College Players Staying 2 Years?

Works for me. Would it be retroactive so Memphis can keep Rose for another year?
I hate it for the players. I don't think it's appropriate for the league to be keeping these kids from making a living... but I do think it will make the college game greeeaaaat again.

Why? They can go to Europe and make a lot of money. The NBA can do what it wants, and if they feel it's best for their league then so be it. I don't hate for people who get a free education.
Why? They can go to Europe and make a lot of money. The NBA can do what it wants, and if they feel it's best for their league then so be it. I don't hate for people who get a free education.
There 90 bazillion students athletes in the NCAA. Most of them will go pro in something besides sports.

This message furnished by the NCAA.
I hate it for the players. I don't think it's appropriate for the league to be keeping these kids from making a living... but I do think it will make the college game greeeaaaat again.

couldn't agree more. what a stupid rule
couldn't agree more. what a stupid rule


What about golf or baseball or hockey? Why isn't college a requirement for those sports?

I know the skill level of college players goes down when the top talent can go straight to the pros, but there are enough good bball players out there to make the college game exciting.
Baseketball has been in a free fall from a popularity standpoint for years.

Having an extra year to mature before giving kids a gazillion dollars isn't all a bad idea.

I didn't read the NBA rule in detail, but requiring two years from your HS graduating class has worked well for the NFL.
Baseketball has been in a free fall from a popularity standpoint for years.

Having an extra year to mature before giving kids a gazillion dollars isn't all a bad idea.

I didn't read the NBA rule in detail, but requiring two years from your HS graduating class has worked well for the NFL.

It's 3 for the NFL. The NFL also wears down the body much faster and in a more physical way. I like the college game becoming great again (although in my opinion it was always great)... but I think if a kid wants to play and is good enough to ... then let him.
It's 3 for the NFL. The NFL also wears down the body much faster and in a more physical way. I like the college game becoming great again (although in my opinion it was always great)... but I think if a kid wants to play and is good enough to ... then let him.

how many 17-18yo kids are ready to go straight to the NFL? I'd say there are none. 3 years seems a bit much for certain athletes but most would get broken in half by the pros
how many 17-18yo kids are ready to go straight to the NFL? I'd say there are none. 3 years seems a bit much for certain athletes but most would get broken in half by the pros
but GM's get paid to determine those sorts of things prior to spending millions on a kid. same argument NBA GMs have. They get hurt if a kid cannot adjust. Eventually, they'd do enough due diligence or get out of the business of hiring 18 yr old types.
how many 17-18yo kids are ready to go straight to the NFL? I'd say there are none. 3 years seems a bit much for certain athletes but most would get broken in half by the pros

That was my point. It's much more physically taxing. They NEED the three years to get ready for the rigor of the NFL.

the NBA... notsomuch

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