Coleman Thomas Arrested - charges dropped 4/15

None of the other "options" had ever made it past the scout team. I guess we should have just played with four on the O-line.

From the little he played, Kendrick looked better and more athletic than Thomas. I know that the staff uses a scoring system to determine who plays and their film is far more detailed than what we see on TV.... but Kendrick looked better.
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People will steal for anything including marijuana. Pill heads and meth addicts will literally kill for a fix where a marijuana user wouldn't.

Exactly, they are stealing b/c they are a**holes, not because the marijuana is making them. Someone who isn't capable of stealing and starts smoking marijuana doesn't suddenly become a thief. Now, with pills, meth, coke, etc., people's morals and personality can be completely changed.
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your purpose is to annoy and irritate.
The polite thing would be to call this a misinformed response... but the truth is that it is a stupid accusation leveled at KBVol.

None of those aforementioned players have been convicted. Paulk's gf/exgf recanted her story. Sorry to burst your bubble. I know that your giddy with excitement that the program may implode.

Paulk may or may not be guilty. Williams and AJ were indicted by a grand jury. That isn't quite a trial but the standard for a Grand Jury indictment is pretty high. It has to be referred by a prosecutor with enough direct evidence to convince the GJ that there was likely a crime.

Did KB say or in any way suggest that the "program may implode"? Whether this had happened or not, CT was unlikely to be a starter this year at C and probably not at OT. There are other options and time to recruit quality OL's.
People who like to get high by whatever means will steal to get money to get high.

Pot is not on the level of meth or something since the latter is a strong chemical addiction. But you shouldn't discount pot as a possible motivator for someone to steal.
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From the little he played, Kendrick looked better and more athletic than Thomas. I know that the staff uses a scoring system to determine who plays and their film is far more detailed than what we see on TV.... but Kendrick looked better.

And I thought the offensive line as a whole looked better with Thomas in there. Nonetheless, losing him will bring this unit down a notch. Not that they were starting that high to begin with.
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The polite thing would be to call this a misinformed response... but the truth is that it is a stupid accusation leveled at KBVol.

Paulk may or may not be guilty. Williams and AJ were indicted by a grand jury. That isn't quite a trial but the standard for a Grand Jury indictment is pretty high. It has to be referred by a prosecutor with enough direct evidence to convince the GJ that there was likely a crime.

Did KB say or in any way suggest that the "program may implode"? Whether this had happened or not, CT was unlikely to be a starter this year at C and probably not at OT. There are other options and time to recruit quality OL's.

From the more than 162,000 cases prosecuted by US attorneys in 2009-10 only 11 failed to bring a grand jury indictment. The standard is not pretty high at all.
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Not as far as I know. How does stealing relate to death by marijuana? I swear the population just keeps getting dumber.

It's no dumber than your presumption that people will steal for marijuana. Has it happened before? Most likely, but it's not a big issue at all. People steal for harder drugs because they can't make it through the physical withdrawals, which reduction in use of marijuana doesn't cause.

As stated earlier, a stoner who's out of weed isn't going to steal, they're just going to be bummed out.
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The only thing in danger of being stolen by a pot head is your bag of Doritos.

People will steal for a cigarette, beer, hamburger, video game, condoms, etc. People steal **** all the time but never to buy marijuana? Im all for legalization but dont be so naive.
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From the more than 162,000 cases prosecuted by US attorneys in 2009-10 only 11 failed to bring a grand jury indictment. The standard is not pretty high at all.

Are they being prosecuted by a US attorney for a state crime? I don't know the stats for TN but the important missing element from the facts you cited are how many convictions there were out of those cases or acquittals on evidence.
It's no dumber than your presumption that people will steal for marijuana. Has it happened before? Most likely, but it's not a big issue at all. People steal for harder drugs because they can't make it through the physical withdrawals, which reduction in use of marijuana doesn't cause.

As stated earlier, a stoner who's out of weed isn't going to steal, they're just going to be bummed out.

Lol you make it sound like stoners have a code against stealing. *******s steal all the time and sometimes its cause they want some weed. Not saying they are robbing Pilot to get it but they will steal.
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Lol you make it sound like stoners have a code against stealing. *******s steal all the time and sometimes its cause they wonr some weed. Not saying they are robbing Pilot to get it but they will steal.
I mean it has to have happened for sure; no way it hasn't with all the people on Earth. However, I believe that most who would be willing to steal for some weed, probably have a lengthy criminal record.
I mean it has to have happened for sure; no way it hasn't with all the people on Earth. However, I believe that most who would be willing to steal for some weed, probably have a lengthy criminal record.

Not sure about a lengthy criminal record but this world is full of pos that will steal for any reason that suits them. I think you thought I was clumping mj smokers in with the meth, heroine, crack addicts which was not my intent.
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Not sure about a lengthy criminal record but this world is full of pos that will steal for any reason that suits them. I think you thought I was clumping mj smokers in with the meth, heroine, crack addicts which was not my intent.
I got ya. Some people do try to couple marijuana with other drugs and it makes me scratch my head.
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Never will I understand messing up a rare opportunity like playing for the Vols. Boot his but off the team.

Just like the kid at the combine who tested positive for pot. Your interviewing for the job of a life time and you can't stay off the weed?

They deserve whatever consequences come from this.
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