Can fights occur in coffee shops?

This is a valid topic. I walked past a woman the other day walking through Walmart talking on her speakerphone. I'm thinking damn, what makes you think everybody wants to hear your stupid conversation?!

The problem with those people is that they don't even bother to do the thinking that is described in the bolded part of the quote. The thought "does everyone else want to hear this?" doesn't even cross their mind. All they know is that they don't want to hold the phone to their ear, or they just prefer using the speakerphone, and so they are just going to use it with any other consideration.

Your average person is an idiot with zero self-awareness. I leave the grocery store miffed most of the time because 75% of the people in there will place/position their buggy and generally walk around the store as if they are the only person in there, or as if they are walking around their house or something. The thought doesn't even occur to them that they might be in someone else's way. Keep moving, and when you stop to get what you need or need to find something, position your stuff so you are out of everyone else's way as much as possible. It's just common courtesy.
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This is a valid topic. I walked past a woman the other day walking through Walmart talking on her speakerphone. I'm thinking damn, what makes you think everybody wants to hear your stupid conversation?!

AMEN brother! Amen!
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The problem with those people is that they don't even bother to do the thinking that is described in the bolded part of the quote. The thought "does everyone else want to hear this?" doesn't even cross their mind. All they know is that they don't want to hold the phone to their ear, or they just prefer using the speakerphone, and so they are just going to use it with any other consideration.

Your average person is an idiot with zero self-awareness. I leave the grocery store miffed most of the time because 75% of the people in there will place/position their buggy and generally walk around the store as if they are the only person in there, or as if they are walking around their house or something. The thought doesn't even occur to them that they might be in someone else's way. Keep moving, and when you stop to get what you need or need to find something, position your stuff so you are out of everyone else's way as much as possible. It's just common courtesy.

These people are also some times attention whoring drama queens(this includes men and women) that do any action possible to elicit some type of response from anyone.

These people also put every ounce of their life on social media for any response they can get from anyone.
At Snowshoe a few weeks ago, I came across a snowboarder in the lift line blasting reggae through a speaker. The rest of the patrons there seemed to accept that headphones are both convenient and more considerate while skiing a crowded mountain. I had the urge to give him a "What For?", but my kids were in tow. His countenance suggested that he *might* not have understood me, anyway.
Coug, didn't you once advocate hitting women?


The problem with those people is that they don't even bother to do the thinking that is described in the bolded part of the quote. The thought "does everyone else want to hear this?" doesn't even cross their mind. All they know is that they don't want to hold the phone to their ear, or they just prefer using the speakerphone, and so they are just going to use it with any other consideration.

Your average person is an idiot with zero self-awareness. I leave the grocery store miffed most of the time because 75% of the people in there will place/position their buggy and generally walk around the store as if they are the only person in there, or as if they are walking around their house or something. The thought doesn't even occur to them that they might be in someone else's way. Keep moving, and when you stop to get what you need or need to find something, position your stuff so you are out of everyone else's way as much as possible. It's just common courtesy.

Ahh, yes! Makes me think of strollers in amusement parks being used as battering rams.
Full account:

I had my monthly steak dinner with my friends at 730, so I decided to go to the coffee shop next to the restaurant at 5 and get some reading and work done. I sit down and there's probably 10 people in the place, half of them studying and doing work. For the first hour, everything is fine. I'm now reading and I notice this 25ish year old kid sit at the table next to me. No big deal, I keep reading. A minute later, I hear his music, and it's quite loud and clear that he's not listening on headphones. I assume he's a decent human being and that it will stop, but I can't concentrate. So, I put my book down and watch. The song ends and then be moves on to the next song. It's now apparent that he is going to be listening to his music, for all to hear, until he leaves (and, who knows how long until that happens). I probably spend at least 6 hours a week in various coffee shops, and this behavior is novel and aberrant. I look at this kid and it's pretty clear that he is not suffering from any mental disorder, he's simply inconsiderate.

TRUT: Excuse me.

Kid: Huh?

TRUT: Have you ever thought that what you are doing might be annoying to others?

Kid: What?!?

TRUT: Have you ever considered the possibility that other people might be around you and might be distracted and annoyed by your music?

Kid: No, bro.

TRUT: Well, you should consider that, because it is annoying.

The kid glares at me, but turns his phone off. So, I return to my book and keep reading. Meanwhile, I can hear the kid fidgeting in his chair and huffing. I keep reading. Fifteen minutes pass.

Kid: Yo man, that was a bold ****ing move.

TRUT: So it was.

