Butch Jones rumored to be in Tuscaloosa

He's not being considered for a coaching position to recruit. It's on off the field position. Offensive analysis. Lol. If he gets job this is great news for all other teams....

Can't say I understand this very much.

I understand why Saban hired Lane Kiffin. He failed at USC, but he was one of the most brilliant OCs in the nation. I understand why Missouri hired Derek Dooley as OC. Dooley sucked as a head coach, but he's a top-notch WR coach and his offenses at UT were his strong point.

Butch was a great recruiter who was terrible at analyzing offenses. His track record as an OC was rather mediocre and almost all of his success came with Mike Bajakian running his offense. Once Bajakian left, I think Butch's offensive strategy shortcomings were exposed much more thoroughly. So it's difficult for me to understand why Saban would be interested.

If anything, Jones would probably be most suited to being an RB coach for his recruiting or some sort of scouting role (as he did admittedly find quite a few "diamonds in the rough" recruiting). Analyzing offenses was not his strong suit.
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Can't say I understand this very much.

I understand why Saban hired Lane Kiffin. He failed at USC, but he was one of the most brilliant OCs in the nation. I understand why Missouri hired Derek Dooley as OC. Dooley sucked as a head coach, but he's a top-notch WR coach and his offenses at UT were his strong point.

Butch was a great recruiter who was terrible at analyzing offenses. His track record as an OC was rather mediocre and almost all of his success came with Mike Bajakian running his offense. Once Bajakian left, I think Butch's offensive strategy shortcomings were exposed much more thoroughly. So it's difficult for me to understand why Saban would be interested.

If anything, Jones would probably be most suited to being an RB coach for his recruiting or some sort of scouting role (as he did admittedly find quite a few "diamonds in the rough" recruiting). Analyzing offenses was not his strong suit.

I dont know. He may be pretty good at it without all the other pressures. Granted he is/ was horrible at most other aspects. But if he has time to break things down without managing people, speaking in public, in game decisions etc he may do well.
Can't say I understand this very much.

I understand why Saban hired Lane Kiffin. He failed at USC, but he was one of the most brilliant OCs in the nation. I understand why Missouri hired Derek Dooley as OC. Dooley sucked as a head coach, but he's a top-notch WR coach and his offenses at UT were his strong point.

Butch was a great recruiter who was terrible at analyzing offenses. His track record as an OC was rather mediocre and almost all of his success came with Mike Bajakian running his offense. Once Bajakian left, I think Butch's offensive strategy shortcomings were exposed much more thoroughly. So it's difficult for me to understand why Saban would be interested.

If anything, Jones would probably be most suited to being an RB coach for his recruiting or some sort of scouting role (as he did admittedly find quite a few "diamonds in the rough" recruiting). Analyzing offenses was not his strong suit.

Sexton calling in a favor.
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I feel like Saban should be charging people at this point. He has become the sucky coach rehab center. Kind of a postgraduate PHD education for coaching in the NCAA.

With that being said I could always see a reason for his other rehab hires. Lane, love him or hate him, is a pretty good OC. Earlier when they were talking to Art Briles I thought it made sense because Briles is a good coach. Other than recruiting enthusiasm I never really saw Butch excel at coaching. In fact, it seemed he was constantly out coached by powerhouses like UMass. Player development did not happen under his tutelage as well. History has taught me though that Saban has good instincts so it will be interesting to see what he brings out of Butch.
Didnt UT make like 105 million in revenue last year? Not sure why some posters are concerned with him getting a job so he can "save the school money." His buyout is chump change.
So he gets a job paying $30k, and we continue to be on the hook for the rest?

Exactly, hes just coasting, and dosen't need to jump back into coaching with his buyout. This will keep his resume' up, and maybe even add to it with the success of Alabama. It appeared he was in discussions for an Offensive Analyst position, so I doubt Bama wants him anywhere near the field anyways.
nick saTan heard that butch has a big pile of bricks for sale cheap.

He brought him down to see how cheap and if butch would oversee the brick by brick construction of a new wall and bar-b-q pit in his back yard.

I have to fess up and admit that I actually liked the brick by brick thing and watching butch on NSD stacking the bricks with each new players name on it.

We all know I'm old and weird though so that fits, LOL!

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Didnt UT make like 105 million in revenue last year? Not sure why some posters are concerned with him getting a job so he can "save the school money." His buyout is chump change.

So if you make 105 mil in a year and it's all ear marked and then you add 6 mil on top of that, it's not chump change. I wish more of you understood how revenue works. Many of the same that have the above idea are the ones screaming pay the players.
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