven't had a drink since before last August. Not 1 beer, not 1 whiskey. I might have had some amount in a cough syrup, or a after dinner digestive but that is it. I admit this makes me sad. I miss my peaty scotch especially, I also miss cheesecake, any sort of bread, lots of fruit, and honey, and having actual flour chips for nachos. But I am still all in until I can break below the 300 lb barrier. In any case bacon eggs and steak is a diet I can actually stick to. Everything they taught us in the 80s about cholesterol and heart health seems to be a F%&^*#ing lie. Stay away from seed oils, and do not fear bacon and eggs.

I could do much better. I have to learn to get away from the articial sweeteners I know. But I kinda have lived for them. I am also not PURE carnivore more like carnivore going on Keto. I still eat some veggies but not many. I like Asparagus, cabbage sometimes (in soup), I will occaisonally eat a berry or 3, nuts, onions, peppers etc. But it's pretty minimal. I have learned to make all sorts of things I didn't think possible on Carnivore, usally based on eggs, egg tortilla, egg&Cheese waffles (my hamburger bun substitute also), cloud bread (whipped up egg basically to be airy). I also now have a freezer full of it's much cheaper to just buy a cow from a farmer, then teh rediculous grocery meat prices. Trying to find a farmer source for Goat/lamb now as well. This diet may not be for everyone but so far it's working for me.

Don’t forget that the muscle you have built up is accounting for much of that “non-lost” weight. If you’d had the identical diet but just sat in a rocker on your front porch, your weight loss number would be larger, but you wouldn’t have punched 6 new holes in your belt. So congratulations!

Glad you’re doing well. 1712336216010.gif
Don’t forget that the muscle you have built up is accounting for much of that “non-lost” weight. If you’d had the identical diet but just sat in a rocker on your front porch, your weight loss number would be larger, but you wouldn’t have punched 6 new holes in your belt. So congratulations!

Glad you’re doing well. View attachment 632074
I know, but I still wish it was more substantial after all the first 20 pounds er so happened in the first couple of weeks (water retention goes down fast) Also it's a leather gun belt and I think some of that is stretching if I'm honest. But the not metric of how I "feel" is just huge. Going into this a single flight of stairs and I had to stop and regain breath, and I just felt unable to even walk much, from toe/foot pain. If I can walk......then it will come off faster I am sure of it. And if I can walk regularly then my bike is just around the corner, and my bike is where I think it will take off for results I want.

I heart my bike. (not my bike but the same except green) I had just started riding it before COVID messed it all up.
Day 226 on the Carnivore Diet. To whom ever cares...

Current Weight loss is 30.4 lbs Not as good as I would like. I fell of the horse a bit around Christmas for a week, and it took a bit to get back into ketosis. However that number is deceiving because I am absolutely MORE dense, and have rebuilt alot of lost muscle from COVID Hospital stay.....(I was in 2-3 months over all and wasted , and so my legs looked a lil holocausty when I got out. I have always had HUGE Cankles and thighs muscle wise, and I literally had to learn to walk again and had trouble for awhile) Right now I feel more muscle all over then I have in years. Even so I feel like I should be down more then 30.4 lbs. I think where I have made my biggest mistake is artificial sweeteners, diet soda, and drink mixes. I do not really understand the biochemistry of it but there is something about them that messes up the ketosis weight loss. I think while they are not sugar they sort of get treated as such and it mucks up the process.....this is not scientific, but all I know is the people on my same diet strictly drinking water are losing more weight faster. Still I am proud of my loss, and my muscle gain, and have had to make new holes on my belt 6 times now and am at least 3 sizes down on my pants. I also have lost enough so that the extra skin on lower belly is sorta annoying me, but I figure a good problem to have.

The best news is per latest blood work my a1c was 6.6 which means I am almost pre diabetic by that metric. This was my goal more then any weight loss to be honest. Once I go below 6.4 there shall be much celebrating on my part. Not too shabby consider I was over 8.0 at one point and 7.7 even after keto. This diet is absolutely reversing my diabeties at least numbers wise. Also I feel like my Liver and Pancreas both are healing. I haven't had acid indigestion pretty much at all since I started this diet and that was frequent before. I have more energy. My face looks like I have lost more then 30lbs and looks like the guy I used to remember albeit greyer. I sleep better, and wake up maybe once a night for bathroom. I am finally getting feet taken care of a professional. For teh sake of appetites, I will not go into nasty details of my toes but let's just say they were bad at one point and now look human again. (toe fungus) Not sure how but this diet seems to have helped take care of that also....but I still am having to have a DPM work on my nails and feet...