Kid: You're an *******.

TRUT: So I am.

Kid: Listen dude, you can't just go around running your mouth and talking **** to people.

TRUT: I will say what I want to whoever I want.

Kid: Well, well, you don't know anything about me.

TRUT: I don't need to know anything about you.

Kid: But, but, you don't know who I am. Like, you could have just said the wrong thing to the wrong person.

TRUT: Are you that wrong person?

Kid: What?

TRUT: Are you going to do something about it?

Kid: Well, no, but, look man, if you run your mouth to everyone. I'm saying, that you don't know about them, and...

TRUT: And, what?

Kid: They could, I don't know, they might, they...

TRUT: I'm just going to stop you right there. I've been to Ranger School and I've been shot at in Iraq, buddy. There are few things left that scare me, and you're certainly not one of those things. I suggest you either shut the **** up, leave, or take a swing. We're done here.

At this, the kid grabbed his **** and left. There was an early 40s black couple a few tables over, and the guy just started laughing his ass off.

Moral of the story: when you're in public, if you can't deal with someone else letting you know that you are an annoying little ****, then don't be an annoying little ****.
Damn, I wish you had asked him what 15+17 was..maybe that could have de-escalated the situation.
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Full account:

I had my monthly steak dinner with my friends at 730, so I decided to go to the coffee shop next to the restaurant at 5 and get some reading and work done. I sit down and there's probably 10 people in the place, half of them studying and doing work. For the first hour, everything is fine. I'm now reading and I notice this 25ish year old kid sit at the table next to me. No big deal, I keep reading. A minute later, I hear his music, and it's quite loud and clear that he's not listening on headphones. I assume he's a decent human being and that it will stop, but I can't concentrate. So, I put my book down and watch. The song ends and then be moves on to the next song. It's now apparent that he is going to be listening to his music, for all to hear, until he leaves (and, who knows how long until that happens). I probably spend at least 6 hours a week in various coffee shops, and this behavior is novel and aberrant. I look at this kid and it's pretty clear that he is not suffering from any mental disorder, he's simply inconsiderate.

TRUT: Excuse me.

Kid: Huh?

TRUT: Have you ever thought that what you are doing might be annoying to others?

Kid: What?!?

TRUT: Have you ever considered the possibility that other people might be around you and might be distracted and annoyed by your music?

Kid: No, bro.

TRUT: Well, you should consider that, because it is annoying.

The kid glares at me, but turns his phone off. So, I return to my book and keep reading. Meanwhile, I can hear the kid fidgeting in his chair and huffing. I keep reading. Fifteen minutes pass.

Kid: Yo man, that was a bold ****ing move.

TRUT: So it was.

Kid: You're an *******.

TRUT: So I am.

Kid: Listen dude, you can't just go around running your mouth and talking **** to people.

TRUT: I will say what I want to whoever I want.

Kid: Well, well, you don't know anything about me.

TRUT: I don't need to know anything about you.

Kid: But, but, you don't know who I am. Like, you could have just said the wrong thing to the wrong person.

TRUT: Are you that wrong person?

Kid: What?

TRUT: Are you going to do something about it?

Kid: Well, no, but, look man, if you run your mouth to everyone. I'm saying, that you don't know about them, and...

TRUT: And, what?

Kid: They could, I don't know, they might, they...

TRUT: I'm just going to stop you right there. I've been to Ranger School and I've been shot at in Iraq, buddy. There are few things left that scare me, and you're certainly not one of those things. I suggest you either shut the **** up, leave, or take a swing. We're done here.

At this, the kid grabbed his **** and left. There was an early 40s black couple a few tables over, and the guy just started laughing his ass off.

Moral of the story: when you're in public, if you can't deal with someone else letting you know that you are an annoying little ****, then don't be an annoying little ****.

Have you put on a few pounds?..... were you dressed like a pudgy looking philosopher? He apparently thought you looked weak..... until
It's rare that I actually tell someone to change their behavior. Usually, I simply ask whether or not they have ever considered their behavior and the presence of other persons around them.

