Bray Interview

if you really want to talk about childish I wish I had taken a screenshot of the threads/posts that were made on VN immediately following the loss to UK. I would venture most of the posters are older than Tyler and he handled himself better than just about all of them even thought they have invested way less.

You my friend have effectively executed the best post of the day.
Is amazing to me. At the start of the year when Bray was slinging it all around, I bet half of you were all on the band wagon and one bad game back and now you are calling him childish and that he is not a leader. I thought TRUE fans stick with their team through thick and thin (now). Rome was not built in a day and neither will getting UT back to the top.
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if you really want to talk about childish I wish I had taken a screenshot of the threads/posts that were made on VN immediately following the loss to UK. I would venture most of the posters are older than Tyler and he handled himself better than just about all of them even thought they have invested way less.

:good!:This is the post of the year.
It's a transcript from here.


And I agree, "immature" is being kind.

I think you are a little harsh, he seemed down to me.... he is the QB and just lost to Kentucky, what would you expect, seems about like Dooley did the day after
I think you are a little harsh, he seemed down to me.... he is the QB and just lost to Kentucky, what would you expect, seems about like Dooley did the day after

Off subject,

but everytime I see your avatar I think Kate Beckinsale (sp?)
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Funny OP because I wonder how you acted after the Kentucky loss. All of us, for that matter. I know 90% of this board probably acted worse and more immature.
Maybe not childish, but it wasn't the strong presence I'd like to see. I'm not Bray hater by any means, I am excited to have him in fact. It wouldn't have hurt had he been a bit more vocal I guess.

You just said "I guess" like him just like a non seasoned interviewer responds , most of these players are 18 & 19 years old .
Bray on how he can become more of a leader in the future: “Just probably try to get my adrenaline going. I don’t know how you can be more of a leader.”

As a former coach, this statement makes me face-palm! He can learn to be a better leader! His team will NEED him to be a better leader....therefore I hope he thinks about that statement and figures it out! I like Bray and hope he breaks every record he can at UT, but he needs to know that there is always room to improve...real players find a way to better themselves and their team!
Bray has never really given a good interview. Not his strong suit, and he's just a kid. But not knowing about the Streak -- c'mon, man!
REALLY???? 5 pgs of comments and no one brought up the fact that he didn't know how many yrs in a row we had beaten KY??? He's a soph and should have gotten the lowdown on it the yr before. It was the longest streak in the country!!!! Honestly, to me this shows that maybe just maybe they really don't care if they don't know things like this. IMHO that's all.
REALLY???? 5 pgs of comments and no one brought up the fact that he didn't know how many yrs in a row we had beaten KY??? He's a soph and should have gotten the lowdown on it the yr before. It was the longest streak in the country!!!! Honestly, to me this shows that maybe just maybe they really don't care if they don't know things like this. IMHO that's all.

There was a thread war over that point earlier this week.
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