My blood work overall is very very good. My Cholesterol is up of course....(all I eat is steak/eggs/ground beef, bacon, lamb, chicken,rabbit, cheese etc.) Still have a bit of inflamation some of which might be long term covid, but mostly recent cold/allergies) I am not really concerned about the cholesterol. more and more it's turning out that this was bad 80's medicine and Correlation does not mean causation. I have nearly cut out ALL use of seed oils and sources of small particle LDL, instead I cook with butter/ghee/tallow/olive oil, avacado oil, etc. But primarily just butter and steak. The brain fog I have experienced for the last couple years prior is GONE. I now really beleieve that was a result of the statins I had been on, and I stopped them all together, and believe them to be a much greater health risk then cholesterol. Most of my LDL now should be large particle which might actually be benficial for cardiovascular health, certainly my brain seems happier.

In any case I am not ded, and feel better then I have since covid for sure. Also realize I have not excercised hardly at all, (I wasn't able to) and now that my feet are being taken care of plan on adding that in, in a big way, as it no longer hurts just to walk. My lung capapcity seems improved also. This is likely the biggest issue for my slow weight loss (not excercising), but that is about to change. My feet are better, and I just treated myself to some new Kizik walking shoes.

There's lots of stuff I miss..... I haven't had a drink since before last August. Not 1 beer, not 1 whiskey. I might have had some amount in a cough syrup, or a after dinner digestive but that is it. I admit this makes me sad. I miss my peaty scotch especially, I also miss cheesecake, any sort of bread, lots of fruit, and honey, and having actual flour chips for nachos. But I am still all in until I can break below the 300 lb barrier. In any case bacon eggs and steak is a diet I can actually stick to. Everything they taught us in the 80s about cholesterol and heart health seems to be a F%&^*#ing lie. Stay away from seed oils, and do not fear bacon and eggs.

I could do much better. I have to learn to get away from the articial sweeteners I know. But I kinda have lived for them. I am also not PURE carnivore more like carnivore going on Keto. I still eat some veggies but not many. I like Asparagus, cabbage sometimes (in soup), I will occaisonally eat a berry or 3, nuts, onions, peppers etc. But it's pretty minimal. I have learned to make all sorts of things I didn't think possible on Carnivore, usally based on eggs, egg tortilla, egg&Cheese waffles (my hamburger bun substitute also), cloud bread (whipped up egg basically to be airy). I also now have a freezer full of it's much cheaper to just buy a cow from a farmer, then teh rediculous grocery meat prices. Trying to find a farmer source for Goat/lamb now as well. This diet may not be for everyone but so far it's working for me.

One of my friends somehow got me in a group on Facebook for this diet. I love meat, but couldn't do the diet like some people. Reading what they eat for snacks, like butter 🤣. I gotta have my cereal 🤣
Day 226 on the Carnivore Diet. To whom ever cares...

Current Weight loss is 30.4 lbs Not as good as I would like. I fell of the horse a bit around Christmas for a week, and it took a bit to get back into ketosis. However that number is deceiving because I am absolutely MORE dense, and have rebuilt alot of lost muscle from COVID Hospital stay.....(I was in 2-3 months over all and wasted , and so my legs looked a lil holocausty when I got out. I have always had HUGE Cankles and thighs muscle wise, and I literally had to learn to walk again and had trouble for awhile) Right now I feel more muscle all over then I have in years. Even so I feel like I should be down more then 30.4 lbs. I think where I have made my biggest mistake is artificial sweeteners, diet soda, and drink mixes. I do not really understand the biochemistry of it but there is something about them that messes up the ketosis weight loss. I think while they are not sugar they sort of get treated as such and it mucks up the process.....this is not scientific, but all I know is the people on my same diet strictly drinking water are losing more weight faster. Still I am proud of my loss, and my muscle gain, and have had to make new holes on my belt 6 times now and am at least 3 sizes down on my pants. I also have lost enough so that the extra skin on lower belly is sorta annoying me, but I figure a good problem to have.

