Butch Jones 100% committed to UT.

Move on. This is a non issue. Coach Jones made his choice and it's UT. He's here until he wants to leave.

Bring on the gamecocks!
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Count Volcula read this and is now in a fetal position in a corner somewhere, sucking his thumb, pulling his ear, crying his eyes out right about now. He can not believe and hates that Butch is staying!
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Never spent anytime on other teams boards.
Can someone tell me - Do other fans get excited about standard speach over jobs that were never offered? Or is it just our fans?
Never spent anytime on other teams boards.
Can someone tell me - Do other fans get excited about standard speach over jobs that were never offered? Or is it just our fans?

It takes very little to get this place whipped into a frenzy.
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Per Butch Jones on Vol calls he is 100% committed to UT and will be here for a long time. His family loves it here and he is not going anywhere. Hopefully this ends all the talk.

I am happy with my job as the head coach of the Miami Dolphins and Wayne is a great owner. I see myself being here for many years to come. I have not spoken to anyone at the University of Alabama and I am not interested in the University of Alabama job.

I am happy with my job as the head coach of the Atlanta Falcons. I plan to stay here and weather the storm. I have not had contact with anyone at the University of Arkansas. I am the head coach of the Atlanta Falcons for the long haul. Love this place and the players. They are like sons to me.
Not true

I've had plenty of options over the years, but my principals out way my need for BJ

Well said, CV. However, after 37 years of blissful Holy matrimony, I've found that, with the right woman, my principals and BJ's go, ahem..., hand-in-hand. And,BTW, she feels the same way. Life is good, my friend. GO VOLS!!!
People need to realize that most coaches are really sub-contractors. They come in (typically with their crew) and get contracted to do a job until a better one comes along whether "better" is measured by more money, closer to home, alma mater, etc or they get fired from the job.

Most coaches have no real loyalties to a university. They, like everyone else are loyal to themselves and their families.

Moreover, fans should be shrewd enough to realize they are fans of the team, not necessarily the coaches, who may come and go.
Smokescreen ...Reliable source...Plane from Knoxville..Gruden will reportedly wear maize and blue tie on Monday that is part of a secret code warning Vol Nation


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Not to be a negative nancy, but it's easy to be 100% committed to a place when you have 0 job offers to go anywhere else.

He sounds sincere, though. I hope he's saying the same thing after he takes us to an SEC championship.
Not to be a negative nancy, but it's easy to be 100% committed to a place when you have 0 job offers to go anywhere else.

He sounds sincere, though. I hope he's saying the same thing after he takes us to an SEC championship.

Or perhaps he sees much more potential in the SEC than anywhere else.....

SEC is home to some of the best Football teams in the country after all. And I honestly see why he'd stay at UT. There's a boatload of potential that he would never get at a place such as Michigan.
Or perhaps he sees much more potential in the SEC than anywhere else.....

SEC is home to some of the best Football teams in the country after all. And I honestly see why he'd stay at UT. There's a boatload of potential that he would never get at a place such as Michigan.

Counter point: Urban Meyer
'Better to be a big fish in a little pond'
Or perhaps he sees much more potential in the SEC than anywhere else.....

SEC is home to some of the best Football teams in the country after all. And I honestly see why he'd stay at UT. There's a boatload of potential that he would never get at a place such as Michigan.

I didn't say he was looking to leave, just that at this point his words are pretty meaningless. Just like I refuse to accept any nominations to run for POTUS. Don't even contact me about it. I won't listen.
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Not to be a negative nancy, but it's easy to be 100% committed to a place when you have 0 job offers to go anywhere else.

He sounds sincere, though. I hope he's saying the same thing after he takes us to an SEC championship.

I guess that will all depend on how much we're willing to pony up. Really that's all it comes down to, $$$.
I think buTch made promises to our young kids and their parents and that he plans to stay here and keep those promises.

If he leaves we're totally screwed for another 5 years.

He's worked too hard so far to build his recruiting classes and get quality kids that will be winners on and off the field and I don't think he's going to wak away from all his hard work.

I also believe he wants to prove himself in the always brutal SEC as 1 of the best coaches and recruiters in college football and when you Win alot in the SEC you will eventually get championships.

Counter point: Urban Meyer
'Better to be a big fish in a little pond'

When history looks back on Urban Meyer and his accomplishments, which ones will be acknowledged to a higher degree? His extreme success, and two BCS championships, in Florida or his wins and nothing more in Ohio state?
Money money money Money money



This will die down once Michigan hires its next coach or Jones and his agent squeezes an extension or renegotiated contract out of Hart.

The question for me is whether Hart plays hardball( being a relative term, I felt the offer was fair for what Martin had accomplished) or not like he did with Martin.

I don't blame Jones for playing the game one bit but anyone who thinks he isn't playing it is naive.

He got an extension and said the same things to Cincinnati the year before he proceeded to interview with Purdue, Colorado, and eventually take the job here.

I don't think circumstances has him going anywhere near future but the one thing to count on with these coaches anymore is to not count on anything.

If any fan base should know this, it's the Vols.
This is a lot more concrete than the other statement. I don't think he would make it if he is considering a different job. He would look like a Saban/Petrino if he bolted now.

You think those guys give a rat's anus about how others perceive them?
Michigan is a quicker turn around than TN. The smart decision would be Michigan if the opportunity really comes available.
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