Coaches on Vols: "You will want to catch them in September"

I agree. That doesn't sound like Spurrier type comments. Think Spurrier would have talked more about Worley and would have mentioned he didn't recruit him out of HS. Definitely sounds more Richt or possibly Pinkel. Would think it would have been a Coach that faced Dobbs but still sounds more Richt like.

Pinkel was my second guess too. You might be right. Richt didn't coach against Dobbs.
Our O-line was a hot pile of overrated garbage for 4 years, so I'm more than happy to get some new blood in there.

Amen! Got so tired of hearing how great they were and then could never pick up a 3rd and 2. Good pass blockers but that was it.
Best running game in like 10 years. Always been good at pass blocking. Its easy to look horrible when the rest of the teams sucks. How could you guys possibly say they were garbage? Guess nfl coaches are stupid.

yeah, I like how Tiny Richardson was supposed to be a first round pick and then he wasnt even drafted. When reality doesnt match up with hype, there you find VolNation.
Coaches on Vols….y'all may want to take some valium. Oh ,that was other coaches talking. :wacko:
Didn't one of our O-linemen from last year just get announced as the starter for an NFL team. Can't remember which one, but I think they said he was taken in the 5th or 6th round of the draft. Think I read it yesterday.
This is how the ol' ball coach likes to give his interviews

The reason some women become nuns.
Through VN I've learned that every year our incoming talent is better than previous years and thank goodness because the previous guys sucked. Maybe one day soon we'll miss the guys that played hard for UT.
Yep once we get in a groove we will be good. Need to survive September and First part of October then our Talent will hopefully show. Missouri and SC (Harder games) should be getting ready along with Vandy and Kentucky (easier games)
I am interested in knowing what the difference is?

I always thought both were interchangeable terms for the O-line zone blocking while the QB reads the backside defender...(a little simplified obviously)

I don't mean this post smart assed, I am legitimately interested in knowing the difference.

I would venture that most of the rest of us have little idea what the difference is. I know I sure as hell don't. :eek:hmy::crazy:
Amen! Got so tired of hearing how great they were and then could never pick up a 3rd and 2. Good pass blockers but that was it.

Picked up 3rd and 4th and 2 and shorter several times and in various ways against SC, and especially ga, which was a game just replayed the other day.

I think the same can be said for "old ball coach". He has all this talent every year and can't make it to the big game. I'd rank him as just above average. He lost the heart of his defense last year, so he has to do some plugging in new blood also. I love seeing him lose. Too bad he's a Tennessee boy. :salute:
Our line was not as good as advertised last year. Breaking in 5 new guys will be tough, but it is not like we are replacing an all pro line or anything. Did Tiny even get taken in the draft?

Why is it that that other coaches and so called experts comment on our departing offensive as being very good but many of our own fans see them as average or below? I would like to have them back this year. Last year defenses knew the chance of us hurting them with the pass was minimal therefore concentrating on stopping the run. When an offense is one dimensional it becomes difficult to be effective. jmo

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