The best news is per latest blood work my a1c was 6.6 which means I am almost pre diabetic by that metric. This was my goal more then any weight loss to be honest. Once I go below 6.4 there shall be much celebrating on my part. Not too shabby consider I was over 8.0 at one point and 7.7 even after keto. This diet is absolutely reversing my diabeties at least numbers wise. Also I feel like my Liver and Pancreas both are healing. I haven't had acid indigestion pretty much at all since I started this diet and that was frequent before. I have more energy. My face looks like I have lost more then 30lbs and looks like the guy I used to remember albeit greyer. I sleep better, and wake up maybe once a night for bathroom. I am finally getting feet taken care of a professional. For teh sake of appetites, I will not go into nasty details of my toes but let's just say they were bad at one point and now look human again. (toe fungus) Not sure how but this diet seems to have helped take care of that also....but I still am having to have a DPM work on my nails and feet...

My blood work overall is very very good. My Cholesterol is up of course....(all I eat is steak/eggs/ground beef, bacon, lamb, chicken,rabbit, cheese etc.) Still have a bit of inflamation some of which might be long term covid, but mostly recent cold/allergies) I am not really concerned about the cholesterol. more and more it's turning out that this was bad 80's medicine and Correlation does not mean causation. I have nearly cut out ALL use of seed oils and sources of small particle LDL, instead I cook with butter/ghee/tallow/olive oil, avacado oil, etc. But primarily just butter and steak. The brain fog I have experienced for the last couple years prior is GONE. I now really beleieve that was a result of the statins I had been on, and I stopped them all together, and believe them to be a much greater health risk then cholesterol. Most of my LDL now should be large particle which might actually be benficial for cardiovascular health, certainly my brain seems happier.

In any case I am not ded, and feel better then I have since covid for sure. Also realize I have not excercised hardly at all, (I wasn't able to) and now that my feet are being taken care of plan on adding that in, in a big way, as it no longer hurts just to walk. My lung capapcity seems improved also. This is likely the biggest issue for my slow weight loss (not excercising), but that is about to change. My feet are better, and I just treated myself to some new Kizik walking shoes.

There's lots of stuff I miss..... I haven't had a drink since before last August. Not 1 beer, not 1 whiskey. I might have had some amount in a cough syrup, or a after dinner digestive but that is it. I admit this makes me sad. I miss my peaty scotch especially, I also miss cheesecake, any sort of bread, lots of fruit, and honey, and having actual flour chips for nachos. But I am still all in until I can break below the 300 lb barrier. In any case bacon eggs and steak is a diet I can actually stick to. Everything they taught us in the 80s about cholesterol and heart health seems to be a F%&^*#ing lie. Stay away from seed oils, and do not fear bacon and eggs.

I could do much better. I have to learn to get away from the articial sweeteners I know. But I kinda have lived for them. I am also not PURE carnivore more like carnivore going on Keto. I still eat some veggies but not many. I like Asparagus, cabbage sometimes (in soup), I will occaisonally eat a berry or 3, nuts, onions, peppers etc. But it's pretty minimal. I have learned to make all sorts of things I didn't think possible on Carnivore, usally based on eggs, egg tortilla, egg&Cheese waffles (my hamburger bun substitute also), cloud bread (whipped up egg basically to be airy). I also now have a freezer full of it's much cheaper to just buy a cow from a farmer, then teh rediculous grocery meat prices. Trying to find a farmer source for Goat/lamb now as well. This diet may not be for everyone but so far it's working for me.

Good to hear that you have had some major success in your weight loss Journey. Keep up the fantastic work good ole buddy! A1C is a value that takes a few months to change and is a reflection of your overall sugar intake over a long period of time unlike a fasting glucose. Reference range for HGBA1C is 4.8-5.6. How long did it take to decrease that value from 8.0 to 6.6? Regardless, that is a great move in the right direction.
One of my friends somehow got me in a group on Facebook for this diet. I love meat, but couldn't do the diet like some people. Reading what they eat for snacks, like butter 🤣. I gotta have my cereal 🤣
That butter thing is a real vibe. Before this diet I thought that was I'm like snacking on butter when I feel cravings...soo....
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Good to hear that you have had some major success in your weight loss Journey. Keep up the fantastic work good ole buddy! A1C is a value that takes a few months to change and is a reflection of your overall sugar intake over a long period of time unlike a fasting glucose. Reference range for HGBA1C is 4.8-5.6. How long did it take to decrease that value from 8.0 to 6.6? Regardless, that is a great move in the right direction.
Well I had done keto the year before and got down the 7's and so now it's been like 2/3 of a year of carno beyond that to get to 6.6. Turns out completely removing sugar and carbs from your diet works... Knew a girl from HS who reversed her diabetus via keto..and that was my #1 reason for embarking down this path. Healing my pancreas is my number 1 goal, losing weight is the second, and healing my liver has been the extra credit.
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