Call of Duty: Black Ops

I think my reflexes are too slow for this game. Every time I shoot 1st i get a white X and they get like five and I die. I need an old mans league or something. I actually do better on Hardcore.
logged on to see that i have been reported for offensive emblem and it has been removed. not sure how this is offensive:


the I in AIDS was the man with the fist in the air. it was good stuff. oh well i guess random joe's emblem of a male penis and a womans vag with a white creamy substance is ok
I got a three day vacation for the line, "Do you know what the queers are doing to the soil?"
its a 2 wk ban from using the edit playercard. that'll teach me. i told shanman about it and we lulzed then proceeded to report everyone with an offensive playercard. at the end of the nite we also got to report a booster. 2 guys on on ps3 were on our team and letting the other team know where we were. prolly the biggest beat down i've ever gotten on that game. shanman caught on to what they were doing and as soon as the game was over they backed out. but ole they got reported
its a 2 wk ban from using the edit playercard. that'll teach me. i told shanman about it and we lulzed then proceeded to report everyone with an offensive playercard. at the end of the nite we also got to report a booster. 2 guys on on ps3 were on our team and letting the other team know where we were. prolly the biggest beat down i've ever gotten on that game. shanman caught on to what they were doing and as soon as the game was over they backed out. but ole they got reported

Was that after I left?
its a 2 wk ban from using the edit playercard. that'll teach me. i told shanman about it and we lulzed then proceeded to report everyone with an offensive playercard. at the end of the nite we also got to report a booster. 2 guys on on ps3 were on our team and letting the other team know where we were. prolly the biggest beat down i've ever gotten on that game. shanman caught on to what they were doing and as soon as the game was over they backed out. but ole they got reported

You're making me proud
Posted via VolNation Mobile
im just hoping my friend gets me to 15th prestige before the semester ends so i can claim to be a badass this summer.... or just a kid with no life. lol
its a 2 wk ban from using the edit playercard. that'll teach me. i told shanman about it and we lulzed then proceeded to report everyone with an offensive playercard. at the end of the nite we also got to report a booster. 2 guys on on ps3 were on our team and letting the other team know where we were. prolly the biggest beat down i've ever gotten on that game. shanman caught on to what they were doing and as soon as the game was over they backed out. but ole they got reported

wow. this game (other than zombies) is almost dead to me.
I love COD, but is Black ops getting boring for anyone else? Ive played maybe 20 games in the past month, just not as fun anymore.
It's fun. I cant play core, never could people just don't die lol. Hc tdm is a lot of camping since and spawn killers when I tried it.

I play CTF but have never tried HC. I played HC TDM all the time but for some reason never play HC on CTF.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
woke up at 4:50 AM to go to football practice and my roommate was still playing Black ops. He had been playing since like 10pm the night before. almost has me to 12th prestige.

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