CBI just cancelled their tournament.

Is there liability concerns on organizations if they proceed with games despite state officials imploring not to hold large gatherings?
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Yes, the flu kills over 30k a year in the US. So what? The coronavirus is on par to be as contagious as the 2009 swine flu, which infected nearly 20% of the world population. The coronavirus currently has a mortality rate of 3.4%. We know this number will come down with more testing so lets be conservative and call it 1%. That is 10 times higher than the seasonal flu at it's worst. So try and consider if 1/5 of the US contracts the coronavirus and 1 out every 100 of those die. This has the very real potenetial of being the worse pandemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed between 50 and 100 millon peope worldwide. But that is not the real concern. The real concern is that 15% of those infected with the coronavirus require hospitalization, and nearly 5% need an ICU bed and/or a ventilator. This country does not have enough hospital beds or vents to take care of those people, and that doesnt even account for the normal, yearly need for those services. So keep telling yourself the flu is worse and this is just meida hype, and I hope you are right, but don't acted shocked when you hear stories of people being treated in school gyms instead of hospitals or when someone you know is told there is no room at the hospital and they have to deal with a severe illness at home.
Yes, the flu kills over 30k a year in the US. So what? The coronavirus is on par to be as contagious as the 2009 swine flu, which infected nearly 20% of the world population. The coronavirus currently has a mortality rate of 3.4%. We know this number will come down with more testing so lets be conservative and call it 1%. That is 10 times higher than the seasonal flu at it's worst. So try and consider if 1/5 of the US contracts the coronavirus and 1 out every 100 of those die. This has the very real potenetial of being the worse pandemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed between 50 and 100 millon peope worldwide. But that is not the real concern. The real concern is that 15% of those infected with the coronavirus require hospitalization, and nearly 5% need an ICU bed and/or a ventilator. This country does not have enough hospital beds or vents to take care of those people, and that doesnt even account for the normal, yearly need for those services. So keep telling yourself the flu is worse and this is just meida hype, and I hope you are right, but don't acted shocked when you hear stories of people being treated in school gyms instead of hospitals or when someone you know is told there is no room at the hospital and they have to deal with a severe illness at home.
Very thoughtful and informed post.
no one is saying we need to panic. Let’s listen to organizations like WHO and CDC for these recommendations, they have expert opinions. We don’t want to look back like Italy and wish we had done more to help contain this and protect the most vulnerable. The NCAA tournament will certainly look different with empty stands but I think it will go on.
No it’s not

Yes it is. The CBI of course affects little. The overall economic impact of cancelling all of these events will be much more devastating than what is essentially the flu. We don't cancel the Olympics, concerts, semesters of classes due to the flu, and it kills thousands and thousands every year. This is a media firestorm over something that is a drop in the pond in the big scheme of things.
I say the NCAA should run the tournament with no spectators in the stands. Just let everyone watch it on TV. Or they can just cancel it and award the VOLS Men and Women both the Natty's.
Does anyone think that some of the Smaller Schools or any schools will cancel due to the costs and risks of participating in the Tournament. Thus, opening up additional potential slots for us to get in the tournament.
Is there liability concerns on organizations if they proceed with games despite state officials imploring not to hold large gatherings?
If a swimming pool sign states no lifeguard on duty and swim at your own risk, do you sue.
If it states no water in pool drained for winter do you jump into the pool anyway.
If you know the potential and risk of an event and choose to do it, who is liable? you or the event planner. The individual that chooses to do so is the one that puts their lively hood in harms way not the host of the event.
Does anyone think that some of the Smaller Schools or any schools will cancel due to the costs and risks of participating in the Tournament. Thus, opening up additional potential slots for us to get in the tournament.

I'd rather earn the bid vs backing in.
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Then we should have never played a tournament based on that logic as the flu kills 300,000-650,000 per year. So far the Coronavirus has killed 4607 people! This is stupid to say the least!
Logic has nothing to do with your post. It is about potential. This has the potential to be 10 times (if not more) deadly than the flu.
Ok so the virus is worse than the flu when we look at actual mortality rates.

Not saying freakout is totally warranted but I'm glad we are taking this seriously as opposed to not serious at all.

This is the most sane post in this thread.

I'll add a complete freakout is over the line, yes, but it also could be a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. People are complaining because it's "not as bad as the flu" but as said the mortality rates are actually worse and if it did spread and went worse case scenario people would complained not enough was done to prohibit it.

And like it or not, we don't have a right to have sporting events take place, that's a privilege.
If we did that we would cancel every game during flu season...10k in the US die from flu every year..there are 10 serious cases of corinavirus in the country right now....in fact 5k of the 5.8k serious cases are in Italy or China
False equivalence is the Dunning-Kruger Warrior's weapon of choice.....
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Yes it is. The CBI of course affects little. The overall economic impact of cancelling all of these events will be much more devastating than what is essentially the flu. We don't cancel the Olympics, concerts, semesters of classes due to the flu, and it kills thousands and thousands every year. This is a media firestorm over something that is a drop in the pond in the big scheme of things.
Glad to know your feelings. Leading experts in infectious disease and prevention disagree.

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