I'd like to think that most people don't realize they're being inconsiderate. I'm guessing that more often than not, when asked they stop doing whatever they were doing when you address them that way rather than being confrontational.
The last time I had an issue like this was on the Caney Fork while fishing. Me and a buddy were in kayaks and coming up on two guys in a small boat.... we moved over to the left as they were fishing the right bank. As we are about to go by we stopped paddling and was just floating to be as quiet as possible.... well one guy starts rowing the boat backwards while looking right at us as if he's going to cut us off..... just to be a jerk and run us over into water barely deep enough to float through...We had to move over even further to avoid colliding with him..... when we got further downstream my buddy asked wtf was up with that guy....about two hours later.... I look up and the two guys are floating down towards where we're now wading and fishing. There's a huge gravel bar that makes an island and the guy calls out to me and asks if I knew the time ..... I replied " yeah.... it's don't f'ing come through here o'clock... go down the other side".... he didn't respond and went the other way ..... probably figured we weren't worth the trouble
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I don’t think the risk is worth the reward in this situation. Be the bigger guy Imo.
Worst case, he kills me. I'm fine taking that risk.

Do you spar/grapple on a regular basis? Do you feel that your skills from Ranger School would still hold up well? Would you simply just punch the guy in the throat or poke his eyes and then pummel him?
Do you spar/grapple on a regular basis? Do you feel that your skills from Ranger School would still hold up well? Would you simply just punch the guy in the throat or poke his eyes and then pummel him?

I've seen tums fight. He's mastered getting on his back and up-kicking
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Do you spar/grapple on a regular basis? Do you feel that your skills from Ranger School would still hold up well? Would you simply just punch the guy in the throat or poke his eyes and then pummel him?

Ranger School does not teach anyone how to fight with any skill. Ranger School does nothing more than instill an attitude of perseverance through any suck. Moreover, being in combat does not teach anyone how to fight with any kill. Being in combat does nothing more than instill an attitude.

I confront individuals on a regular basis. In doing so, I very clearly understand that I am also running a risk that the individual may just shoot me or may fight and be a highly skilled fighter. So what?

I risk my life every single day, as does everyone else who happens to live in this world. While many don't pay any attention to the risk of driving or are not terrified by it because if they are seriously injured or killed it is depersonalized, they abhor confrontation with other persons. I'm not someone who abhors confrontation. On the contrary, I very much enjoy confrontation.
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Do you spar/grapple on a regular basis? Do you feel that your skills from Ranger School would still hold up well? Would you simply just punch the guy in the throat or poke his eyes and then pummel him?

Go jump on a ranger and see what happens... lol
Ranger School does not teach anyone how to fight with any skill. Ranger School does nothing more than instill an attitude of perseverance through any suck. Moreover, being in combat does not teach anyone how to fight with any kill. Being in combat does nothing more than instill an attitude.

I confront individuals on a regular basis. In doing so, I very clearly understand that I am also running a risk that the individual may just shoot me or may fight and be a highly skilled fighter. So what?

I risk my life every single day, as does everyone else who happens to live in this world. While many don't pay any attention to the risk of driving or are not terrified by it because if they are seriously injured or killed it is depersonalized, they abhor confrontation with other persons. I'm not someone who abhors confrontation. On the contrary, I very much enjoy confrontation.

WUT? You wouldn’t rely on the highly technical hand to hand techniques taught at Ranger school?

Yeah me neither.
WUT? You wouldn’t rely on the highly technical hand to hand techniques taught at Ranger school?

Yeah me neither.

For the next few hours, roll around in this mulch BS and do everything to convince your RIs that you are actually trying.
Go jump on a ranger and see what happens... lol

I had 7 years of hand to hand combat training from a former instructor in the South Korean military. I can throat punch with the best of them. :)
Ranger School does not teach anyone how to fight with any skill. Ranger School does nothing more than instill an attitude of perseverance through any suck. Moreover, being in combat does not teach anyone how to fight with any kill. Being in combat does nothing more than instill an attitude.

I confront individuals on a regular basis. In doing so, I very clearly understand that I am also running a risk that the individual may just shoot me or may fight and be a highly skilled fighter. So what?

I risk my life every single day, as does everyone else who happens to live in this world. While many don't pay any attention to the risk of driving or are not terrified by it because if they are seriously injured or killed it is depersonalized, they abhor confrontation with other persons. I'm not someone who abhors confrontation. On the contrary, I very much enjoy confrontation.

One thing to keep in mind..... sometimes even the goofiest looking dude knows how to throw hands.... you never know until they are being thrown.
One thing to keep in mind..... sometimes even the goofiest looking dude knows how to throw hands.... you never know until they are being thrown.

Yep. I remember a tiny bartender from my college days that filled in as a bouncer at the bar one night. Turns out he was a Marine. Some drunk guy tried getting in without showing ID at the door, then swung on this little guy when he was denied entry. The Marine beat him pretty good and left him bloody, then had him arrested. The Marine was completely unassuming, he never talked about his time as a Marine other than that time.

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