Can we trust Phillip Fulmer??

Can we trust Fulmer to make a good hire?

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Going forward can we trust Phillip Fulmer to make a good hire? Lot of reports that he might have been behind a lot of these attempted hire.

Yes, he’s the only one we can trust. The Hyam faction is group we can’t trust, are the ones effing everything up...are the ones who gave us Davenport, Currie, Kiffin, Dooley, Jones, Hart, etc, etc.

Give me Fulmer and the Charlie Anderson/Ergen side of the boosters who are willing to stop all the Haslam Dictatorial crap and let’s roll.
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If you can’t trust Phil Fuller than I suggest you find another team. This man bleeds orange. Got fired and instead of taking another HC job stuck around and supported the program. How many of you can say you stuck around and supported a job you are not at anymore?

I think Phil is a very likable guy (he called on Christmas day years ago) and has the sympathy from many (myself included) for how he was fired.

However, the above truth does not mean he is without fault. I am sure that he has his biases and sense of entitlement as much as many of the donors wanting to be a part of this search.

I have not seen a confirmed position that he has taken on any of the candidates in this search.

If Phil wants to be in charge, and it is unclear that he does, he should at least have been visible during the search thus far.
You cannot trust Fulmer. He was the captain of the sinking ship. It was his inability to look outside his own ego that brought our program down in the first place. If it is true that he has wrestled away support from the Haslams, then we are in no better a place at all. Both he and Haslams have the EXACT same problem.......they care more about their own over-inflated egos than actually trying to win football games for the players and the fans. They both think they are smartest people on earth. These egos are what is crushing our program. Changing from the Haslams to Fulmer is like changing socks to cure frostbite.
thats why he was our coach for all those years, why he won a national champ and why the team carried him off the field. we have been living with the curse of firing that man for a decade. we are the ones who got the big ego and fired him because he had 3 bad years. the man could get talent.
2 posts... clearly a troll.

The guy couldn't get hired anywhere... and he tried.

A troll? Unlike you, some of us prefer to just read and keep our opinions to ourselves. Unlike you, we don’t spew and regurgitate every thought that comes into our small brains. We choose to read and educate ourselves. Did the power of the silent not teach you anything in the last POTUS election? I’m a vol. graduated ‘91. My three daughters are vols. All grads. So don’t come at me with your troll BS and say my opinion is s*** because of it.
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Currie wanted Leach
Fulmer wanted Doreen

U tell me

You nor anybody else knows who Fulmer wanted or didn’t want.

And I’ll guarantee you this, there are coaches who will talk to Phil Fulmer and show legit interest in the job who wouldn’t even answer John Currie’s phone call. That I can tell you (Trump voice).
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No proof on this just thinking through a few things....

Fulmer's motivation seems simple. He wanted to be AD all along. Outside of that it appears that Currie was Haslams puppet, and there are at least 2 factions of boosters battling. Given his goal Fulmer isn't loyal to anyone other than himself in this battle. Behind the scenes he pushes the rumors of JG on one side, and helps prevent it from happening on the other knowing that the uproar would leave Currie vulnerable. He befriends Haslam and helps set up Schiano. If he could have predicted the fall out I am impressed, but at a minimum he knew the fans and other boosters would raise hell. Once Schiano happened it got even easier. You set up easy targets for Currie, and behind the scenes you make a few calls and tell them they don't want this job. In desparation, Currie goes out on his own and bam, Fulmer is AD.
Reed Carringer of Football Time in Tennessee magazine (formerly of Rockytop Insider)

“We will find out reaaaaaaal soon who’s calling the shots. Fulmer wanted to call Tee last week. Big $$$ donors said no. If that changes in the coming days, that’s a positive sign.”
You cannot trust Fulmer. He was the captain of the sinking ship. It was his inability to look outside his own ego that brought our program down in the first place. If it is true that he has wrestled away support from the Haslams, then we are in no better a place at all. Both he and Haslams have the EXACT same problem.......they care more about their own over-inflated egos than actually trying to win football games for the players and the fans. They both think they are smartest people on earth. These egos are what is crushing our program. Changing from the Haslams to Fulmer is like changing socks to cure frostbite.

He's one of us. We don't have a Natty without him.
I think the question should be do I trust Fulmer more than Currie? The answer to that is a resounding yes. All bitterness aside it has been painfully obvious Currie is in over his head and has no idea what he is doing. Just look at the last few coaches, they have nothing in common. Currie has no plan and knows nothing about coaches. Fulmer does. Fulmer does not take a dump without a plan.
that Natty was nearly 20-years ago!!!!

This is what it's like to sell your soul, isn't it? We got our 1 Natty back then.. but the trade off was we then spend the next 20+ years floundering. Helluva deal fam
Reed Carringer of Football Time in Tennessee magazine (formerly of Rockytop Insider)

“We will find out reaaaaaaal soon who’s calling the shots. Fulmer wanted to call Tee last week. Big $$$ donors said no. If that changes in the coming days, that’s a positive sign.”

If we end up with Tee after losing out on better experienced coaches and find out Fulmer was part of the problem - need to fire him again.

Sorry - just being blunt. We lost out on several really good head coaches here.
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If it's true that Fulmer was sabatoging the coaching hire, he needs to be removed from campus by security. Fuller may "bleed orange" but he was paid handsomely to do so unlike the fans who pay to bleed orange.
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Going forward can we trust Phillip Fulmer to make a good hire? Lot of reports that he might have been behind a lot of these attempted hire.

No. At this point he will be used to bring in underwhelming hires, in hopes that we'll trust him
No proof on this just thinking through a few things....

Fulmer's motivation seems simple. He wanted to be AD all along. Outside of that it appears that Currie was Haslams puppet, and there are at least 2 factions of boosters battling. Given his goal Fulmer isn't loyal to anyone other than himself in this battle. Behind the scenes he pushes the rumors of JG on one side, and helps prevent it from happening on the other knowing that the uproar would leave Currie vulnerable. He befriends Haslam and helps set up Schiano. If he could have predicted the fall out I am impressed, but at a minimum he knew the fans and other boosters would raise hell. Once Schiano happened it got even easier. You set up easy targets for Currie, and behind the scenes you make a few calls and tell them they don't want this job. In desparation, Currie goes out on his own and bam, Fulmer is AD.

Sad really - really sad.
I voted no. Need to really understand what was going on and his part.

You don't have to look far, and will never get the entire story. Just look for motivation. Fulmer's motivation in this entire ordeal was to become AD. Put the pieces in place from there.
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