Cam Newton's post super bowl press conference

I saw the Josh Norman one..felt bad for him..he said right off "I don't want to be here" he was the first to come over and congratulate Peyton..easy guy to pull for
Show me someone who isn't a sore loser, and I'll show you a loser.

Peyton Manning is not a sore loser. If he wins or if he loses, he shows the same amount of class. So, would you say he's a loser?

A guy can lose a game and not be a loser--he man's up and acts like he ought to. That's the difference.

Not Newton tonight.
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I don't understand all the Cam Newton disdain. He is passionate and emotional in both his wins and his losses. So what?

I'm not a fan of his, but I can at least understand where he is coming from. He should have handled it with more class than that for sure. People need to understand all the crap he went through this year, and this week alone. He had been unfairly criticized all year and made to be some sort of bad guy. Who the hell is considered a bad guy for giving little kids touchdown ball, playing the game with passion and fun?? No one that's who. People also have to realize that people like him take losses hard, because they have rarely lost in their lifetimes. He's the best QB in the league right now, and plays the game with passion and has a good time. Let the KID be a damn kid.
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College QB's act more mature than Cam Newton. You'd never see Dobb's act like that especially if he managed to make it to the Super Bowl, the biggest football stage in the world. I get that you're hurt, you're disappointed, you're mad, but suck it up and act like an adult. You're a role model to kids and teeagers and your fans admire you so don't pout in public.
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He's right. We haven't seen anything like this from an African American QB.

Peyton shoe laces have more class than this clown.
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It would have been different if they were asking those questions right when the final whistle blew but he had a chance to go to the locker room and think about everything before speaking. That's why I think a lot of people are taken aback by it. I love the way he plays but man he has had these personality issues for quite some time and it's getting old. He needs to grow up.
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I was pulling for Denver. However I feel that people are being too hard on Cam. He's human. He's allowed to be disappointed and hurt. Hell most of VN acts the way Cam acts after a loss and we don't even play. Most of y'all want to fire coaches and start rumors of coaches fighting players. Acting childish isn't reserved only for, specifically VN acted childish at least 3 times this past year.
Show me someone who isn't a sore loser, and I'll show you a loser.

I'm guessing your definition of a sore loser is a competitor who is disappointed about losing. Most on here would define a sore loser as someone who acts without class and humility after a loss. There are no winners who are satisfied with losing. There are very few winners who act like a little bi*** after a loss. I have no feelings about Cam but will say he is surely the latter based upon his action in the press conference
Newton is still a Gator to me damnit.

I'm still a little pissed about him trucking Dennis Rogan in 2007.
He is young & he will learn from this. But he did not comment any crimes, punch any women, I haven't even heard him curse all year & everyone shows Jonny No Manizel more love than Cam.
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I was pulling for Denver. However I feel that people are being too hard on Cam. He's human. He's allowed to be disappointed and hurt. Hell most of VN acts the way Cam acts after a loss and we don't even play. Most of y'all want to fire coaches and start rumors of coaches fighting players. Acting childish isn't reserved only for, specifically VN acted childish at least 3 times this past year.
No, cam doesn't script every word that comes out of his mouth in public, including what brand of beer he will be drinking tonight. Therefore Cam is not allowed to be dissapointed. Didn't Peyton walk off without shaking hands when he lost to the Saints?

Oh, and 104 yards passing, 0 TDs, fumble and Int.
Sounds more like the Broncos were dragging his tired ole butt around.
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Every interview I saw with Cam this week it was obvious how great he thought he was...and how mistreated. People don't give him the cerebral credit as Peyton, or Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady but NO ONE has EVER seen a QB like HIM. That's why they're so MEAN to him...and all because he celebrates! Poor mistreated abused unappreciated Cam Newton.

You know...I wasn't too surprised about his behavior at the press conference. Losing is hard. It's even harder after losing a game that 90% of the "smart" people predicted you would win handily. I get that. Tough thing for anyone to do.


Cam Newton is a PRO. He gets paid millions of dollars to play a game. And part of his job responsibility is to get dressed, address the media post game win or lose, and to fulfill the duties on a team leader and representative with maturity and professional decorum.

Over the past few weeks, Peyton made sure the focus stayed on the TEAM and not himself. Cam? Not so much. And while Cam warmed up in gold lame cleats with MVP on them basking in his victory, Peyton had the names of the murdered Chattanooga Marines on his.

Did Peyton put the team on his back and carry them to victory? Nope. He didn't expect to. Cam Newton did, and his failure to do so obviously hurt. But Cam is not a KID. He's a grown man, who has a responsibility to act like a pro and THAT he did not do.

He will learn. I hope. Losing last night may have been the best thing to have happened to him. But I don't feel particularly sorry for him and definitely don't think he's being mistreated today. He brought all this on himself.

He could do a lot worse than to take Peyton as a role model and EARN that respect he thinks he's entitled to.
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Cam is a man who grew up with a shady as hell preacher for a dad who shopped him around to the highest bidder.

Peyton was born with a silver NFL spoon in his mouth and was groomed by his dad, a former NFL QB.

No difference. Peyton dropped his towel and shook his junk in front of a trainer. Eli got into trouble for boozing it up. But Cam is the only one to do something immature.

All hail the GOAT.
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Cam is a man who grew up with a shady as hell preacher for a dad who shopped him around to the highest bidder.

Peyton was born with a silver NFL spoon in his mouth and was groomed by his dad, a former NFL QB.

No difference. Peyton dropped his towel and shook his junk in front of a trainer. Eli got into trouble for boozing it up. But Cam is the only one to do something immature.

All hail the GOAT.

Comparing Cam to PM is like comparing the American Idol winner to a Frank Sinatra, Barbara Streisand, etc. There is no comparison!:hi:
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