can we stop recruiting mississippi jucos?

I'm not up to speed so let me get this straight...all three are going else where? I know about autry but not the other two.

I think O.Jacobs wasn't that impressive in the first place. I said it last week when he committed to us.
but when they switch to UT then all is good and dandy?!?! you can't have it both ways! It happens get over it and move on.

You're probably right. I'm just feeling the initial sting. But where I'm from if you look a man in the eyes and tell him something you do it. Kids these days don't have the gumption to stick with a commitment, and quite frankly that chaps my ass.
All the so called "recruiting insiders" lose their credibility after this. Im tired of getting sunshine pumped up my a$$ and then being disappointed when things go the exact opposite of how they are predicting to be.

There aren't any UT insiders on this board. Just a few tongue wagging attention whores.
You're probably right. I'm just feeling the initial sting. But where I'm from if you look a man in the eyes and tell him something you do it. Kids these days don't have the gumption to stick with a commitment, and quite frankly that chaps my ass.

yeah, i think it all just a shock to the fan base. It seems a mans word isn't worth anything anymore. But at the same time the coaches do the same thing when they pull a kids scholly or ask them to look elsewhere because of a CHANCE they can get something better.
I think all the loud mouths on here putting our coaching staff on blast does not help our cause one bit with recruits. People need to settle down on here on the coaching staff till at least the signing period is over, but you can't get that point across to some of them. It's like their agenda on being negative is more important then building the roster for the team they are suppose to be a fan of.
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I think all the loud mouths on here putting our coaching staff on blast does not help our cause one bit with recruits. People need to settle down on here on the coaching staff till at least the signing period is over, but you can't get that point across to some of them. It's like their agenda on being negative is more important then building the roster for the team they are suppose to be a fan of.

Yeah because this message board has so much to do with the ability to recruit or not :crazy:
Would like to believe that everything will work out in the end and all of this cr@p will be a moot point, but hard to believe at this point in time.:confused:
yeah, i think it all just a shock to the fan base. It seems a mans word isn't worth anything anymore. But at the same time the coaches do the same thing when they pull a kids scholly or ask them to look elsewhere because of a CHANCE they can get something better.

agreed, but it is my understanding that the coaches at least call the players and are up front with them in this process. What the recruit does after this is up to them and that's understandable. But to just flat out lie demeans a persons integrity and character immensely.
Yeah because this message board has so much to do with the ability to recruit or not :crazy:

If you think recruits don't read this board you are delusional. A recruit builds a relationship with a coach, that is the deciding factor on where they want to attend. If all the recruit sees is posts on how the staff needs to be fired, figure it out, their not going to want to come here.
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Got Sentimore, at least.

I'd be happy with never recruiting EMCC again. We had to fight for Izzy last year and the Autry and Jacobs situations are shady.
agreed, but it is my understanding that the coaches at least call the players and are up front with them in this process. What the recruit does after this is up to them and that's understandable. But to just flat out lie demeans a persons integrity and character immensely.

TRUE!!! I believe i read somewhere else that O. Jacobs did call the coaches to inform them. I don't know if that is true or not, you can't believe everything (or anything) you read on message boards. If it is true then I say he at least stepped and was a MAN up front. If not then I agree with you!
Got Sentimore, at least.

I'd be happy with never recruiting EMCC again. We had to fight for Izzy last year and the Autry and Jacobs situations are shady.

Who is the coach at EMCC? does he have a problem with the Vols?
That's because Sentimore is a p@#$y too.

I am officially manning up and recanting my statement about this kid. He's a stand up guy and came through with his word. My apologies to all volnation for my statements and mostly to sentimore for my heinous statement.
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People need to quit listening to these "insiders" who are saying "Christmas coming early" and all that crap- where are they now on these boards? What happened? It seems we are just a big joke and all the JUCOS are leading us on and Punking us? Its a little too coincidental that we supposedly had everyone from Autry to Jacobs/Sentimore and now they won't have anything to do with us? WTF? Our recruiting credibility is going down the drain fast.
All the so called "recruiting insiders" lose their credibility after this. Im tired of getting sunshine pumped up my a$$ and then being disappointed when things go the exact opposite of how they are predicting to be.

This is what trips me out about the recruiting forum. Folks like to act like they're so far above what goes on here in the football forum and that they're so much more enlightened over there....then boom. A guy misses a prediction & people start pulling out their knives.

But yeah, I think we should be done with Mississippi jucos. Too much of a headache, IMO.
People need to quit listening to these "insiders" who are saying "Christmas coming early" and all that crap- where are they now on these boards? What happened? It seems we are just a big joke and all the JUCOS are leading us on and Punking us? Its a little too coincidental that we supposedly had everyone from Autry to Jacobs/Sentimore and now they won't have anything to do with us? WTF? Our recruiting credibility is going down the drain fast.

Well, except Sentimore... Sorry... So when does Jacobs officially let us down or has it already happened??
If you think recruits don't read this board you are delusional. A recruit builds a relationship with a coach, that is the deciding factor on where they want to attend. If all the recruit sees is posts on how the staff needs to be fired, figure it out, their not going to want to come here.

You are the one that's delusional if you really believe that.

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