Coronavirus (No politics)

And there are people who had the virus, had the vaccine, and the Delta hit them hard. Thing is we don't know a lot about the virus or vaccine, but people want to insist others do what they're told without asking questions so they can feel safe.

Nothing is guaranteed. Getting a vaccine is all about probabilities- it reduces your chances of severe illness or death. But companies, schools, etc. can require it if they want, just like individuals don’t have to get it if they don’t want to. It’s all freedom of choice.
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I'm not an anti-vaxer or posi-vaxer. Everyone should choose what's right for them. I do know two different people, one 30yo that have had it twice. The first time he had hardly any symptoms, mild cold like. The only reason he knew he had it was because he applied for a job that required an antibody test. His first infection was in spring of last year. He just recently caught the Delta variant. He's a stauch anti-vaxer. The Delta hit him hard. He's going to be ok but it had him down for a good while.

I don't think the natural antibodies last all that long.
One thing you're not hearing is that the Delta is different enough that the vaccine will have little affect. It's like y'all and yous guys. Both start with "Y" and could mean a group of people but are two different phrases
One thing you're not hearing is that the Delta is different enough that the vaccine will have little affect. It's like y'all and yous guys. Both start with "Y" and could mean a group of people but are two different phrases
Everything I've read said that the mrna vaccines are affective against the Delta strain.
I'm not an anti-vaxer or posi-vaxer. Everyone should choose what's right for them. I do know two different people, one 30yo that have had it twice. The first time he had hardly any symptoms, mild cold like. The only reason he knew he had it was because he applied for a job that required an antibody test. His first infection was in spring of last year. He just recently caught the Delta variant. He's a stauch anti-vaxer. The Delta hit him hard. He's going to be ok but it had him down for a good while.

I don't think the natural antibodies last all that long.

I will let you know. I had it around Easter and give blood regularly because I am O+ blood type. The Red Cross completes an antibody test on all donations. My last donation in early May was positive for antibodies. I just donated again on Sunday and am waiting the results of that.
I will let you know. I had it around Easter and give blood regularly because I am O+ blood type. The Red Cross completes an antibody test on all donations. My last donation in early May was positive for antibodies. I just donated again on Sunday and am waiting the results of that.
He was out about 14 months when he got the delta.
Little affect is still affective 😉
That's not what I've read. I've read extremely affective. I also read an article that many investors are running from phizer and moderna because they were hopeful that a booster was going to be required every year and that's becoming doubtful.
He was out about 14 months when he got the delta.

What I don't understand is why this virus would be any different in terms of our bodies reaction to it. We get a virus that causes a cold and we build antibodies. We don't ever get that exact cold again. We can get a slightly different cold but never the same. The flu vaccine protects against a handful of strains per year but even people that get the vaccine still get the flu sometimes. Why is this virus making us lose our minds and do things so drastically different than how we handle other viruses?
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That's not what I've read. I've read extremely affective. I also read an article that many investors are running from phizer and moderna because they were hopeful that a booster was going to be required every year and that's becoming doubtful.

I heard they are recommending a third dose to those that have gotten the two already. Is it needed or do they just have a bunch of leftover doses and they hope that if people got two they will come back for a third and use up some of their stagnant inventory?
That's not what I've read. I've read extremely affective. I also read an article that many investors are running from phizer and moderna because they were hopeful that a booster was going to be required every year and that's becoming doubtful.

Saw a study from Israel that suggested Delta was getting through the vax more readily, but outcomes were still excellent.
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What I don't understand is why this virus would be any different in terms of our bodies reaction to it. We get a virus that causes a cold and we build antibodies. We don't ever get that exact cold again. We can get a slightly different cold but never the same. The flu vaccine protects against a handful of strains per year but even people that get the vaccine still get the flu sometimes. Why is this virus making us lose our minds and do things so drastically different than how we handle other viruses?

Because it was engineered.
Delta also has a case fatality rate even lower than the original strain. I understand that people can still die from it but we cannot rearrange our entire way of life for this virus.
What I don't understand is why this virus would be any different in terms of our bodies reaction to it. We get a virus that causes a cold and we build antibodies. We don't ever get that exact cold again. We can get a slightly different cold but never the same. The flu vaccine protects against a handful of strains per year but even people that get the vaccine still get the flu sometimes. Why is this virus making us lose our minds and do things so drastically different than how we handle other viruses?
I think it's because it's more dangerous to the vulnerable.
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I think it's because it's more dangerous to the vulnerable.

It is more contagious for sure along with the danger to the vulnerable. We have never worn masks for flu season though, so why are they all the sudden so effective at stopping viruses? That is what I mean about rearranging our lives.
Delta also has a case fatality rate even lower than the original strain. I understand that people can still die from it but we cannot rearrange our entire way of life for this virus.
i dont think we are. masks are here to stay, if you wanna wear them. strongly suggested to get a vax.
i dont think we are. masks are here to stay, if you wanna wear them. strongly suggested to get a vax.

I'll pass if that is alright. No mask for me either. Everyone else is of course free to also make their own choices and I will defend your rights to do so with my life if needed. I've done it for 23 years so no reason to stop now.
I'll pass if that is alright. No mask for me either. Everyone else is of course free to also make their own choices and I will defend your rights to do so with my life if needed. I've done it for 23 years so no reason to stop now.
Yeah I meant no major changes was my point.
It is more contagious for sure along with the danger to the vulnerable. We have never worn masks for flu season though, so why are they all the sudden so effective at stopping viruses? That is what I mean about rearranging our lives.
The flu was at historic lows this year. I don't think the mask prevents you from getting it but I think it reduces the amount of germs you spread around.

I took.the vaccine and has zero side affects. Neither dose gave me anything. With a dad with limited time on this earth a.d me wanting to spend time with him without killing him, it was worth the risk for me.

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