BREAKING NEWS: Janzen Jackson withdraws from school. (merged)

I will be surprised if we ever see JJ in a UT uniform again.

Speculation and rumors notwithstanding, there's a lot of smoke surrounding JJ, and where there's smoke...

I have the uneasy feeling that JJ's football career, both college and potentially pro, is slowly circling the proverbial drain.


Go Vols.
It was reported on the Sports Animal today about 4;00 - 5;00 PM that JJ was in Drug Rehab last summer, and Also last Dec. Not sure who said it ( one of the commentators), but he said he knew it for a fact. Kid seems to have 9 lives, wonder how many the rest of the team would get?

How in the heck did he pass random drug screenings? If this is true, other players especially non-star players would have been suspended indefinitely or released from the team.

How many chances does this guy need? He was in on the robbery deal though cleared. Then, he goes back home to take care of personal issues before the bowl game last season. Now, we get news of this! I don't like where this is heading.

Jackson has a chance of becoming a superstar player at Tennessee. His next step would definitely be the NFL. I hope he gets his life together. He has all the ability in the world. But, does he have the mind to deal with all this? It's just sad to see stuff like this happen.

I'm wishing him the best. Get your life right first Janzen and then get back to playing football. That's if all this is indeed true! :sad:
I'm sorry, but let's allow the kid to heal before we start seeing "We need him back ASAP because he is a beast".

You guys are better than that, at least I hope you are.

How about he gets it straightened out and moves on with his life away from distractions that might have caused this? i realize the vast majority of you only want what is best for him, but man guys, let the kid become better and stop worrying about football.
So is it confirmed that Janzen is in some type of rehab (mental or drug related)?

No! In fact Jimmer Hyams is the source of this rumor, so it's more than likely not true. Remember the same Hyams said Gabe Wright was VFL. :eek:lol:
Not trying to start anything, but don't you think we should wait 10 mins or so before posting something like this, at least wait to find out what is really going on? Hope JJ works it out, was really looking forward to watching him bust somebody this fall
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Darn solid advice but some people on this forum are the type who would sit outside a player's dorm room with a stethoscope to the door. Just so they can browbeat the kid for sneezing instead of farting.
well lets see there was an armed robbery that went on... you gonna sit here and tell me he didnt know dam well what was going on that night.... then there was a weed thing if i remember correctly... then there was the bar brawl where he was "telling our guys to leave and to do the right thing" I dont believe that for a second. then there was another drug/fire alarm issue. then the "family issues" which we can only speculate what that means... now he is gone.

i mean i loved the kid on the field but my god, how many chances to get your head on straight.

You might want to heed some advice instead of presuming to judge another:

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matt. 6:14-15
I tired of Janzen. At some point in his life, he's going to have to realize he has obligations and can't just quit and come back whenever he wants. If Obama had personal issues, would he resign as president and say he wanted to retain his title a few months later? No.

Here's a tale for you:

Maybe I should have had your attitude five years ago. I had am out of state student. Her family's house burned down. Her baby brother expired from burns due to said house fire. She asked me to let her leave at mid semester and make up the work next semester. She didn't tell me why beyond it being a very important and depressing family matter. She asked me to believe her that she had a situation that wouldn't let her focus on classwork. Three teachers had already denied her request. I looked into a face that defeated, a person just beaten to the ground and below it. So I told her to go. I told her when she was ready to come back have an outline on how she was going to make up half a semester of work and we'd take it from there. It wasn't until near semester end another student showed me an online article of a newspaper website from that girl's state that I or anyone in class even knew why she had left. Her classmates sent cards and ordered flowers for her. I got in touch with her and told her to take all the time she needed to get back. She came back the next semester and finished up.

Perhaps I should have had your attitude and denied her request and kicked her out of class instead of being compassionate. I'm certain that would have met your standards based on your comments above.
Alright. I'm done with this pointless argument. I'm happy and hopeful to have all of them for 2011, but continue thinking Hunter and Bray are better players right now, myself and the entire coaching staff will continue to disagree. JJ is the best player on our roster.

Made a mental note to revisit this during the season. Again, if one of the three had to be missing from this team....happy it is Jackson.
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